The meeting ended after only half a day.

Although neither the Supreme Minister nor the guards stopped talking for a moment, nothing useful was said.

The meeting is confidential, but before the contents of the meeting are announced to the public, there is another force besides the participants who knows the contents of the meeting.

That is the Inquisition.

"Your sector is simply a model sector for the empire, and you are the model subjects of the God Emperor, so..."

"Thank you for the Pope's compliment, but we have nothing to discuss about the issue of the state religion in the sector."


In the courtroom.

Under the words "Qin Mo is here for a visit" engraved in ancient Terran characters, a group of inquisitors were listening to the meeting of the High Lords Council.

As for why the judges can hear it...

Don't ask, asking is the privilege of beheading first and then showing the palm seal.

"They didn't seem to talk about anything."

"I think so too."

The judges looked puzzled. They thought that the high ministers of the High Lords Council would talk about some sensitive matters in the meeting, but it sounded like nonsense.

Some people suspect that it is a code word based on the art of domination.

But some people soon denied it.

Because the level of code language of the Tyrone people is not as good as that of the inquisitors, and they are as immature as babies when it comes to playing around.

"Because there's nothing to talk about."

A deep and deep voice came, and all the judges followed the sound, and their expressions became serious.

The person who came was a fellow judge who had no expression on his face and looked like a robot.

All the judges present knew that this colleague was not unkind or unsmiling, but his face had been tortured before, so he was paralyzed and unable to make any expressions.

The old inquisitor was tall and handsome.

But in this era, tough guys are the most common in the empire.

So the most distinctive thing is his green shoulder armor.

When the old inquisitor walked over, some inquisitors from different factions had already stood up and left to avoid suspicion, but as they left, they all looked at the senior with mixed looks of respect and suspicion.

Only a few inquisitors remained who did not care about factional distinctions.

Among them is Lord Inquisitor Chuck.


Chuck stood up and hesitated for a long time. His face was extremely excited, as if he had seen an idol.

The visitor nodded to Chuck, and then said to the remaining people: "They didn't talk about anything, because the most important part was not to talk, but to invite the Tyrone people to Terra."

"Since they agreed and came, that's the most important thing."

"Because this proves that the empire and the Tyrone sector can communicate. Regardless of whether Tyrone is actually a subordinate of the empire, on the surface they are still a member of the empire."

"Like many sectors of the Empire."

"And we can also see the Tyrone people's thoughts from the side."

"They have no intention of engaging in civil war between human races."

After hearing what the senior said, all the judges present suddenly realized.

Then, the old inquisitor, who was either respected or questioned by Chuck and the people present, looked at Chuck.

Chuck stopped hesitating, quickly moved his chair behind the senior, and asked him to sit down.

But the visitor did not sit down. He just patted Chuck on the shoulder and asked him: "Can you help me contact him? I want to meet the Lord of Tyrone."

"Of course!" Chuck nodded vigorously.

As the only Inquisitor alive in the Tyrone sector, Chuck has a way to communicate directly with the guards.

Chuck sent a message to the person in charge of intelligence liaison among the guards, explaining the senior's request.

Then the guard asked who was coming.

Chuck shakily typed a name into the communicator.


Eisenhorn stood in the secret stronghold of Holy Terra.

In front of the old inquisitor is a stationary station, and there is a woman stored in the stationary station.

The woman looked very beautiful. She was not as old as Eisenhorn because of the many years of staying in a delicate position.

Eisenhorn looked at her.

Watching silently.

This Inquisitor, who was once thought dead by the Inquisition, returned to the Inquisition half a year ago. He wanted to serve the Imperial Regent and use his nearly exhausted lifespan to fight against the enemies of mankind.

He was a legend, but he didn't expect to be very effective.

It's just to kill some corrupted heretics and some Chaos warbands, and provide a little pull back for mankind who are rushing towards the road of destruction, that's all.


A call sounded from the shadows behind the Inquisitor.

Then Eisenhorn turned his head and saw a young man slowly walking out of the shadows.

"Lord of Tyrone." Eisenhorn bowed slightly.

Inquisitors were not required to salute the governor of a sector, but Eisenhorn knew that the person in front of him was more than just a governor or a lord.

Besides, he still had something to ask for.

Qin Mo looked at Eisenhorn, surprised and excited.

He had just complained about why the guards didn't send him the news about Eisenhorn earlier, and then he immediately found Eisenhorn's secret stronghold.

Eisenhorn was wondering how Qin Mo found him. In his imagination, he should have been introduced by the guy named Chuck, and then met at the residence arranged by the high lords.

But considering the rumors he'd heard, Eisenhorn wasn't bothered.

" are a legend." Qin Mo said excitedly.

If there are any inquisitors in the Inquisition that Qin Mo admires, Eisenhorn is one of them. The other refers to a group of inquisitors who can still maintain rationality in their dealings after possessing the power of inquisitors.

Eisenhorn is an unquestionable legend.

He eliminated the fallen inquisitors and smashed the alien conspiracy outside the Star Torch.

He was once declared an enemy of mankind by the empire and was jointly suppressed, but he was cleared of his grievances and found out the mastermind behind the scenes.

He is a walking legend and a walking story.

"Do you know me?" Eisenhorn was curious. He could see that the young leader in front of him was very interested in him.

"Yes." Qin Mo nodded in response, and then added in his mind.

In Eisenhorn III…Quartet.

Qin Mo looked at Eisenhorn from top to bottom, and then looked at everything here curiously.

It's very empty here, with only one static stand, that's all.

After seeing the still position, Qin Mo suddenly became less excited and became sad.

Lying in that still position is Eisenhorn's lover.

Like the people before him, Eisenhorn had lost a lot.

Friend, brother, apprentice, lover...

Those he cared about, those who cared about him, all left as he grew older and became legendary through experience, or died or heard nothing from them.

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