Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 603 The 42nd Millennium

The function and form of the static stance were distorted, turning it into a more sophisticated and efficient life-support instrument.

Bei Kun's body is protected by pure material power, and the wounds are recovering quickly, but her consciousness has not yet recovered, and she is equivalent to a puppet with an empty body.

Eisenhorn on the side was still injecting psychic energy into the heretical items. He suddenly found that whether it was because he was too old or for some other reason, the gadgets in his hand required more psychic energy, and it became more difficult to take effect. many.

But fortunately, the heretical stuff still works.

The hexagram-like thing floated slowly, and subspace energy was rushing out of this thing that opened the channel between the real universe and subspace.

Eisenhorn brought out many more goodies.

Exorcist Talisman.

The skeleton of an exorcist from the dark ages of the human race.

A handwritten letter written by the Emperor at an unknown time.

There are many more.

This is not the first time that Eisenhorn has used heretical blasphemy against creation. He has plenty of experience.

When no demons could get their hands on this space, Eisenhorn looked at Qin Mo and nodded.

Bei Kun's consciousness was gradually gathering, until an expression appeared on her face, and Qin Mo and Eisenhorn realized that the time had come.

It was a look of pain.

Bei Kun felt that her consciousness was being annihilated by the psychic titan, but everything was flowing backwards, and a look of determination soon appeared on her face.

The look on her face when she was willing to fight a Titan alone for Eisenhorn.

"This is it!" Qin Mo shouted to Eisenhorn.

Eisenhorn stared at Bekun, seemingly hesitating, then showed determination and shook his head vigorously.

Bei Kun's expression turned dull again, then joyful. She always had a smile on her face, and she was obviously an optimistic and cheerful person.

Reverse from death to the eve of the last mission, to daily life, to the first acquaintance of Bekun and Eisenhorn.

But Eisenhorn didn't stop.

Bei Kun was reversed to the time when she was still a person who sold her body in exchange for a living. Until then, Eisenhorn stopped.

Qin Mo opened his hands and then clenched them suddenly.

A ray of energy spreads around with Bei Kun as the center.

Eventually everything settled down.

Under the suppression of the exorcism amulet and many sacred items, the six-pointed star item slowly settled down and fell back into Eisenhorn's palm.

Bei Kun woke up.

The girl sat up, pulled her clothes out of habit, and then realized that she was not only wearing clothes, but also wearing a very good and decent dress.

"Eisenhorn, you shouldn't..."

As soon as Qin Mo opened his mouth, Eisenhorn tremblingly walked up to Bei Kun, grabbed her hand and put it on his face.

"sorry Sorry……"

Eisenhorn apologized to Bekun.

Qin Mo didn't know whether he was apologizing for saving Bei Kun so late, or for going too far, or for dragging Bei Kun into danger again and again.

Bei Kun was far more confused than Qin Mo. She looked at Eisenhorn and felt neither sadness nor melancholy.

She touched Eisenhorn's old face with her hand, and then showed a sweet smile: "No matter what you say, I won't let you go if you don't pay me when you're done."

Eisenhorn reached for his waist and took out a small package. He tremblingly showed Bekun the contents of his package.

A bag of throne coins, a small piece of eagle gold, and various Eldar jewelry.

This money is enough for Bei Kun to become a rich woman in the hive world.

Seeing so many valuables, Bei Kun didn't accept the money immediately, but stared at these things blankly.

This smart girl noticed something.

It is impossible for a person to give so many good things to a special worker like himself for no reason, and look at the clothes of the person in front of him...

This is obviously a man of extraordinary origin.

Bekun raised his head and stared at Eisenhorn.

His hand gently caressed Eisenhorn's weathered skin.

Eisenhorn nodded tremblingly.

The two looked at each other for a while, and Bei Kun became increasingly sad.

A tear slipped from the corner of Bei Kun's eye.

Under Qin Mo's gaze, Bei Kun looked at Eisenhorn sadly and said softly: "You... you are me... you are my lost father?"

Eisenhorn lowered his head and wiped his eyes.

Bei Kun thought Eisenhorn acquiesced, hugged him and said: "My mother abandoned me very early, and I met her again when I grew up."

"Met her on the same street."

"After we met, she asked me to smoke."

"Then she told me that one of her customers was a wealthy businessman who came to the nest, and then there was me. Maybe you are my father."

"But I couldn't ask carefully because she immediately threw away the cigarette butts and went to receive customers."


Bei Kun talked about family affairs with hesitation.

Eisenhorn held her hand and lowered his head to listen, his body trembling. There was no expression on his face, and he could not show any expression, but the cry came from his mouth.

First I cried with regret.

The cries were accompanied by laughter.

Smiling happily for Bei Kun's recovery.

Qin Mo didn't know what Eisenhorn was thinking about not stopping the heretical creation in time, but letting Bei Kun's consciousness return to before the two met.

Seeing Bei Kun's current state, he will definitely regret it. This is human nature.

But he was happy that Bei Kun didn't remember those painful experiences after he woke up.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

Until Eisenhorn was affected by the Soulless One and had a splitting headache. He quietly knocked out Bei Kun and then stood up.

The judge turned back to the cold tough guy and saluted Qin Mo: "I don't know how to express my gratitude. These things are given to you."

Eisenhorn turned around and walked to the corner, dragging out a huge box.

Inside were the trophies of Eisenhorn's most magical adventures throughout his lifetime.

There are also items that are relics of Eisenhorn's friends, apprentices, and mentors.

"I will put these things in a static position and collect them very carefully." Qin Mo carefully sent the box into the dimensional space, for fear that these things would be bumped in the real universe.

After delivering the things, Eisenhorn looked at Bei Kun: "Can she go to live in the Tyrone Star Region?"

"Of course." Qin Mo nodded, "She will be sent to a planet with only soulless people, or to a city with only soulless people. If she likes to open up a new home, then she can join the colonial fleet. In short, she No need to sell your body and suffer cold looks anymore.”

"I still hope she can live a better life, better than others." Eisenhorn murmured.

Qin Mo nodded: "Then she can sell the things you gave her, and then hire an investment consultant to invest in some colonies or emerging industries... In short, because of your gift, she can certainly live a better life than others."

Eisenhorn was completely relieved and handed Qin Mo the key to the secret hiding place.

Qin Mo felt as if Eisenhorn had no intention of living anymore, and he couldn't help but worry about the fate of this legendary judge.

Eisenhorn noticed it, and he patted Qin Mo on the back without laughing. His words contained the relief of having relieved all the burdens: "The regent asked me to investigate some things. I may never come back. I am now You can go and die without any worries."

Hearing this, Qin Mo thought for a moment and nodded: "The confrontation with the enemies of mankind is a major undertaking that will last for hundreds of thousands of years. Don't care too much about gains and losses over time, and don't throw away your life casually, like you Such people are a benefit to the entire human race just by being alive.”

"But some things have to be done by someone. For the Emperor, for humanity, and for the 42nd Millennium." After Eisenhorn said that, he turned and left, leaving only a majestic figure behind.

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