Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 451 The Lord of Tyrone Returns

Iron Man and Humanity fought desperately towards the top of the mountain where Qin Mo was, but their attack was blocked by the big demon.

Qin Mo, Army Revenant, Kaldo, and Aisha and their group rushed towards the portal. No matter how many demons came, they could not stop their progress.

Qin Moxing, who had the strongest combat power, was at the front responsible for opening up the blood path, while Kaldo stayed at the back of the team, working with the army souls to resist the demons that were outflanking them from behind.

Kaldor was not used to staying behind others, but there was no chance for him to express his displeasure at this moment.

But Kaldor soon took on the heaviest responsibility, because three demon princes descended from the sky.

Qin Mo wanted to help Kaldo, but Kaldor used his spiritual power to push him away and let him continue to open the way at the front of the team.

The advance formation has been prepared in advance, and changing formations before the battle may end in failure. Kaldor and the three demon princes fought and retreated.

Then more demon princes came to Qin Mo and tried to stop him.

Qin Mo and Aisha used their divine power to repel the demon princes and led the team to fight all the way to the portal.

"Kaldor, we can go back!" Qin Mo turned around and called to Kaldor, but could not find the Gray Knight Grand Master.

Looking further into the distance, I saw that Kaldor had just gotten rid of the demon prince dragging him, and was about to teleport to Qin Mo when he was disturbed by the vortex released by the crucible in the hands of a demon prince. Kaldor immediately released a psychic shock. Clear a clear space around you.

At this time, the distance between the two sides was more than 200 meters.

Qin Mo immediately picked up the sickle and the old woman's sword and went to help Kaldo out of the siege, but he heard the scholar shout: "The portal can't last long, we should leave immediately!"

Qin Mo looked at Kaldor.

The demon army is swarming towards the Grand Master of the Gray Knights.

In the clearing cleared by the psychic shock, Kaldor continued to fight against the demon princes who were coming towards him.

Before Qin Mo could respond, Kaldor's figure was covered by the demon army, and he could only see the psychic lightning and the cold light of the Titan sword that bloomed from time to time.

And the souls who were retreating under the cover of Kaldor were gradually being teleported out of the Nurgle Demon Realm. They could not return to the real universe and had to stay in the subspace.

The portal is gradually collapsing.

In desperation, Qin Mo twisted the weapon in the hands of the captain of the Demon Slayer Team into a medium for exerting power, then instilled part of the divine power into the medium, and finally threw the medium at Kaldor's Holy Shield Terminator Armor.

Also attached to Kaldor was the black crystal that could be used to teleport back to the whale's back.

The medium not only helps Kaldor fight in the warp, but also monitors his survival and serves as coordinates.

Kaldor had never used the power of the Star God, but he saw Qin Mo using it. When he sensed the power, he raised his sword, and sea of ​​fire and thunder swept around, killing a large number of demons and driving away the demon prince.

The interference caused by the crucible still existed. Kaldor tried to see if he could teleport, but found that he couldn't.

In the clearing cleared by lightning and flames, Kaldor turned to look at Qin Mo, smiled tiredly and waved his hand, signaling him to leave quickly.

Then Kaldor once again faced the surrounding demon army, and his figure was covered by the demon army.

Qin Mo still could only see cold light and lightning.

At the moment when the portal was about to disappear, Qin Mo and others rushed into the portal and returned to the real universe.

The Council of Seven was waiting outside the portal of the research facility.

More Iron Men are about to be launched into the subspace.

Soon a disgraced Hellwalker team soldier ran out. Gray and Adam stared at the portal with their eyes wide open, expecting the next person to come out.

And then there's the whole Hellwalker squad, the Demon Slayer squad.

Iron man, scholar.

There's even an Eldar...

Qin Mo was not among the figures that emerged one after another. Both Gray and Adam looked disappointed and turned around to signal the Soulless researchers to try again.

But the next second, a soulless person guarding the research facility knelt down on one knee towards the portal base.

Then there are others.

Until the moment when the portal completely disappeared and the base site self-destructed and was completely isolated from the subspace, all the maintenance personnel, scientific researchers, and soldiers guarding the facility knelt down on one knee.

Gray and Adam turned their heads in disbelief and saw the Lord of Tyrone standing in front of them.

Qin Mo's power armor was full of scratches at this time. He carried a scepter and a chain sword on his back. He held a sickle and a white spirit bone sword in each hand, and his face was full of exhaustion.

Gray and Adam knelt down on one knee, just like the other human members of the Council of Seven.

As for Mimic and Burner, they were floating half a meter above the ground, their eyes focused on Qin Mo.

At this moment, the Lord of Tyrone returns.

"Thank you." Qin Mo was almost crying with joy. He looked at the Soulless researchers, and then at Gray and others, "Thank you for maintaining order in the star area."

Although we still don’t know what the situation is in the Tyrone sector at this time, there are no ruins anywhere we look, which proves that the sector is still fighting hard.

The illusions he had seen in the Demon Realm of Slaanesh did not become reality. It turned out to be the most despicable deceptive illusion simulated by Tzeentch through the change spirit.

"Don't thank me?" Burning Man stood with his hands behind his hands, "I just recently withdrew from the Beisu battlefield. I wiped out several Titan legions by myself."

"I'm a little surprised... When I was staying in the subspace, I thought you had already broken up and ran away." Qin Mo shook his head with a smile and looked at Mimicry again.

The mimic now looks like a human, with an excited expression on its face.

Qin Mo was even more excited than Mimic, but now was not the time to reminisce about the past.

"How long have I been in subspace?" Qin Mo first found materials and instantly created a web portal and threw Aisha in. Then he walked outside along the road to the research facility, asking as he walked.

"A full eight months," Gray replied.

"How's the war going?"

"It's a stalemate..." Gray replied.

Gray then told the changes in the enemy's military strength after Qin Mo entered the subspace.

After learning that the Black Heart King was resurrected, that demon warships were being reinforced, and that there were red pirates fighting side by side with demons on every battlefield, Qin Mo stopped and looked at Gray.

"Sorry... we couldn't end the war..." Gray said, lowering his head.

"No, don't be sorry, you have done a good enough job." Qin Mo shook his head.

This is not comfort, but the truth.

If Qin Mo knew before entering the subspace that Huron was resurrected and became stronger, and that there were Martian soldiers and demonic battleships given to him by the Four Gods, then he would definitely be more worried about the fate of the star sector in the subspace, fearing that I was so worried that I couldn't sit still.

But the Star District actually persisted.

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