Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 593 Remembering

The Supreme Master of the Dark Angels and Ezekiel arrived in person.

The two people who were ready to bear the Lion King's wrath did not bring everyone in the inner circle with them, lest everyone be killed and the Lion King would have no one available.

When Azrael and Ezekiel arrived on the flagship, the Invincible Verity, in a transport plane, a funeral was taking place on the flagship.

The funeral was held in a vast and cold area on the lower deck of the Invincible Truth.

Azrael was stunned for a moment after the mortal lion guards pushed open the door, because the scene in front of him was so shocking.

A high platform was placed in front of the wall with a painting of the knights conquering the giant beast.

All the Dark Angels who had come to the solar system before were standing here in groups, but they were standing instead of kneeling on one knee and holding their swords as required by etiquette.

On the ground lie the bodies of two battle brothers.

Those are two company commanders.

One of the company commanders had a sword stuck in his body.

Their genetic father, Ryan, was holding the body of a Dark Angel and standing solemnly in front of everyone.

The father of genes is bleeding from his hands.

Seeing this scene, Ezekiel used his spiritual power to explore and understood everything instantly.

Just now, before they arrived, a battle broke out here.

Ryan attempted to hold a funeral for the dead fallen angel, Zabriel.

The two dead company commanders objected, but this was not the cause of their deaths.

When Ryan forced a funeral, the Dark Angels refused to kneel. It was then that Ryan's accumulated anger exploded, and he slashed to death the two company commanders who took the lead in refusing to kneel.

But after the two company commanders were hacked to death, the Dark Angels still refused to kneel.

That's why they stand.

Instead of continuing to kill, Lane focused on conducting the funeral.

This forced Ezekiel to admit that the genetic father had changed too much, otherwise he would kill those who refused to kneel at the funeral of the Chapter members until they knelt out of fear.

But Ezekiel understands all battle brothers, if he had been here before, he would have refused to kneel for a pathetic fallen angel!


When Azrael tried to speak, Lion hissed at him to keep silent.

Azrael instinctively closed his mouth, speaking cleanly without any delay in even half a syllable.

"There are still people who haven't arrived yet." The Lion King looked at the mortal Lion Guard Captain.

Just as the captain was about to answer, there was a sound of footsteps.

Nearly a thousand Primaris Dark Angels walked in along the door.

They had no idea what was going on. When they realized that there seemed to be a funeral, they quickly gathered together and knelt down.

Everyone who should be there arrived, and the Lion King held Zabriel's body and walked towards the high platform.

The original body walked to the position in a few steps, and then laid Zabriel's body flat on the high platform.

The flames burst into flames.

The Lion King took two steps back and silently stared at the heir burning in the flames on the high platform.

Zabriel had his limbs and head chopped off before he died, but now he is whole.

Because a biological sage from Mars found a way to connect Zabriel's limbs, but it just made Zabriel die a little more decently.

Amid flames that could burn through armor, a black sphere hung around Zabriel's neck.

That's a teleport beacon.

The Lion King discovered that thing while sorting out Zabriel's relics, and then he rubbed it and found that he was instantly teleported to the bridge of the Glorious Humanity.

Zabriel could have been immortal.

When he was surrounded by the Terminators, he only needed to reach out to his waist and lightly touch the transmission beacon, and then he could leave the Invincible Truth in an instant.

Kian will definitely take people to kill people in the flagship of Tyron Navy.

But whether you dare to go and whether you can do it are two different things.

In the bridge of the Glory of Humanity, the Lion King saw the death video of Zabriel. He saw Zabriel reaching for his waist, but stupidly pulled out his two guns and carried out a meaningless resistance.

But the Lion King knew that it was not stupidity, but Zabriel was trying to change something with his death.

"My death will change everything."

As Zabriel said to Kian before he died.


"My loyal heir."

The Lion King's rich voice echoed throughout the space.

"He was hunted and misunderstood."

"But he did not fall into the arms of evil forces. He organized local people on a planet called Karis to defend themselves against the beasts."

"He took the lead in the war of five hundred worlds."

"In memory of him."

"A loyal heir who is loyal to humanity, loyal to the Emperor, and loyal to his genetic father."

After saying these words, the Lion King looked at the others.

But there was no reaction from anyone except those Primaris Space Marines.

"Praise be to the faithful!"

Azriel shouted loudly, then drew his sword, took off his helmet, and knelt down on one knee with the sword in his hand.

The Dark Angels looked at Azrael in confusion.

After thinking for a while, Ezekiel did the same and knelt down with his scepter.

There was surprise in the Lion King's eyes. He looked at Azrael, feeling moved and appreciative in his heart.

But what Azrael said next made the Lion King instantly angry to the extreme.

"He was our battle brother, he was a testament to the friendship between the Dark Angels and the Ultramarines, and let us honor his memory," Azrael said.

Even the Lion King realized that Azrael's performance was just a ploy.

He didn't want those Primaris marines to know about the Fallen Angels, so he preferred to kneel down to pay homage to Zabriel.

However, the Lion King realized that Azrael was covering up, but he did not realize Azrael's motives.

Azrael did not want the people present to doubt Zabriel's identity, and wanted the outsiders present to think that Zabriel was a member of the Dark Angels.

The Lion King felt that Azrael didn't really remember him, he was just trying to please him and pretend to remember him.

"He is the fallen angel that your inner circle has been chasing!"

The Lion King let out a loud roar.

Everyone present, except Azrael and Ezekiel, looked confused.

What is a fallen angel?

Inner ring?

What is that?

Even within the Dark Angels, there are very few people who know about the existence of the Inner Circle and the Fallen Angels.

"Let us finish this funeral decently, and the Grand Master and I will explain it to you."

Ezekiel uses his powers to send a message to Ryan.

"Don't cover up for me!" the Lion King roared.

Ezekiel subconsciously formed a psychic barrier in front of him and Azrael.

It seemed as if the lion king would rush over in the next second, and their heads would fly into the sky with the last syllable of the roar.

"I won't listen to any of your explanations."

"Get out of my flagship and wait for my call."

Ryan said as he glanced at the Primaris Space Marines, then turned and left without even looking at Azrael and Ezekiel.

The Primaris Space Marines then stood up and left with the Genefather.

Azrael and Ezekiel first looked at the Dark Angels who were stunned, and then looked at each other, both feeling that something was wrong.

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