Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 52 Punishment

"Shoot, shoot him!"

The guards shouted and focused their fire on the hammer.

The heavy hammer dodged dexterously. At this time, his metal prosthetic body not only did not make him slow, but even made him more agile.

After dodging the attack, Heavy Hammer rushed in front of the guard and slashed every enemy in front of him with his battle ax.

After killing a group of guards, the heavy hammer rushes to another group of guards and cuts, and the cycle repeats.

His movements are always agile and powerful, and his physical strength seems to be inexhaustible.

Grote looked at the heavy hammer in shock, watching him kill all the guards on the ring, then rushed into another gate, killed the gatekeeper, and then rushed into the arena building.

Grote quickly followed.

When he entered the door, he discovered that it was a prison cell.

There are two doors in the ring, one leads to the backstage and the other leads to the cells, and the cells naturally contain the people who are about to become gladiators.

There are criminals, pit slaves, and other civilians obtained by unknown means. Some of these people have been injured during training.

Grote wanted to free them, but the hammer split the chains on each prison door first.

Just when Groat thought the Hammer was rescuing them, the Hammer killed the injured who were full of respect for him.

"What are you doing?!" Grote asked angrily.

"I'm really rescuing them. It's better to be rescued than to survive." Zhongmai spoke while distributing all the weapons he could find to others.

These weapons are some of the instruments of torture in the cell, or things like tables and chairs.

"That's enough. Come back with me." Grote reached out to the hammer.

"I'm not going back, I'm going to execute everyone here, and I'm going to find Maya." Heavy Hammer said and walked towards the corridor, preparing to enter the upper floors of the building from the corridor connecting the cells.

After that, of course, he slaughtered all the people he could find in the arena.

"Follow me!" Grote raised his hand and pointed it at the hammer.

"Kill me." Heavy Hammer continued walking, "Even if you want to kill me, I will do what I have to do, for the brave champion!"

"Fuck you brave champion!" Grot turned around and controlled the shoulder cannon to shoot at the statue.

The beam was fired from the shoulder cannon, penetrating the wall and all obstacles in its path, blasting a large hole where the statue of the Valiant Champion was.

At this time, all the blood in the arena that was gathering towards the statue stopped flowing.

Heavy Hammer didn't know that the statue had fallen out of his arms. He glanced back at Grote and then continued to move forward.

Grote was almost driven crazy, and in his rage, he stopped blocking him and turned around to leave in the opposite direction.

After walking to the center of the ring, Grote called for an unmanned transport aircraft, jumped on the transport aircraft and left.

Groat returned to the ring a few seconds later and used his shoulder cannon to blast away at the arena building before calling the transporter back and jumping on it.

This time he really left and never returned to the arena.

While taking the transport plane back to the passage, Grote suddenly saw that his own ground troops outside the first area had blocked the entrance and exit of the entire area. Gray and Klein were directing and dispatching soldiers to block the area.

Soldiers wearing power armor entered the building near the entrance, pulled out all the people inside, and used rifle butts to knock down the resisters.

"It's broken..." Grote's anger dissipated a little at this time, and when he saw his own army on the ground, he instantly realized that he had caused a big trouble.

After a whole Terra day.

David came to the position occupied by the First Army. Different from the last time, this time he not only brought Strong Brain Cat, but also brought all one hundred guards equipped with power armor.

When David came to the position and found Qin Mo, he found Qin Mo squatting on the ground assembling a new piece of equipment.

This equipment looked like a kind of signal tower, and its specific purpose was unknown, but David could see the soldiers who were taking their families to the bottom nest walked to the signal tower, and then they all disappeared.

"This is a more stable transmission device that is more energy-saving and efficient." Qin Mo said in a show-off manner.

David didn't understand the advantages of this device at all, and he didn't come here just for the teleportation technology. He got straight to the point and said what he meant: "Why did your people blockade the first area?"

Qin Mo did seal off the first area.

Just the day before yesterday.

The 47th Regiment led by Klein not only sealed off the first area, but also emptied every building inside, and no one was allowed to enter or leave the first area, whether he was a gang member in the first area or a gang member going to the first area. Nest aristocrats and wealthy people.

"Groat, come here." Qin Mo did not respond immediately, but greeted not far away.

Then Grote walked up to Qin Mo, took off his helmet and knelt down on one knee.

After seeing Grote, David felt angry because he heard someone report that a man named Grote was killing everyone in the arena, and even destroyed the buildings of the arena before leaving.

"His sister was sold, and his brother worked as a gladiator in the arena." Qin Mo looked at David, "It's not just him, I received reports that some soldiers could not find their families, and some soldiers were lucky I found out that my family was in District 1, but they were not looking for fun, but were being looked for fun."

Grote, who was kneeling on the ground, knew that Qin Mo was not looking for trouble and that what he said was true.

After he came back yesterday, he thought that Klein and Gray were going to arrest him. Later he learned that some soldiers found his family in the first area, and then the 47th Regiment went to seal off the first area for search.

"I'm not very clear about this situation..." David said.

"Of course you don't know, of course." Qin Mo said, "When my soldier's family was lying on the floor of the dark and damp small room, wrapped only in a rag, enduring the torture while muttering the emperor's blessing. You're not watching, so how do you know this situation?"

David stared at Qin Mo dissatisfied.

The strong-brained cat in his arms felt his master's emotions and turned his eyes to stare at Qin Mo.

Qin Mo also looked at the strong-brained cat, and then felt the coldness and cruelty in its eyes...

It seems that there are all kinds of conspiracies and sinister strategies hidden under those vertical eyes.

Strong-brained cats will establish a spiritual connection with their owners, and their personalities will reflect their owners' personalities.

For example, strong-brained cats raised by the Dark Eldar will be as cruel and cruel as their owners.

Qin Mo thought that the David in front of him was not as kind and upright as he seemed, and then thought about what Mimic said that the hive city was being corrupted...

It can be concluded that it is true that David was a believer, but the believer was not necessarily the emperor but Tzeentch.

"I can understand your feelings." David said, "I'm sorry, this is the fault of the upper management of the hive city. We are willing to take responsibility. You can do anything to the first area. I will declare to the outside world that this is betrayal." The punishment of the Emperor’s men.”

"Thank you." Qin Mo did not expose David on the spot and decided to find an opportunity to investigate him.

"This is what I should do." David turned and left.

Grote was relieved after seeing David leave. He was originally worried that Qin Mo would hand him over to calm David's anger.

"You take off the guard's power armor and teleport back to the bottom nest. A teacher who can teach you how to repair the logistics machinery is waiting for you." Qin Mo said suddenly.

"Legion Commander...don't..." Grote begged quickly.

"Don't call me Legion Commander, you are now an honorable citizen of New Cato and not one of my guards."

"..." Grote stopped defending. He stood up and took off his power armor. He had no resentment in his heart because he knew that what he did the night before was worthy of execution. Now go back to the bottom of the nest. Maintenance of logistics machinery is a mercy.

But what Grote didn't know was that Qin Mo didn't blame him for destroying the arena, but just felt that there was a high probability that he would be corrupted if he continued to fight.

But Qin Mo didn't want to execute Grote directly, so he could only find an excuse to let the main control intelligence keep an eye on him.

In Qin Mo's vision, Grote will survive as a civilian in the future and will only engage in maintenance work until his death.

"It's my honor to serve you." Grote saluted as an eagle and turned to leave.

A soldier immediately stepped forward and grabbed Grote's shoulder, activating the protective device.

When both of them were enveloped by the barrier, they were teleported together to the new Cato in the bottom nest.

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