Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 473 Special Skills

Qin Mo's words were quite penetrating.

Vic still stood there, and Severn dropped his hand from the hilt of his sword.

The two old friends in Agrippina's forging world who had the same beliefs and goals looked at each other and were thankful that Qin Mo asked directly.

"Agrippina's forge world doesn't need any benefits. This is what I can decide...but other forge worlds..."

Vic told the story of his organization of the pilgrimage expedition.

A ruling sage of a forge world wants to convince other forge worlds that organizing reinforcements without the permission of the forge general is not something that can be done with faith alone.

If the higher-ups of the Order ordered all Forge Worlds willing to support Tyrone to organize their own reinforcements, there would be a total of six hundred Forge Worlds willing to do so.

But in a situation that may lead to serious consequences and attract excommunication from the order, nearly three hundred forging worlds sending reinforcements need not only their faith, but also a little benefit.

It can be said that the organization of the pilgrimage expedition relies on one thing - Vic's mouth.

But Vic never said what he promised, only that the Forge Directors of the Forge World and the members of the order above were the same people as him and Sewing, that is, they did not agree that the Emperor was Ohm Mise. There is another person, the sub-self, the Om Messiah.

And they now think they have found the Om Messiah.

Regarding the belief in the Mechanicum, even Qin Mo doesn’t know who the Ohm Messiah and the God of All Machines refer to. He can only describe it in one sentence: There is no Ohm Messiah or the God of All Machines, or, Both can be the Ohm Messiah and the God of All Opportunities.

Except Vashtor.

"So what pie did you draw for them?" Qin Mo raised his hand to signal Vic to stop talking about useless things and tell him directly what he promised.

"A shared STC template, and..." Vic paused for a moment and continued: "All the improvement projects participating in the Forge World."

After listening to what Vic said, Qin Mo was silent for a long time and gave a thumbs up: "Absolutely."

The improvement project that Vic mentioned probably refers to the improvement project that makes the forging world more orderly and efficient.

The forge world is the kind of place where magma flows everywhere and factories are layered into the sky.

Due to the continuous transformation and additions over the past 10,000 years, these foundry worlds can be described with two words: Shit Mountain.

It does not refer to a mountain of accumulated excrement, but a mountain of shit in the code. No one can understand it, and no one can improve it. It is a blessing from the gods that it can continue to operate, even if it has become a mountain of piles of shit. No one dares to clean it up, otherwise there may be huge trouble.

The Adeptus Mechanicus members of the Forge World are not just random people. Each generation of them will use the most accurate and secure plans to add or delete facilities on the Forge World. But the problem is that no matter how powerful you are in transforming people, there is a limit. In the long history, there will inevitably be mountains of shit.

The fact that the Forge World did not turn into chaos like a hive city is proof that the Mechanicus advocates logic and calculation.

Therefore, the STC template is not the most technically difficult thing that Qin Mo needs to realize, but improving the shitty forging world is.

Seeing Qin Mo frowning and thinking, Vic and Sewen looked at each other again. Both of them thought that the pie they painted for other forging worlds might not become reality.

An ordinary person would be numb at this moment, but who is Vic?

This ruling sage hung out with Belisarius Caul before becoming the leader of the Forge World.

So Vic had already thought about what to do if he couldn't fulfill his promises to other forging worlds during the organization stage of the pilgrimage expedition.

It's very simple. Take out the STC template for making crystals that Qin Mo gave you before and share it. As for the improvement project, let Agrippina take over it. Anyway, there is no time limit in the agreement, so just make changes one by one.

However, Qin Mo thought for a while and finally agreed: "I will create a standardized casting world STC template, which can turn a casting world into a standardized casting world by filling materials, which means everything in the improved casting world Everything will be in order, and there will be no areas that cannot be transformed by engineering technology, or facilities that will collapse if moved."

"In addition to this STC for improving the forge world, I will also give you an STC for producing any human body modification implant."

Hearing this, the two sages Vic and Sewing naturally thanked him quickly.

The reason why Qin Mo decided to give two STC templates was the same as the reason why he helped Vic become a ruling sage and gave him an industrial and combat ship.

Guilliman may not be able to change humanity's super-light speed method within a hundred years. It is actually very easy to promote it, but Guilliman must first integrate the entire empire, establish his own authority, and play tricks on the Navigator family. What he has to do can be That’s more.

In the most extreme case, if Guilliman wanted to compromise, he could also force the Empire to give up the faster-than-light method of drilling into a manure pit by controlling the other head of the Empire's double-headed eagle.

Therefore, Qin Mo is willing to help Vic fulfill his promise to other forging worlds.

This is what those Forge Worlds who fought and sacrificed in war deserved.

As for the matter of super-light speed... Qin Mo also has another idea, that is, maybe everyone in the Tyrone sector does not necessarily need to use dimensional engines, and a more stable and larger-scale navigation method is also needed.

"Stay in Tailong for a while, and I will give you two templates, and then you can go back and improve those forging worlds." Qin Mo said.

Vic and Severn performed the gear salute at the same time.

"However." Qin Mo said urgently, "If you organize an expeditionary force without authorization, I'm afraid you will attract criticism from within the sect. Other forging worlds are fine. You probably have to find a way to move to Tailong."

Vic has thought of this issue a long time ago, and he has also discussed it with other forging worlds.

Without strong faith and disagreement with others within the order, an expedition cannot be organized based on merit alone.

"The Order will not label us as heretics and exterminate us. If a forging world feels that Ohm Messiah is someone else, then this forging world may be excommunicated."

"But if many Forge Worlds are like this, the Forge General and the Order will have to think about how to temporarily seek common ground while reserving differences."

Vic said calmly.

Hearing this, Qin Mo nodded in approval: "That's true. It seems that compromise is not only a specialty of the empire's top brass, but also a specialty of the Mechanicus' top brass."

"Hehehe." Vic simulated a few laughs, "They are especially good at this."

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