Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 460 Little Fearless

During the Cadian War, Space Wolf Lord Sven Bloodhowl once used the term "little fearless" to describe the Ogryns who were armed to the teeth with Talon technology.

Swain was deeply impressed by this thing, because he had seen the Ogryns rampage and disrupt the formation of the Chaos Space Marines.

After returning to the war group, he even called the Dreadnought of a certain war group that had a bad relationship with the Space Wolves "Little Ogryn" while drunk. Therefore, in his drunken sleep, he was named by the group. Bjorn's fearless old-timer was beaten until he woke up.

The Space Wolves were not on the battlefield in the Tyrone Sector. If they were, Swain would have been even more impressed with Ogryn.

Each of the six Baneblade tanks in the armored melee was targeted by five Ogryns, as Ogryns' battle squads consisted of five members.

The Ogryns did not discuss it, but they all charged towards the Baneblade tank.

They took turns ramming into it one after another, trying to knock over a super-large tank like the Poison Blade, and with their continuous efforts, the tank was actually knocked back half a meter.

The six tanks were all knocked backwards by the Ogryns, and the turrets were unable to remain stable during the repeated impacts.

Until the smart guy who had the leadership responsibility among the six Ogryn squads felt that this might not be the right thing to do, so he aimed the heavy cannon embedded in the power arm armor at the tank and fired a shot.

The explosion caused by the heavy artillery fire and the explosion caused by the destruction of the Poison Blade tank. The combined power of these two instantly shattered the energy shields of the Ogryns around the tank and lifted their huge bodies half a meter away.

But the Ogryns could still get up like nothing happened, touch their heads, and laugh happily.

Each team has a modified smart head. When a smart head uses its amazing wisdom to solve a tank, the remaining smart heads will learn from their companions, and the six poison blades will explode one after another. .

The explosion of a heavy tank like the Poison Blade will even generate a small mushroom cloud. Only Ogryn can withstand the explosion and stand up when the energy shield is shattered.

A Space Marine with an IQ as low as Ogryn will be killed by Ogryn without power armor. Their physical talent is extremely amazing, and the talent of Ogryn wearing power armor has been improved to the extreme. They can even fight on the battlefield. It is used as a bunker that is stronger than a small fortification.

The Ogryns were few in number, and they were not the main force in this armored battle. Duncan's 87th Armored Regiment and the anti-armor infantry in other infantry regiments were.

The levitating tanks improved by Leman Russ quickly surrounded and bombarded them. The enemy found that not only were they fast, but their armor was also first-class, and the fire control system equipped with AI could keep the turret aimed at high speeds. Target.

It's a battle between a corroded Leman Russ tank and an improved Leman Russ tank.

The Baneblade was handled by a super-heavy tank called the Mobile Fortress of the Tyron Army.

The mobile fortress is a forty-meter-long big thing. They are covered with turrets. With AI assistance, there are twenty crew members. The anti-gravity engine allows them to float fifty centimeters above the ground. , the most advanced energy supply system can even extract the residual heat left by enemy shells on the armor and input it into the reactor, which is used to power the tank's close-in defense weapons together with other energy.

As for the giant command vehicle in the armored regiment, it did not participate in the battle. Instead, it generated an energy shield to protect everyone covered by the energy shield, because a group of artillerymen had discovered the situation on the armored regiment's side and began shelling.

Qin Mo and Gray were nowhere to be seen during the battle. It was not until the shelling stopped soon that the command team realized that they had gone to clear out the enemy's shelling positions.

The battle with the armored regiment ended quickly after Qin Mo pulled out the artillery and returned to join the battle.

The battlefield is littered with the remains of tanks.

Those tanks that were struck by lightning and flames even strangely turned into coke and ashes, instead of being melted by high temperatures like normal circumstances.

The enemy on the southern continent lost three armored regiments that were the main offensive force, and the offensive pace of the entire front had to slow down.

Qin Mo continued to lead the army back and forth on the battle line.

Occasionally, they would encounter friendly troops who had also teleported to the enemy to launch an attack, and then they would join forces and continue to shuttle back and forth across the battle line.

Previously, the Tyrone Army had to worry about whether they could survive the counterattack of dozens of times more enemies after teleporting out, but now they don't need to worry, because the enemy's front is gradually being disintegrated, and collapses occur from time to time.

Red pirate fleet.

"Abandon the battlefield of Beisu No. 1."

The top leaders of the Red Pirates, who were discussing how to fight, were shocked when they heard the Lord of the Maelstrom's order.

"Abandon it, leave the other warbands behind, and let our people withdraw first." Huron said.

At first, the adjutants and senior officials did not understand this order. It was not until they figured it out that Huron was wise.

The intensity of the war in the southern continent is not as intense as that in the northern continent, but army supply depots are set up in the southern continent.

Previously, in order to capture Beisu No. 1 faster, most of the army was sent to the northern continent to fight instead of staying at the supply depot.

Once the battle line on the southern continent is disintegrated, the wasteland supply line connecting the two continents will be cut off.

Only the Tyrone Army can directly deliver supplies to frontline soldiers without any supply lines. Their latest artillery does not even have an open bomb bay, because the shells will be transported to a closed magazine by the latest transmission device built into the artillery. In the warehouse.

This is an advantage that the Red Pirates do not have. If the supply line is cut off, the outcome will not be as simple as a crushing defeat.

The army of more than 20 billion may suffer from cannibalism if it loses supplies.

When the senior officials went to convey the order, Huron suddenly thought, if he had left most of the army in the southern continent when the Lord of Tyrone disappeared from the real universe, would the outcome have been different?

It will be different, no doubt about it.

But this feeling of missing a move did not make Huron regretful, but made him very excited.

Because this proves that the gem eye that Tzeentch forcibly implanted into him, the eye that represents Tzeentch's precognitive ability, is useless.

The power of the Four Gods is not infinite.

"Pray to me and let me give you an invincible weapon!"

"You are too tired. Come to my palace and rest for a while."

"This is part of the plan, and the blessing I give you is useless. As long as you take a step closer to me, I will give you a more powerful blessing, allowing you to understand the past and the future, and know everything."

Huron was irritated by the whispers from the dark gods, which had become clearer since his resurrection.

Huron was used to it. He thought about his own affairs and then thought about the possibility of failure of the entire war.

And this doesn't seem to be a bad thing.

"Brother." Huron looked at the think tank standing nearby, "Let the adjutants who once belonged to Wengar lead the team to Beisu No. 1 to assist the army in retreating."

"Yes, Chapter Commander." Think Tank nodded, turned and left.

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