Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 485 Special Operations

"Thank God."

Zabriel heard Ryan murmuring non-stop, his eyes and words full of brotherly love.

But in Zabriel's eyes, Ryan was not so benevolent.

In the thoughts of this Space Marine who was once slaughtered by the Gene Father together with other recruits, Ryan wished that it was Guilliman who died on the Vengeful Spirit, but now he is very happy that Guilliman is still alive. only one.

Ryan is like the person in Caris's army who was punished to clean the toilet. When he found out that there was another unlucky guy who had already shoveled the shit here, the two people would immediately become friends even if they didn't know each other. Mutual pity and the joy of having an unlucky person with you.

Guilliman was the one who was "shoveling the shit" first.

Zabriel then told Ryan more about the present ten thousand years later, but he deliberately concealed many things about the Tyrone sector.

Because some things in this sector seemed a bit heretical to Zabriel, and he didn't want another primarch to know about these things, especially a primarch who liked to make trouble and was extremely irritable.

The conversation was pleasant as the two put aside their past disputes due to Ryan's incomplete memory.

Ryan ten thousand years later is obviously not as domineering as ten thousand years ago. This is completely different from the Ryan in Zabriel's impression.

The conversation continued until a group of Space Marines and xenos came to the tavern looking for Zabriel.

Ryan found these Space Marines to be quite strange.

Some Space Marines with bone spurs on their bodies.

Three Space Marines burning with fire.

As for the aliens, they weren't that strange. They were just some Eldar people wearing Eldar ranger armor, with the Arkworld logo on their chests scratched off with a knife.

Ryan didn't know what Zabriel's purpose was, but he started to introduce these Space Marines to him.

"A combat team of the Black Dragon Chapter. They were born in the 21st founding of the army. Their bodies will grow bone spurs and the like due to mutations."

"The three battle brothers of the Burning Falcon Chapter, they were also born during the 21st founding of the army. They were purged by the Inquisition, and only four of them were killed. The mutation made them burn all over and would not harm themselves. of flames.”

"Son of Antaeus."

When Zabriel introduced the last battle squad, Lion discovered that the Space Marines named Sons of Antaeus were not much different in height from the Primarch.

Zabriel's men were at arm's length with the Space Marines of the Sons of Antaeus.

Obviously, the mutation in their gene seeds results in extremely tall bodies.

"Where are your battle brothers?" Ryan asked.

Of course the Primarch was talking about the fallen angels.

"They didn't want to be slaughtered by you, so they hid themselves." Zabriel didn't tell the truth, but he didn't give Ryan a chance to continue questioning, and walked straight towards the greenskins.

There are twelve greenskins in total, all wearing human military uniforms, with red ax symbols printed on their weapons or shoulders.

Blood Ax Clan Special Forces.

"Follow us, aliens." Zabriel looked down at the greenskins who were drinking.

These green skinned boys looked at each other, and then the special operations boss stood up and shouted: "What qualifications does Ning, a big shrimp, have to order us? How many teeth can you show?"

Zabreel put two bolt guns on the head of the special operations boss: "I can't take out a tooth, but if you don't do what I say, there will be no more green skins in Admiral Kharis." This creature.”

The special operations boys and the boss looked at each other, and finally they all stood up and followed Zabriel.

Ryan still doesn't know what this is for, and Zabriel didn't explain it. He left two throne coins for the tavern owner and led everyone out of the tavern.

Ryan wanted to follow, but Zabriel and his group walked too fast and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"What did they do?" Ryan looked at the tavern owner.

On the chest of the tavern owner is the emblem of the state religion and a pendant that represents his belief in the God-Emperor. There are also many signs in the tavern that represent the beliefs of the state religion.

Obviously, this boss is a person who believes in the God Emperor.

Facing the Son of God, the boss thought for a while and replied: "I guess... every large-scale operation they do should be to do one thing... kill the Inquisitor... This is not a secret on this planet."

"How dare you deceive the eldest son of the God Emperor?" Ryan's eyes widened. "If you dare to fool me with such nonsense again, I will call my father to excommunicate you."

The boss blinked and finally pointed out a place on the map hanging on the wall behind him.

In the south of the city, which is besieged by ferocious beasts, there is an abandoned underground facility.

Forced by Zabriel to the underground facility, the Green Pete team began to sneak into the facility.

The bodies of the special operations boys were hidden under the box with two holes cut out. The whole team moved while listening to the boss explaining tactics and mission objectives.

"Our goal is to kill all the shrimps who believe in wontons."

"We sneak in quietly, without any sudden noise, and then pop out in front of those shrimps, suddenly suddenly!"


After listening to the boss's explanation, a special operations boy asked curiously: "Boss, why are there shrimps with wontons on this ball? If there are, why don't those big shrimps rush in with us instead of tutu? Waiting outside?"

"I don't know." The boss shook his head frankly, "Those big shrimps told me. We get paid to work."

The special forces team carried the box and sneaked all the way into the deepest part of the underground facility.

Although the Blood Ax clan and its branches advocate military discipline and special tactics, they are still green-skinned and do not have as rigorous thinking and tactics as humans.

The affairs of the followers of Chaos are given to them by Zabriel's orders.

And these greenskins couldn't figure out why the enemy appeared in the underground facilities of the fortress city, why those big shrimps didn't come in with them to fight, and why they couldn't see any enemies on the road when they went deep into the enemy's nest.

There is only one thing they can understand - they are paid to do things, no matter who pays them, and they do whatever they are told.

Finally, the Green Pete team sneaked into the deepest part of the underground facility.

There were no Chaos believers there who were worshiping the blasphemous totem, only two men and a woman who were tied to chairs and looked very miserable.

They held hands while being chained, appearing to be a couple.

The couple's bodies were covered with traces of being branded with irons.

That's the symbol of the Inquisition.

The special forces team who had worked for the Ordo Xenos shrimps recognized the symbol immediately, so they didn't fire immediately when they emerged from the box.

And the camouflage of these green skins is also very clever.

The moment they jumped out, the couple whose bodies were branded with the symbols of the Tribunal discovered the special forces.

Then, complex expressions appeared on their faces.

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