Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 467 Tyrone Flagship


The tenth month of Terra in the last year of the forty-first millennium.

The Tyronians, who had relied on the Tyron's Gate defense zone to prevent the Hurons from attacking the interior of the sector, now began to hatch a plan that could end the entire war.

As the war situation improved, the War Department and the Navy Department were able to draw out many of the forces that had previously had to remain on many battlefields.

Soldiers previously trained in the war have been integrated into the Army.

Whether it is the commercial shipbuilding group or the shipbuilding department of the star region, nearly a thousand battleships previously built have been put into use, and the new crew members who have just graduated from the naval school have joined the ships for service.

Commercial trade activities were suspended, and all materials produced from the industrial world or the agricultural world were packaged and sent to the military supply world on the edge of the sector to provide logistics for the large-scale army and fleet activities that were about to be organized.

The flagship, which did not stop construction even when Qin Mo was sucked into the subspace, was also announced and put into use.

Glorious Humanity.

A seventy-kilometer-long giant flagship with industrial and combat capabilities.

The entire flagship is made of living metal.

The bridge was the flagship of the previous Tyron Navy's first battleship. It had a special concept and significance. The bridge was purified by the iron man named Scholar and the Soulless researchers of the Tyrone using psychic technology. of corrosion.

This is the largest gathering ever seen in the Tyrone sector.

Except for the necessary armies and a small number of warships remaining in each theater, all warships participating in the war in all other star districts gathered to the Tyrone star system.

One thousand, seven hundred Tyrone Navy warships of various types.

Five hundred warships of various models of the Mechanicus.

Two hundred and thirteen warships belonging to the Blood Angels Chapter and its sub-chapters.

The Ultramar fleet had already defended the Primarch and returned to Terra after the war turned, leaving only three thousand Sons of Guilliman from the parent or sub-chapels and twelve strike cruisers to participate in the subsequent war.

Naturally, the celestial engine is indispensable.

Then the transport ship fleet joined the giant fleet headed by the Glory Humanity.

The transport ship carries tens of billions of Mechanicus skitarii and Tyron army as well as Cadian people.

Space Marines on strike cruisers.

A total of nine hundred Lamenters, all wearing Terminator Tactical Dreadnought Armor, and their veteran named Kairon, who replaced Dresdu's Dreadnought.

And the Lamenters are just part of the angelic children who come to support.

The Blood Angels Chapter, the Flesh Tearers Chapter that was not completely destroyed, the Blood Knights Chapter, the Blood Holy Grail Chapter... a total of twelve thousand Space Marines, almost all of them came out.

Dante, who did not come in person, showed his gratitude to the Tyrone sector with the troops he raised.

And these battleships and land forces are not all the armed forces.

The Lord of Tyrone, the Burner, and the Mimic, the three star gods, will personally accompany the assembled army in battle.

Sanguinius is also with his children.

As for the Necrons of the Cologne Dynasty... they are accompanying the Soulless Men and Iron Men to clean up every world invaded by demons in the Dead Realm and build the Exorcist Dead Realm, but they cannot leave for the time being.

The army raised in the sector was so large that it took a month just to draw troops from all over the sector and assemble them.

Although this is much faster than the assembly time that the empire often calculates in years, Qin Mo still used more main control intelligence to assist the people in the military department in their work. He really hopes that the next big assembly can be faster.


Early November.

When the celestial engine returned from the front line to the Tyrone galaxy and was incorporated into the dense fleet gathered in the galaxy, a transport plane flying out from Tyrone 1 also arrived at the fleet at the same time and flew into the fleet's flagship, the Glorious Humanity.

"Lord of Tyrone."

"Long live the Sector!"

"For Tyrone."


Qin Mo, all the guards except Yao En, and the two Star Gods walked in the corridor of the Glory Humanity, and every passing crew member pulled over and saluted.

The group of people gradually entered the bridge.

When the living metal gate opened, Qin Mo saw a thumbnail of the entire galaxy created using holographic technology, and the top military officials stood among the shrunken planetary images.

Hearing the sound of the gate opening, everyone put down what they were doing and saluted.

Sanguinius, who was standing in the corner, wondering what he was thinking, and the Space Marine Chapter Leaders raised their heads and looked at Qin Mo.

Qin Mo glanced at everyone. This was definitely the first grand occasion he had seen.

Cadian generals.

Including the Cadian staff sent by Creed, they are all on the bridge.

Vic and Sewing, who commanded the Pilgrimage Expedition Fleet and the Skitarii, were of course also present and participated in the battle as the top commanders of the huge battle that was to follow.

Fleet Admiral Adam of the Tyrone Navy, all the generals of the Army.

The Captains of the various Space Marine Chapters and the Blood Angels Librarian Mephiston were also on the bridge, and they would not return to their respective strike cruisers until the battle had fully begun.

"Before the battle begins, I want to thank you all for your help." Qin Mo saluted everyone.

Those Cadians, Mechanicum people, Space Marines, they were not meant to participate in this war.

The Tyrone Sector will not be finished without their help, but the price to win will increase exponentially.

These forces that had been helped by the Star Region are now helping the Star Region, which is exciting in itself.

At this time, the people present should say something like "You're welcome", "It should be", "Tailon stands tall" and the like, but before they could speak, a report interrupted the exchange of thanks and being thanked.

"The celestial engine has established the jump coordinates, and the fleet is ready to set sail at any time."

After hearing the report, Qin Mo only said two words: "Let's set off."

A giant dimensional rift opens throughout the galaxy.

The assembled huge fleets poured into the dimensional rift one after another like a military parade.

Finally, there is the Celestial Engine.

After sailing in the dimensional rift for two minutes, the entire fleet arrived at the place with the largest number of red pirate warships in the Talon Gate defense area.

Alona galaxy.

When the fleet sailed out of the dimensional rift and swarmed towards the enemy, the six hundred existing red pirate battleships and demon battleships in the galaxy began to turn after two minutes. The slowness of the battleships did not mean that the commander was slow, their commander was almost The order to retreat was given in an instant.

But they had to sail to Mandeville Point.

The weapon array of the celestial engine has been fully charged, and all enemy ships were instantly annihilated after the release process was completed.

The fire produced by the collective explosion of those battleships even illuminated nearby planets.

The fleet continued to sail, the dimensional rift continued to open, and Space Marine strike cruisers and transport ships full of armies were already approaching the planets in the system.

The tail flame of the airdrop pod is enough to light up the night sky of the entire planet.

The Skitarii were responsible for the main attack, and the Space Marines carried out beheadings. The Teleported Tyron Army, together with the Army that was already holding on to the planet, suddenly teleported out near the enemy's firepower and defense points to launch an assault.

And this is just a small movement of the fleet. The fleet will not stop. They continue to sail forward, jump to the next system, and then drop the army after defeating the enemy navy. This cycle continues until there are no enemies in the Talon Gate defense zone. until.

I got up late today, so I will post three chapters first, and there will be another one later. Five updates as usual tomorrow

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