Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 433 Parliament of Seven

The capital of the Tyrone Sector.

Equator Conference Hall.

This is a temporarily built building used to hold meetings for the high-level officials of the star district after the Lord of Tyrone left temporarily.

The interior of the entire building is completely different from the layout of most conference venues. It is more like a dark and boundless space shaped by technological equipment. There is a statue of Lord Tyrone standing on it, and above the sword of Lord Tyrone is A holographic conference round table.

All the high-level officials of the Tyrone Star Sector took some time out of their busy schedules to use holographic projections to participate in this important meeting concerning the future of the Star Sector.

The guards, the navy marshal, the field marshal...these top brass sat around the round table on the sword edge of the statue in the form of holographic projections.

The other participants were floating around the sword edge of the statue of Lord Tyrone in the form of projections, and there were almost a thousand of them.

The meeting should have started long ago, but all the participants were silent.

Three days have passed since Lord Tyron entered the subspace, and the battle that was expected to resolve the entire war failed to resolve anything except the ecology of Beisu No.1.

The situation is very bad.

Huron was not dead, he was resurrected with the gift of the Dark Gods - a fleet of battleships.

The decisive battle will not start or end according to one person's will.

The decisive battle aboard Beisu No. 1 is still going on, and the troop inputs of both sides are constantly escalating. However, even the two parties involved in the war may not understand the meaning of continuing the decisive battle. They are only increasing their investment due to the inertia that emerged in the war. .

It is in this bad situation...

Doubt, suspicion, these mortal negative emotions and psychological activities are spreading in the conference hall.

In front of the conference round table, Admiral Tyrone Adam smoked a cigar and said nothing.

Gray, the leader of the guards, leaned back in his chair and glanced at the others.

The top brass of the Army glanced at Gray and the Navy at the same time.

There are also stone men and iron men near the conference round table.

Although the conference hall was peaceful, everyone could feel the turmoil beneath the calm surface.

First of all, as a naval marshal, Adam and the generals of the army should not be on the same front, but now facing the guards, they will stand together.

The reason is very simple, the Imperial Guard has too much power in the star area.

If anyone would think of jumping out to seize power after the Lord of Tyron entered the Warp, it would be the Praetorian Guards.

Yaoen couldn't see clearly the doorway here. He could only wonder why Adam, who usually had a good relationship with him, was so gloomy and silent at this time. There was a strong smell of gunpowder in the air, as if something was accumulating.

Gray and Anruida, one of them pays attention to the overall situation, and the other is a civil servant in the imperial guards. They understand the mentality of Adam and others at this time.

As the head of the Imperial Guard, Gray has a very heavy responsibility, that is, he must eliminate the suspicion and suspicion among everyone, talk things out, and make his position clear.

"Ahem." Gray stood up and said to everyone, "Before the Lord of Tyrone returns, we need someone to stand up and manage all aspects of the sector. When the Lord of Tyrone comes back, we should return a normal Tyrone instead of a ruin. give him."

At this time, everyone present turned their attention to Gray.

Adam looked evil.

The field marshal glanced at Gray and turned away.

At this time, everyone except the guards had an idea.

That is, if Gray dares to recommend himself and become the new commander of the Tyrone sector, then there will be no need to continue this meeting.

If Gray dared to speak, he would set off the powder keg.

However, in front of everyone, Gray said something contrary to everyone's speculation: "I propose the establishment of a provisional parliament."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone present began to whisper.

However, the expressions of Adam and others softened a bit.

Gray's words did have an effect.

Gray then told what he had discussed with Anruida in the past three days, taking care of every force in the sector, which was how to form a temporary parliament.

"There will be seven positions in the Provisional Council and one for the Praetorian Guard."

When this sentence came out, everyone nodded with satisfaction.

The guard only occupies one position, which shows that Gray is a shameless person. At least he didn't say to everyone: "The guard is so good, so he should occupy two positions."

And since all aspects of the Tyrone Sector must be decided by the Provisional Council, the positions of all parties in the Council are very serious and must be fought for.

"The second position belongs to the Navy."

"The third position belongs to the Army."

"The fourth position belongs to the representatives elected by the industrial and commercial groups in the star area."

"The fifth position belongs to the representatives elected by each governor."

"The sixth position belongs to the assistant of Lord Tyrone."

"The seventh position... belongs to the guy who is on fire."

"In addition, a parliamentary affairs adviser will be established, who will be served by an artificial intelligence."

Gray successively announced the decisions he and Anreda had discussed, and in the end he did not forget to add: "These are all to be determined. I am just saying them for everyone to discuss. The provisional parliament does not have to be formed according to what I said. "

"After all, the Praetorian Guard only holds one position in the Council, with one-seventh of the decision-making power."

In the Parliament conceived by Gray, there is no place for the Iron Man and the Stone Man. The Stone Man is excluded from the Seven-member Council and only has the position of a matter advisor.

But that's exactly what the Stonemen and Ironmen wanted.

One day before, before the meeting started, Gray had been invited to the Iron Man mothership. Stonemen and Iron Men from all worlds and the master intelligence gathered on the mothership.

The stone people expressed an attitude: We will not ask for power, but we want the right to supervise. You do not need to take care of our emotions, because we have no emotions, and our innate duty is to be an assistant.

"I agree with the formation of the Seven-member Parliament." Adam raised his hand.

As a naval marshal, his attitude is very important. If he is not satisfied, that sentence can turn what Gray and Anreda think into empty talk.

It turned out that Adam was just suspicious of the Praetorian Guards who had always had too much power, but he did not want the Tyrone sector to be involved in internal fighting while the war was going on outside.

Everyone else accepted it too.

Although the formation of the Seven-member Parliament was proposed by the guards, fortunately their proposal was fair and appropriate.

"I have a question." Adam suddenly asked, "Why should we provide a seat for that guy who is covered in flames? If those creatures with supernatural power should have a seat, we have already provided a seat for the assistants of Lord Tyrone."

"First of all, they are a powerful fighting force. They stayed in the sector because of Lord Tyron. All affairs of Talon no longer matter to them after Lord Tyron left." Gray explained, "But we need these warriors. power, so we must have a friendly attitude, if they just want to break up and leave, that’s okay, the vacant seats will be reserved for artificial intelligence.”

I have to go to the hospital again in the afternoon, and I have to go to the hospital overnight.

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