Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 605 Klein’s desperate situation

There is a parked ship floating in the dark subspace.

In the darkest corner of the ship, Klein leaned against the wall, groped for the dagger in the darkness, and carved a vertical line on the wall.

That's one stroke of the character "正".

Klein put down the dagger and asked himself questioningly, forcing himself to recall everything about this "positive" counting method.

Then he answered himself.

It was a counting method that I accidentally saw Qin Mo use when he was still the leader of Tailong Nest City Dichao.

Whenever the guards completed a battle, Qin Mo would carve a stroke on the wall of his laboratory in Dichao Fortress, and then these strokes would form the character "正".

"What does that mean? Does it look like hieroglyphics?"

Klein forced himself to recall more content, including his conversation with Qin Mo at that time, because he was afraid that he would forget it all.

"This is called Zheng. There are five strokes in a Zheng. The so-called stroke is to draw a line with a writing instrument... It's not important. The key is that Zheng can be used for counting."

"Then what can be used to count? Legion Commander."

"Anything goes, any non-astronomical count you can imagine, drawn on the wall, on paper, on a data pad, even on the belly..."


Klein now uses this counting method to count how many years he has spent in this dark, ghostly place.

One stroke represents a month.

Klein was counting the seconds silently all the time. He didn't dare to stop because he was afraid that once he stopped, he would forget how long he had lived here and how old he should be according to the age calculation method outside the subspace.

While counting silently, Klein recalled the past.

He must remember.

Because he is afraid that he will forget his hatred.

Because of that transaction with a family of Rogue Traders named Caesar in the Calixis sector.

The patriarch of the Caesar family, a neurotic bastard, took a fancy to the flagship of Tyrone's Rogue Trader, so he decided to buy it.

The terms are very generous.

Management rights for five agricultural worlds, twelve frigate-level ships, two hundred thousand throne coins and supplies equivalent to eight hundred thousand throne coins.

But for Klein, the flagship was not as simple as a Rogue Trader ship. It was a gift from his leader and friend who had been through life and death when he decided to leave the army.

Of course Klein couldn't agree. The Caesar family patriarch nodded and let the matter go.

Klein thought that was the end of the matter.

As a result, the next day, while talking about selling the dimension engine, the clan leader tricked Klein into boarding a frigate, and then ordered the frigate to sneak into the subspace.

Klein's life on the ship is almost the same as when he was in the Undernest War Zone.

Kill people, escape tracking, and hide in dark corners of the ship.

That is where it is now.

And then survive.

Klein tried to fake his own death, deceive the ship's managers, and then once the ship left the subspace, he tried to steal a transport plane to escape.

But thinking that I had shot the three-eyed guy in the head, I had to give up this plan.

Escape from the hiding place every day, follow the ventilation ducts to other parts of the ship, eat and drink in the crew settlements on the ship that even the captain himself has forgotten, and work as killers and mercenaries for the crew until the settlement The land was discovered by the captain one day, and all the people there were massacred.

This is how Klein has survived for a long time.

"He's here!"

"I promise you he's here!"

"Can you give me my daughter back?"

There was a burst of words, followed by a burst of chaotic footsteps.

That was the sound made by military boots stepping on the metal floor, and Klein was all too familiar with this sound.

There were a few laughs among the chaotic footsteps, and then there were gunshots and the sound of someone falling to the ground.

Klein didn't have time to pay attention to so much information. He subconsciously huddled in the shadows, holding two large-caliber homemade pistols in his hands. He bought them with the money he saved as a mercenary for others in the forgotten corners of the ship.

But just doing this little thing is of no use at all.

Klein suddenly recalled his life fighting in the hive.

As long as he is still wearing the officer's power armor, he can kill all the enemies that come to him.

Or just stay with Qin Mo, as long as he is around, everything will be fine.

Klein was terrified.

Staring at the entrance to the hiding place with widened eyes.

Trembling hands clenched the pistol.

The fear of death made Klein almost collapse, but he still planned to die heroically.

Instead of being picked up by the neck like a dog wagging its tail and begging for mercy, and then waiting for my daughter, who may be dozens of years old, to hear her enemy show off to her one day: Your father died like a wild dog.


The sound of a gunshot awakened Klein from his pre-death thoughts.

A gunfight breaks out outside.

Something is fighting against those who come looking for it.

Klein waited nervously.

Until the sound of a human body being torn apart was heard.

Inside the hideout, Klein could see the shadow on the wall outside the entrance.

It was a shadow cast by the dim light.

A terrifying object close to three meters tore open a trembling soldier, tearing it open with his bare hands, just like tearing bread.


Klein exclaimed in his heart, immediately threw away the pistol and groped around randomly on his body, and finally found a small bomb in a pocket.

The patriarch of the Barent family grasped the small bomb he found with all his strength. At this moment, he did not act like the head of a noble merchant dynasty, but like a desperate soldier.

The torn flesh fell to the ground with a thud.

The three-meter-tall monster turned stiffly and walked towards the entrance.

Klein can analyze all this through the shadows on the wall.

Eventually the monster comes in.

It was a metal skeleton that was three meters tall and looked extremely strong. Its structure looked like a human skeleton, but it was an enlarged version and was inlaid with metal armor.

Hanging from the skeleton's back is what looks like a pump-action shotgun, except that the shotgun has eyes.

In the eye sockets of its skull, scarlet eyes stared at Klein.

Klein held the bomb tightly, his hand already on the fuse.

But the metal skeleton did not kill Klein. Instead, it projected a red light from its eyes to scan everything here.

The red light illuminated the dark hiding place, and the densely packed characters on the wall behind Klein were clearly visible.


The metal skeleton pulled out the shotgun, grabbed the guard of the shotgun with one hand, and loaded the shotgun with a swing of his thick iron arm.

The mouth of the skull moved up and down, and a cold mechanical sound reached Klein's ears.

"Follow me."

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