Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 452 The real overlord

"The Necron are helping us," Adam said, stepping forward.

"Yeah." Qin Mo nodded first, then was stunned for a second, "What did you say?"

Adam immediately explained: "The sector has received reinforcements, the Ultramarines, the Blood Angels, the Cadians, the Adeptus Mechanicus... all the people we once helped are now here to help us."

"Even Klein, he brought his Rogue Trader family and several Freedom Blade Knights who had cooperated with him to join the war."


The Fleet Admiral told all the reinforcements, and also told about the existence of two reinforcements that he had least expected.

The first is the Eldar, who call themselves the Death Army and are active on battlefields across the sector, using the Webway to assassinate enemy commanders.

Then there are the Necron.

The one who led the Necron fleet was not the Overlord Trazin who had crossed paths with Qin Mo, but the Overlord Coren of the Necron Dynasty who had previously awakened in the star sector and then left.

Coren is working with Yao En inside the Dead Zone to deal with the demons.

"Necrons... why are they here?" Qin Mo did not think that the Cologne Overlord would be interested in the survival of the sector. It was a fact that he came to help, but the purpose was still unknown.

This problem is also a problem for the seven-member council members, including Adam. They don't know why the Necrons came to help, or why they went to the dead realm that was directly invaded by the demonic army.

"No matter what the purpose of those slaves, they brought what we urgently need." The Burner raised his hand, and an image appeared from the flames in his hand, which was a pile of black stones.

Blackstone is not common in the real universe. The principle of mining minerals such as iron ore and copper is similar. However, there are very few worlds with blackstone deposits. There is not a single planet with blackstone in the Tyrone sector, even outside the sector. There are no blackstone deposits within hundreds of light years.

And now, the Necron have brought the Blackstone.

"Don't call them slaves, they are our friendly forces now." Qin Mo glanced at the Burners, turned to the others and ordered, "Raise a large army for me. I will go to the Dead Realm to deal with the demons first, and then lead the army. Go to Beisu, my return will completely end this war!"

"Yes!" Everyone saluted and watched Qin Mo leave the research facility.

Behind the Northern Star System, located inside the Gate of Tyrone, in the galaxy in the Tyrone Sector, the demon army that has been trying to cooperate with the Hurons to take over the portal of the Northern Star System from the beginning of the war to the present is still raging here.

The intensity of the war that erupted was far greater than any war, and both the Ironmen and the Necrons appeared.

But this time the Iron Man is not at war with the Necrons, but they are fighting side by side on the same front.

The team of undead warriors armed with Gauss rifles slowly followed the heavy gun-wielding Iron Man who evolved during the war. When the Iron Man used his long gun to break the demon army's line, the warriors and the giant python underworld structure would swarm up and fight against the demon army. Create a path for the follow-up troops in the military line.

On the fleshy plain covered with tentacles and eyes, the Necron obelisk equipped with black stone releases the power of suppressing the subspace, accompanying the giant Iron Man battle bodies on the left and right, providing firepower for the conventional troops fighting the demons in front. cover.

The dynasty overlord Coren sat on the throne at the head of the giant serpent construct, personally leading the troops forward according to the ancient Necrontyr etiquette of charging into battle.

The entire galaxy is filled with Necron black and green warships, and there is even a world engine belonging to the Khoren dynasty.

The Overlord of Cologne borrowed the World Engine from the brother of the Cologne Emperor, and quickly annihilated the demon fleet entrenched in the galaxy during the war that broke into the Tyrone sector six months ago.

With just one order from Colum, the entire fleet can turn the entire galaxy into a void of nothingness.

However, celestial bodies that can be seen everywhere in the real universe have the effect of suppressing the influence of subspace to a certain extent. Just as human warships using subspace engines may have extremely terrible consequences once they exit or enter subspace close to celestial bodies. .

Therefore, Coren did not let his fleet destroy the planets occupied by demons that had been corroded by subspace into demon worlds. Even if these planets are now corroded into demon worlds, there are always ways to dispel the subspace corrosion. After the war, they It will also become a rivet that stabilizes the structure of the real universe.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, no creature in the real universe should erase celestial bodies.

"My lord." The captain of Cologne's coffin guard took a step forward and pointed at a huge red monster in the sky.

That was a bloodthirsty demon.

"Fight." Coren stood up from the throne, and the beetle underworld structure floated over, offering a spear and a shield to his overlord.

The dynasty overlord took up arms, stood with a shield and a gun, and together with his coffin guards faced the bloodthirsty demon descending from the sky.

The black stone on the obelisk is suppressing the subspace energy, but the demons on this planet also have their own obelisk. Although the power of the bloodthirsty demon has been weakened, it is only a little weaker.

When it fell from the sky, the bloody ax slashed down with a deafening roar, the giant python underworld structure was split in half almost instantly, and collapsed with a roar.

The demon slowly stood up from the flying smoke and debris, laughing wildly as he looked at the destruction he had caused.

But in the next second, Coren and the guards rushed out of the smoke with guns, forcing the demon to focus on the current battle instead of appreciating his own power.

In the ancient etiquette of the Necrontyr, any commander who dares to go deep into the enemy's army to directly seize the commander must be given the highest level of courtesy, so the dynasty overlord Coren personally challenged the big devil as the main combat force.

One of the two sides slashed and smashed with a big axe, and the other held a shield and a spear to block, but the battle was not inextricable.

The big demon easily beheaded a Coffin Guard guard, picked up the ax deeply embedded in the living metal remains, knocked open Colum's shield, and then stretched out his hand to grab Colum's shield-holding arm, and pulled the entire living body away. The metal arm was torn off together with the arm armor covering it.

The injured Coren thrust his spear straight with one hand, and after the phase spear penetrated the demon's shoulder, he quickly turned back and distanced himself.

The fracture on the shoulder of the living metal body was sizzling. Column recalled the feeling of pain and tried his best to simulate the appearance of being injured and affecting his movements, so the devil could see a metal skeleton that was not much different from an iron man. He covered his arms and made a muffled sound as if he was hurt.

The Coffin Guards regrouped and guarded the Overlord.

Coren slowly stood up and pointed the gun directly at the big demon with one arm.

This was a serious provocation. The great demon Khorne could not stand the arrogance of a mortal creature who dared to challenge him. He immediately raised his ax high and roared with extreme anger.

But as soon as the roar came out, a dimensional rift suddenly opened in front of the big demon, and a figure jumped out of it and easily chopped off the big demon's head.

The powerful entity that descended into the real universe lost its head and straightened its body. It fell to its knees with a plop, and its soul was devoured.

Coren took a closer look and discovered that what emerged from the dimensional rift were not the snipers of the human subspecies, but the Lord of Tyron who had been swallowed into the subspace six months ago.

Three chapters to start with, and two more to come later. Five updates for today, I will have to check again later.

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