"Kabanha is this beast!" Magnus looked at Qin Mo and Mimic, who were approaching menacingly, stroking the wound painfully. He never dreamed that Kabanha would appear in the Beixiu galaxy, and it was from his own The head came down and struck with an axe.

However, Huron was very optimistic and said something that made Magnus even more angry: "Kabanha is here, proving that the blood god's eyes are indeed on this battlefield. It will come down and chop off one of your wings." , maybe your master was assisting you."

Magnus wanted to give Huron a slap in the face, because no matter how evil he was, Tzeentch would not look at the pleasure of his demon prince. Huron was a mortal, and his qualifications were not as good as Abaddon's veterans of the eternal war. How could he dare to be so presumptuous? Make a conclusion?

However, Huron wasn't talking nonsense, Magnus' soul was incomplete now, and maybe Tzeentch had indeed seen him having fun, but he didn't remember it.

There was no time left for Magnus and Huron to debate the scriptures, and Qin Mo and Mimicry came to them immediately.

Magnus tried to use witchcraft to directly expel Qin Mo from the Beixiu Galaxy, but Mimic took the lead and turned the scepter in his hand into a broom.

The psychic energy used to brew witchcraft has been concentrated in Magnus's body through the scepter. Now that the medium of the scepter is suddenly lost, uncontrollable serious consequences have occurred.

The temperature on the battlefield instantly dropped to below zero, and Magnus himself was wrapped in psychic ice. His expression was still the same as that of surprise when he saw his scepter turned into a broom. Only his eyeballs were left. Turn.

"Trash!" Huron angrily scolded Prince Tzeentch. He glanced between Qin Mo and Mimic before decisively rushing towards Mimic.

The moment the purple sword was swung towards Mimic, the latter suddenly saw an illusion.

A enchanting goddess held Huron's long sword and slashed at her with a thousand-meter-tall body.

The sword looked like it was cutting from top to bottom, but it didn't seem to be the case.

This sword seemed to strike from all directions without blind spots, but it also seemed to only come from top to bottom.

It does not seem to be ever-changing, but just a god whose swordsmanship is so superb that it puts all living creatures to shame swinging his sword thousands of times in an instant.

Mimic realized that he couldn't dodge, but when he was about to bear the sword, Huron, who was holding the sword, was suddenly hit by the scepter and flew backwards.

At this time, the armies of both sides were fighting in the deep pit. Huron, who flew out, was hit in the head by a grenade. When his body escaped from the smoke, he was hit by the dimensional lightning that followed.

The impact caused by the lightning explosion dispersed the gunpowder smoke. This scene seemed wrong to Qin Mo, because the dimensional lightning he released should be able to wipe out Huron silently, instead of producing an explosion effect. Now it is no longer the same as before. It's time to blast the Chaos Egg with lightning from the top of the hive city tower.

Huron climbed up from the deep pit created by the explosion and patted the dust on his body. Angry and roaring human faces appeared on the blood-red armor. The blood flowing on the armor bound Huron's body like a chain.

"You are extremely brave to face the Star God!"

The Blood God's voice sounded in Huron's mind as before.

"Pray to me!"

"As long as you pray to me, I will bestow upon you a power powerful enough to shatter a planet!"

The Blood God's voice shook Huron's brain like thunder.

"Don't listen to it. If you beg it, you might as well beg me. I'll give you the spiritual power to crush the sun, and teach you the spell that can throw the Star God into the subspace. You don't need to pray, I just need you to say: Grant My power of levitation is given to me to float!"


"Shut up!" Huron roared at the four gods who tempted him, but the roar failed to suppress the whispers of the four gods.

The whisper distracted Huron. He didn't notice Qin Mo's clenching of his fists. He was pulled in front of Qin Mo without any defense, as if someone had taken away the distance between them. Face to face.

The double-headed eagle scepter struck Huron on the head, followed by the chainsword stabbing into the chest.

It was impossible for the broken serrations to pierce the armor given by the Blood God, but it did so easily.

The saw teeth turned, and blood, sparks, and broken bones and flesh spurted out from the wounds.

Huron struggled and tried to fight back, but the arm holding the sword was grabbed by Qin Mo as soon as he raised it. Lightning rushed down the arm to his body, and the smell of burning came from under the armor.

The charred legs could no longer remain standing, and Huron's upper body fell to the ground after they collapsed.

The chainsword was still bleeding Huron.

Qin Mo expected to see Huron's expression of pain and unwillingness, but all he saw was relief, as if he was relieved.

But the expression soon dissipated into pain and anger.

Because Huron thought that his soul would be crushed by the power of the Star God, and he would never have to hear the whispers of the Four Gods again, but the fact was exactly the opposite. Now that he was seriously injured, his will was not as strong as before, and he heard more words and louder voices from the Four Gods. big.

The four gods were constantly offering conditions to make Huron fall to them. When they saw that Huron was indifferent, they began to insult him.

Khorne rebuked Huron as a coward who was afraid of the blessings of the gods, while Slaanesh angrily rebuked Huron as a fool whose fighting skills were not as good as Lucius's curly hair...

However, Huron remained unmoved. He was not afraid of the blessings of the four gods, but he was too clear about what it would take to receive the blessings. The weapons and armor on his body were the greatest blessings he could receive.

At this time, Huron suddenly thought of something. The weapons and equipment on his body had completely different effects than when the Four Gods gave them to him. Moreover, the future predicted by the gems given by Carlos was also different from the present. The help promised by the Four Gods did not come. ...If it were not for 80% certainty, Huron would not seek this decisive battle.

"Erase my soul!" Huron shouted in extreme fear. He felt that the four gods were forcibly invading his gradually weakening will.

Qin Mo began to prepare the strongest attack he could unleash, preparing to directly annihilate Huron's soul and his body together.

"Am I...am I qualified...to be a Warmaster?" Huron suddenly asked as he sensed the current raging on his body.

Qin Mo didn't understand why Huron asked him, but he thought about it carefully and then shook his head.

Huron's expression became ferocious and he glared at Qin Mo with hatred.

"No." Qin Mo shook his head, "The position of War Commander is not worthy of you."

Lightning was released from the chainsword's teeth, completely penetrating Huron's body.

Huron's body turned to charcoal, but he was still not dead.

His expression kept changing, and his eyes were different.

"We can resurrect him with just one thought!"

"He won't die, yes, he won't die."

From Huron's mouth came various sounds with different voices.

"We can send demons across your sector and kill the people you care about, but what can you do to us?"

"We could have the likes of Huron or Abaddon launch numerous expeditions against the Empire against you, what can you do?"

"You won't die, but you will watch the people you care about die, and the souls of the dead will become our playthings. You can only watch, unable to get angry, because you can't even enter the sea of ​​souls!"

This was Qin Mo's first conversation with the Four Gods, and the Four Gods didn't behave like they were angry, but rather sarcastically, "I will win in the end, and you will lose."

The four gods ridiculed Qin Mo nine thousand eight hundred and seventy-six times in less than a second.

Ridiculing Qin Mo, they can't even kill the big demon they care about, because before the big demon is killed, they will be separated from the real universe by the timeline they go back to the past.

He ridiculed Qin Mo for thinking that he had protected many things, but in fact he could not protect anything except material things. The doctors and his daughter who once rescued him, and the soldiers who once did not wear helmets just so that the commander of Qin Mo's army could see his face. ...These people were all tortured in the subspace. They were singled out by the Four Gods to play with, just to have the greatest stimulation effect on Qin Mo at this moment.

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