Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 418 Two Essences

"I'll show you the way."

The devil realized that Qin Mo was here to seek revenge. He turned his glasses and immediately made what Qin Mo thought was the most correct and wise decision, walking ahead to lead the way.

The golden door had disappeared, replaced by a more ornate door studded with jewels.

Behind the gate is a vast ring-shaped area.

When he stepped into the gate, Qin Mo saw gold and jewelry all over the ground. Every mountain in this twisted environment was built with gold.

Some seemingly half-dead mortals fell on the gold mountain, with greedy light shining in their deeply sunken eyes. When they picked up the gold, the gold in their hands would turn into gold coins, and then these people counted them one after another. This cycle goes on and on for an unknown amount of time.

"This is the Ring of Greed." The demon walked to the golden mountain and kicked the gold coins in the hands of mortals.

The mortals rushed towards the flying gold coins in panic, and then continued to count the money.

Qin Mo understands the demonic realm of Slaanesh.

The Demon Realm of Slaanesh is a place full of depravity and desire. Six circles of desire surround Slaanesh's magnificent palace. If you want to enter the palace, you must pass through the six circles of desire.

The name of the current Circle of Greed suggests that it is a circle representing greed. These mortals may have counted the yellow scarves for thousands of years while lying on the Golden Mountain, but they could not finish them.

"I heard that these people stayed here voluntarily." Qin Mo walked up to a mortal. The mortal didn't look at him and continued to count the gold. "They can leave here as long as they feel that they have obtained enough gold." , but their desires are insatiable and they will never feel that gold is enough.”

"That's the truth, but it's not that simple." The devil pointed to the golden mountain at his feet. "The Prince of Darkness promised everyone here that as long as they count the value of the golden mountain clearly, they can leave with all the gold, but the person who guards the Ring of Greed When they find out the amount of gold, the big devil will set off a storm and blow down the golden mountain."

"It's hard to say that this is not what the Prince of Darkness told the Demon to do."

"Any creature that enters the Demon Realm of Slaanesh will find it difficult to leave, whether it is subjectively not wanting to leave, or unable to leave due to the tricks and temptations of the Dark Prince."

The demon returned to Qin Mo and continued to lead him, while talking about what he had realized in the subspace.

"From a certain perspective, the Demon Realm of Slaanesh is the epitome of Chaos."

"It never forces anyone to degenerate, it just uses various means to seduce, and ultimately makes the mortal creatures have no choice but to degenerate."

“Like the Lord of Change, its great demons are ashamed of using lies to deceive others, because this is the lowest form of fraud. They prefer to always tell the truth, but use hints and situations to drive the target of fraud into a trap. "

Qin Mo listened to the devil's words and found that it was the devil who understood him best.

In order to prevent this devil from leading him astray, Qin Mo decided to make a promise to the devil.

"May I have your name?"


"That sounds like the name of a daemon... Anyway, as long as you take me into the palace of Slaanesh, I will grant you one request."

After hearing this, the demon named Piccolo pondered for a while, thinking carefully about what he should ask of this star god.

Then when he saw the chain sword and scepter in Qin Mo's hand, he suddenly realized that this guy didn't want him to ask for anything, but wanted to ask for something he could and was willing to give - to live.

"Just promise not to kill me when you get to the Prince of Darkness's palace," Piccolo said.

"I promise." Qin Mo nodded, "You don't have to enter the palace with me. You can just leave by yourself when the time comes."

After receiving a guaranteed response, Piccolo nodded with satisfaction, but there was one thing he didn't dare to say, that is, whether he could reach the palace did not depend on the person leading the way, but on Qin Mo himself.

One person and one demon continued to move forward, gradually going deep into the Ring of Greed.

All kinds of treasures can be found everywhere in the twisted environment inside the Ring of Greed. Miracle-like palaces built by all the races in the galaxy during their prosperous times stand here, and the treasures stored in the palace's treasury are also here.

The legendary weapons used by ancient famous generals of various races in the galaxy are just a collection of items stuck in the ground here like trees, used to hang pearl necklaces.

Those weapons have suffered severe corrosion, mutation, and growth, and there are distorted human faces everywhere on them.

"The weapons here." Piccolo pointed to a long gun, "I advise you not to take it."

Qin Mo nodded and acknowledged Piccolo's reminder. He really didn't want to take the weapons here because these weapons had been in the subspace for too long and had mutated just like the bodies and armors of Chaos Space Marines like Huron. It has no other effect than giving the user nightmares.

The area connecting the Circle of Greed to the next Circle of Desire is exactly the same as the area entering the Circle of Greed from outside the Demon Realm of Slaanesh. There is a towering gate with a vast plain in front of it.

And of course there's the obligatory Daemon of Slaanesh.

Nearly a million Slaanesh daemons guard the golden gates leading to the next circle.

And the big demon responsible for guarding the Ring of Greed is also here.

It looks like most Slaanesh demons in front of us. It has spikes on its body, its hands are pliers, and its body looks like a muscular man or a soft woman... except that this big demon is about three meters tall and has more female features. The more you have, the more pliers you have on your hands.

When he saw Qin Mo and Piccolo, the Great Demon Slaanesh was stunned for a moment, then immediately howled and gathered his demon army to form an array in front of the golden gate.

"I suggest that we stay away from the edge for a while and wait until I find a demon who can blindfold me..." Piccolo grabbed Qin Mo's arm and motioned for him to run back with him.

But Qin Mo shook off Piccolo's claws and slowly advanced towards the Slaanesh demon army in front of him alone.

Because his momentum was so overwhelming, Bick even subconsciously looked around to see if Qin Mo had some invisible helpers following him.

But there were no helpers around, neither humans nor demons.

In front of the endless demon army of Slaanesh, there was only a man wearing black power armor, holding a double-headed eagle scepter and a chain sword, advancing slowly.

Piccolo realized that his judgment was correct. Qin Mo did not come to the subspace and the demonic realm of Slaanesh on his own initiative. He neither wanted to ask for power nor steal wealth or satisfy his desires. He was just trapped in the subspace with no hope of escape. He was filled with rage, so he just wanted to kill more demons before dying in the warp.

While Qin Mo was slowly approaching the demon army of Slaanesh, Piccolo, the undivided chaos demon, tried to gain insight into Qin Mo to answer a question, that is, why Qin Mo, as a star god, would not be erased from the subspace?

Using his insight ability, Piccolo saw Qin Mo's true nature.

Almost all living beings have only one essence, but Qin Mo is different. He has two.

One is the forging hammer representing productivity, which is the source of his divine power.

the other is……

An outsider, a bystander... This is the essence of his soul. Because this essence is so unique, there is even no soul projection in the subspace, but no projection does not mean no soul.

Although the fact that the Star God has the essence of a soul makes Piccolo feel like he is blind or in a dream, this is the fact.

Three chapters first, two more to come

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