In the endless warp, shadows obscuring the fabric of galaxy-wide reality were noticed by entities responsible for recording the reality of the universe.

Those crazy and twisted texts record an event called the Extinction of the Dead Realm, and a few records reveal the fate of the demons shrouded in shadow.

The demon armies in the entire world soon realized that something more terrifying than cutting off contact had already happened, that is, they could no longer actively open the door back to the subspace, and all the demons were trapped.

The demon armies from the three evil gods were forced to stop fighting among themselves under the weight of the huge crisis. Each demon, whether it belonged to the Lord of Changes, the Blood God, or the Loving Father, began to howl and use language to integrate nearby Demons, and no matter whose essence those low-level demons come from, they all obey orders driven by crisis.

Even the vampires had to gather around Tzeentch in order to survive.

The integrated demon army began to advance towards the origin of the shadow they could feel. These demons gathered together like gangsters fighting in the street, and then ran forward in a chaotic manner.

This is true even for vampires who are good at order, because they cannot feel the presence of their own kind, nor can they feel the orders and thoughts from the bloodthirsty demons, and cannot even maintain the most basic queue.

The messy demons are like inferior existences like plague zombies that have no order at all and can only rush in a swarm. They look just like the sea of ​​corpses gathered by plague zombies, which are chaotic and filled with unexplained howls. The only difference between them and the plague zombies is that they still have consciousness and know that they must fight for survival at this time.

The iron men and soulless people fighting in the demon world have all seen this strange phenomenon. The latter even found that the demons will actively approach, because only in the presence of the soulless people who can swallow spiritual energy, they are extremely dependent on the spirit. Demons who can maintain their physical form can feel whether they are dead or alive from the pain and torture caused by the soulless ones when no one of their kind is around and they cannot hear the cries of their kind.

On the side of Qin Mo and Ke Lun, the gathered demon army swarmed over. Demons of various colors crowded together and ran forward. They even had a stampede accident because they could not sense each other's existence. The Pure One was knocked down by the Bloodthirsty Demon because it walked too slowly, and countless Vampires and Tzeentch Horrors stepped on it.

The demon army now has only one instinct, which is to eliminate the source of the shadow, open the door back to the subspace, and leave this ghost place in the real universe forever.

"Fight!" Coren raised his spear and shouted loudly. Every member of the coffin guard raised a large shield and smashed it on the ground. The undead warriors stopped and waited for the arrival of war machines such as underworld structures and stone tablets behind them. They are all ready to resist the attack of the demonic army.

The scholar holds a scepter made of living metal in his left hand, and raises his right hand to prepare to release psychic energy for combat.

Facing the demon sweeping over like a tsunami, even Iron Man felt a sense of crisis.

Qin Mo was indifferent at this time, slowly walked out from behind Column and the coffin guards, and walked alone to face the chaotic charging demon army.

"Be careful!" the scholar warned, but Qin Mo didn't take it seriously.

A huge bloodthirsty demon that was unable to fly due to the shadow of subspace ran at the front. It didn't even see Qin Mo with its small eyes, but just rushed towards the source of the shadow.

Its huge body seemed to be able to knock Qin Mo away like a dump truck at the moment of contact.

The demonic army was so vast and disorderly that even Iron Man's observation module could not see the end of the demonic sea.

Facing so many demons, Qin Mo just calmly held the old woman's sword upside down, raised the sword, and quickly inserted it into the ground.

Starting from the sword's edge, a sea of ​​fire emerged out of thin air and rushed towards the direction where the demon army was attacking.

The living metal bodies of Coren and others made a sizzling ablation sound just as they were swept by the wave of high temperature.

The crew members of the Necron battleships on standby in the void saw overwhelming lava emerging from the surface of the planet in the galaxy that had been corroded into a demonic world, as if a volcano the size of a planet had erupted, with roaring flames. It swept across most of the entire planet in an instant.

The sea of ​​​​fire knows that it spews out of the earth's surface and sweeps across the low-Earth orbit of the southern hemisphere. These flames have liquid-like properties. The inertia generated during the eruption causes the flames to splash onto the surface of another planet behind the demon world, causing collateral damage. The ecosystem of the second planet was instantly destroyed, turning it from a blue ocean planet into a fiery hell filled with lava.

Where the flames broke out, in the northern hemisphere of the demon world, as the starting point of the attack, the damage suffered far exceeded that of the second planet.

After a few breaths simulated by the Necromancer fleet personnel, the entire demon world could no longer detect the existence of any demons.

The flames soon died out completely.

Including the flames in the demon world, the flames that splashed onto the second planet, the flames that were shaken off the surface of the second planet and splashed into the void...

In the memories of the dynasty overlord Coren, it recalled the Star God named the Burner during the War in Heaven. After a fleet battle that ended in the defeat of the Old Saints, this cruel and terrifying Star God used its fire to instantly kill A total of hundreds of millions of ancient saints and Eldar civilians from two planets were killed. The scene at that time was similar to now, except that it was not the pointed ears of reptiles and biotechnology products that suffered, but the torrent of demons that should have been extremely terrifying in the real universe. .

The Forger is obviously not good at playing with flames. Even though lightning and fire are the primitive abilities of the entire C'tan clan, the impact of the horrific flames he caused was far beyond Coren's expectations.

This flame cleanses the universe.

The blade of the old woman's sword was pulled out from the charred wasteland, and the smooth sword body made a sound when it was rubbed against the carbon block, but the sound was quickly overshadowed by the screams of countless souls involved.

Qin Mo sheathed his sword and turned to look at Column: "Since you are here, then do me a favor and set up black stone obelisks here one by one to completely isolate the devil from entering before the reality membrane is restored. If possible, I will immediately rush to the Beixiu Galaxy to fight."

After saying that, Qin Mo thought that the Necron might not be willing to listen to the request of a Star God power user, so he added a thank you.

There was no expression on Coren's metal face. He stared at the overlord of another race in front of him, who held his head high and did not look like he was asking for help. After a moment, he suddenly said: "You know, in fact, the Coren dynasty does not I don’t hate you, you are the noble one among your bad kind.”

Qin Mo frowned slightly.

What Coren said was not that he was not a human race, but that the Forger and his fellow Star Gods were talking about it.

"So of course, I will do it." Coren turned to look at his guard captain, "Build a soul-expelling death zone."

I really don’t want to go to that dentist again. After taking the anesthesia yesterday, I talked nonsense, talking about loyalty and subspace... just thinking about it...

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