Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 435 Pilgrimage Expedition

at the same time.

Agrippina Beyond the Forge World.

An Adeptus Mechanicus fleet is gathering outside the Forge World.

In the bridge of the flagship, slaves belonging to the Forge World were carrying chains and charging a device called a communication astrolabe under the supervision and urging of the Skitarii.

The priest was standing on the astrolabe performing a ceremony and praying.

"The great almighty God of all machines, we are driving this astrolabe with the purest original power. We humbly pray to you and pray that you will exert great power on the astrolabe."

"For the Kingdom of God and the Messiah of Ohm in the galaxy, your loyal servants are ready to go."


Amidst the prayers, the astrolabe filled with energy from the slaves roared into action, and holographic projections appeared inside the bridge.

All personnel on the bridge bowed to the opened gate and performed the gear salute. The commanding sage Vic and the war sage Severn entered the bridge one after another.

Vic stood still, leaning on the gear scepter.

Sewyn stood behind the ruling sage with his head held high, his completely mechanized arm resting on the hilt of the sword at his waist.

The two looked around and saw holographic images of directors or priests from other forging worlds.

"The fleet you want has been gathered. I hope you can lead them to victory and don't let us down." Foundry Director Reza looked down at Vic and said in a cold voice.

When Sevin looked out the porthole, he discovered that Reza's battleships were equipped with plasma weapons.

These plasma players are indeed very unique...

"Thank you all." Vic bowed and saluted.

Everyone responded with salutes.

But after a few words, the holographic image still did not disappear. These people were obviously waiting for Vic to say something.

"When the war is over, I will ask for credit for each of you." Vic walked around the bridge, his eyes sweeping over the casting directors one after another. "You will receive gifts, just like Agrippi." It’s the same gift that Na Forge World received.”

Hearing this promise, Reza's casting director shook his head expressionlessly: "It doesn't matter even if we don't get the gift, because this is what we should pay and dedicate, just as we dedicate our lives to the God of All Machines, Ohmic Messiah and the Primeval Dynamic Force.”

That's what he said, but after getting the promise, the directors were obviously satisfied.

The holographic images dissipated one by one within the bridge.

Vic walked to the porthole of the bridge and looked out.

Twenty-one Mechanical Arks from other Sages, the warships' firepower was as massive as their size.

A total of 700 cruisers, escorts and other types of warships were distributed near the Ark to protect the Ark formation.

At the center of the fleet is the flagship where Vic and Sewing are located.

A fifty-two-kilometer-long mobile industrial ark that integrates research facilities and a foundry.

This Ark is a gift, just like the optimization and transformation received by Vic and Sewing.

"Sage." A servitor transformed into a microphone slowly crawled to Vic's side.

Vic took the microphone and delivered a speech to the entire fleet that was preparing to go.

"The flagship is opening a dimensional rift. We will travel to two hundred light years away in ten minutes."

In the engine room of the flagship, slaves were pulling chains to turn the engine.

The engine starting ceremony is underway.

"We will launch an expedition from Agrippina to the edge of the Tyron Sector."

"This is an expedition, but also a pilgrimage."

"For the God of All Machines, for the Ohm Messiah!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the engine started.

A dimensional rift opened in front of the fleet.

The fleet organized by Agrippina's Forge World Ruler Sage Vic entered the dimensional rift and headed towards the Tyron star sector.

This was an unauthorized expedition.

The pilgrimage expedition has begun.

The fortress world of Cadia.

Castle Lord Creed stood by the window of the office on the top floor of the office building, looking at the Toyoko Plain in the distance.

Since the Eye of Terror shrunk, the sky in Cadia is no longer purple, and the ecological environment has become somewhat normal.

Today is the first time that all Cadian people have seen the natural phenomenon of snow on their home planet.

"Hiss..." Creed felt a little cold and took out a cigar from his waist and held it in his mouth.

Just when the cigar was about to be lit, the castle lord's deputy Kyle ran into the office and shouted in his trademark loud voice: "My Lord, an industrial world in the west of the Cadian Gate defense zone has been raided. According to witnesses, Said they saw the Black Hand symbol on the raiding warship, which was obviously a member of the Red Pirate Fleet."

Hearing this, Creed took a long puff of his cigar, exhaled it slowly, and then said in a deep voice: "Convene a meeting of the castle masters to discuss whether the Cadian Gate defense zone has entered a state of war."

The raid by the red pirate battleship has now ended. It is conceivable that this is just the personal behavior of a passing battleship lord.

Chaos warbands are like this. They are essentially a large number of people who do their own things and gather under a so-called leader to seek greater benefits.

The Cadian Gate defense area does not need to enter a state of war because of this, nor does it need to convene a special meeting of the castle master, because the warship has been repelled by the orbital defense platform and ran away.

But if he was only considering the Cadian Gate, Creed would not ask for a meeting of the Lords of the Castle.

What the meeting needs to discuss is not the seemingly impossible arrival of the Red Pirate Fleet in the defense of Cadian Gate, but whether Cadia has entered a state of war, and whether Castle Lord Creed has become the supreme leader in charge of everything due to the state of war. Lord of the castle.

"Actually, there's no need..." Kyle said, recalling what happened recently.

After the Battle of Talon began, some Cadians spontaneously organized militia teams that were not part of the Astra Militarum, and hired transport ships to prepare to support Talon.

And now the generals of the Cadian Assault Army also support Creed becoming the Supreme Fortress, because in this way he can directly cross the empire and use the power of the Supreme Fortress to issue support orders.

In a state of war, the High Lord of Cadia did not even need to pay attention to the Inquisition.

"Convene a meeting." Creed slowly blew out a smoke ring and flicked the ashes on his cigar. "Discuss whether the enemy might attack Cady while the Tyrone sector is under attack and unable to respond to the previous support agreement. Anzhimen.”

Hearing this, Kyle nodded.

Creed continued: "Then we mobilize for war and send one-fifth of the assault force and transport fleet to support Tyrone, plus those self-organized militia... and the castle owner's personal guards."

"Yes!" Kyle saluted as an eagle, "Cardia remains standing!"

Creed turned his head and looked at Kyle, took a deep breath from his cigar, and his steady words came out of his mouth together with the white smoke: "Tyrone will not fall."

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