Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 490 Discipline

The place where the Lord of the First Legion finally awoke was not within Tyron's sphere of influence, but outside Tyron's Gate.

Ryan woke up from his sleep in confusion and found that he had a shield in his hand.

It was a shield from the Emperor, and its name was as simple and straightforward as Guilliman's Emperor's Sword, it was called the Emperor's Shield.

Ryan found this shield when he was unconscious and running around last time, and he was hanging in the "dream".

Just like in those ancient myths and fables of Terra, the hero reaches for the shield and then wakes up to find the shield in his hand.

He even wears armor now.

The dark green armor has a knight-like style, and the helmet has the style of Arale from the ancient Terra animation, with two wings on both sides of the helmet.

But Ryan knew that this armor was not the one he wore before falling asleep. The so-called lion helmet on his body did not have a defensive stance that could be activated automatically when no one was wearing it.

"That old guy who fished..." Ryan sat up, suppressing his headache and recalling his dream.

In many times of sleep and awakening, Ryan could see the old king sitting on the calm river fishing, and he was sure that he was seeing the same one, because those old kings were all covered in bruises.

It was difficult for Ryan to figure out what the old king meant.

Could it be that he represents his father?

Covered with bruises... sitting there motionless...

Very similar.

But how could my father still have time to fish?

The lion was puzzled, and then he simply stopped thinking about it. Anyway, things that he couldn't figure out for a while would have answers later.

Ryan looked around.

This seems to be a state church, with the statue of the father standing not far away, but the church looks very dilapidated.

Nothing good except the statue.

And Ryan himself was lying on the bed under the statue, just being overlooked by the statue of his father.

The face of this statue was carved to be very kind and benevolent, with the words "God loves the world" between his brows and eyes.

But Llane swore the Emperor didn't look so benevolent.

When the news that the original body had awakened reached outside the church, a large group of people ran in.

These people were armed with a variety of food and drink, as well as various utensils for religious worship.

They devoted themselves to serving the Son of God in their hearts, and lined up in a long line to take turns offering food and drinks to Ryan.

"Where did you find me?" Ryan opened a lunch box with the words Tyrone Sector Supply printed on it, threw away the broken spoon that was no longer than a little finger, and grabbed the contents with his hands to eat.

No one answered Ryan's questions. They seemed not to care about anything about the Son of God, but they offered various foods and drinks with concern for Ryan between their eyebrows.

This is weird.

"Are you all mute?"

Everyone looked anxious and wanted to respond to Ryan, but they seemed to be frightened by something and did not dare to respond.

"That ruthless man is my father." Ryan pointed to the statue of his father. "And I am his child. If you believe in the God Emperor, you should answer all my questions."

Ryan did not agree with the state religion. He knew what people ten thousand years later did not know - the emperor was seriously injured by his favorite son.

How could a true god be hurt?

But whether he agrees or not, Ryan is still happy to use the convenience brought by his identity.

"Because once you speak, you will attract terrible things." A ragged priest with a Mediterranean hairstyle walked up to Ryan and bowed to him.

"Stand up and speak, man." Ryan ordered the pastor to stand up, and then asked him, "You said it will attract something terrible? What do you mean?"

The priest then explained the rules on this planet.

On this planet far away from Tyron's Gate, everyone must abide by the rules set by the planet's governor.

Don't speak, otherwise you will attract evil spirits.

You cannot cook, otherwise you will be punished by God.

They cannot reproduce, otherwise they will suffer from the burning fire.

"Huh? A typical small planet of tyranny." Ryan didn't care about the rules spoken by the priest. "Why do you listen to the governor? Instead of gathering a group of people to kill this bastard governor?"

The pastor looked at Ryan helplessly and shook his head vigorously: "Because the Governor made these rules just for us. This is an evil planet, and we can't survive if we don't abide by the rules."

The priest seemed ready to die because he had broken his vows.

But he didn't care, there was a fanatical light in his eyes, he was willing to dedicate his life to the Son of God just to talk to him for a few words.

"Do you really think the Governor is doing it for your own good?" Ryan looked at the others.

Everyone nodded vigorously.

"Okay..." Ryan took a deep breath and looked at the pastor blankly, "So you are going to live like this, not talking, not cooking, and not reproducing."

After speaking, Ryan pointed to the emperor's statue: "Why doesn't he care about you?"

The priest saw Ryan pointing at the statue of the God Emperor. Someone else would have had his hands chopped off, but since it was the Son of God who did it, he had no choice but not to look.

After a moment of silence, the priest said: "Our life will have an end, and that is when the servants and envoys of the God Emperor in the Tyrone sector come here and divide our world into their sector."

"Bullshit, they don't care about you at all. Otherwise, you are just a stone's throw away from the Gate of Tyrone. Why doesn't the star district that advertises justice come to help you?" Ryan retorted mercilessly.

The priest did not dare to argue with the Son of God, so he could only remain silent.

Then the pastor began to arrange the funeral arrangements, asking his wife to remarry someone else, and letting his children go out and start another business with their savings.

The family hugged each other and cried.

"Stop crying!" Ryan stood up, grabbed the pastor's collar and pulled him outside the church. "Come, just stand here and let me see who will kill you?"

The priest already felt that he was in a dead end and didn't care anymore. He collapsed on the ground and waited quietly.

Ryan was guarding the side with the Emperor's Shield.

In Ryan's speculation, the governor of this planet is probably a psyker, worse than a psyker.

If he really releases psychic energy to kill the priest, then Ryan thinks he will notice it and the Emperor's Shield will protect him, and then he will have enough reason to kill the Governor.

"The devil is coming!"

"They're coming!"

Several shouts reached Ryan's ears. He turned his head and saw the civilians in the church staring in the direction of the priest with fear on their faces.

Ryan turned to stare at the priest again.

The pastor covered his neck with a horrified expression, his body tensed up, he twitched a few times on the spot and then died.

Ryan was stunned.

He, a man who had purged countless psychic tyrants during the Great Crusade, now did not know how this priest died.

The temperature didn't drop.

Ryan was also unaware of psychic powers.

everything is normal.

But the pastor who had spoken was dead.

The two people in the crowd who had shouted that the devil was coming were also dead.

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