Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 411 Sanguinius’ Vessel

"Why don't you protect mortal souls?" Qin Mo suddenly asked.

The figure of the emperor, who was fiddling with the personality matrix, trembled and did not respond.

"People from the state religion say that everyone's soul will return to the Golden Throne after death, and they also say that humans who do not believe in the God-Emperor can only become wild ghosts in the subspace after death. I have always thought so, but my name is Sein What the captain saw after entering the subspace was not what the state religion said."

"I have allowed the Established Church to continue to promote their ideals as long as they do not send their opponents to the stake."

"But after Sein came back, I issued an order. If the people of the state religion continue to say that people's souls return to the Golden Throne after death, their mouths will be torn apart."

Qin Mo continued.

The Emperor listened silently, and took out the soul material of another powerful person who was shaped by the will that was as delighted with the rationality and prosperity displayed by the Tyrone Sector as he was, and applied it to the personality matrix.

This is not a true soul but a substance similar to a soul, which is why it is said to be a bridge to the warp rather than a "door" similar to a soul.

After doing this, the emperor put down his work, turned to Qin Mo and said, "Why do you think I can protect every human soul?"

"The Cursed Legion." Qin Mo only said one word.

The Emperor shook his head helplessly: "Do you think that is a legion composed of the souls of protected Space Marines? What is the difference between them and Celestine?"

Qin Mo thought for a while and nodded. Although he didn't say anything, he felt in his heart that the Cursed Legion was indeed related to souls, but it seemed no different from the other demon armies of the four gods.

"I would have become the fifth god, but I am sitting on the golden throne. I can't get up or down." The emperor turned around and continued to fiddle with the matrix. "Even if I became the fifth god, it would be impossible to protect human souls. What is the difference between me and humans who have ascended to God compared to Slaanesh and the Eldar?"

"There is a reason why I cannot pull human souls in the subspace. I don't want to talk about this reason."

"The state religion prohibits worshiping objects other than me. If you expect what the state religion says about protecting souls to be true, why not ask you Tailong people to worship the dead. At least the dead will be strengthened by the will of the living, so that they will not At your mercy in the subspace.”


Listening to the emperor's words, Qin Mo suddenly began to think about the emperor's future.

The Emperor was originally supposed to become the fifth god of the subspace. The Horus Heresy was essentially a god-ascension ceremony. Whoever survived Horus or the Emperor would become the fifth god.

But the emperor sitting on the Golden Throne was not expected by the gods. As long as he does not get off the Golden Throne, he will not become the fifth god, and the sixth, seventh, and eighth gods will not be able to ascend.

Then it seems that the Emperor's fate can only be to sit on the Golden Throne. No matter whether the current plan can succeed or not, he must sit there, otherwise mankind will be doomed.

Thinking of this, Qin Mo suddenly felt that the emperor was really miserable. Isn't this "not allowed to be reincarnated forever"?

"Before the Iron Man's will condenses into subspace entities, part of my will will protect them to prevent them from being eroded by other subspace entities." The emperor turned his head and stared at Qin Mo with his golden eyes, "This is us A gift for you.”

When the emperor said the word "we", Qin Mo didn't feel anything because he would not be affected by spiritual energy, but he could feel that this part of the emperor's humanity in front of him had become a representative.

Representatives of the Emperor's Will who have a favorable opinion of the Tyrone Sector.

"How long does it take for you to create a soul material?" Qin Mo asked.

"ten years."

"Ten years? Then we should try to realize our plan within five hundred years."

"There is no time in subspace. Even if it takes me a thousand years to create soul material, it will still be a matter of breath in the real universe. Don't worry about whether the soul material is enough. You have to worry about whether the personality matrix you created in the real universe with time will be enough." It’s enough.”

"Believe me, rubbing the personality matrix is ​​much easier than rubbing the soul material."


Qin Mo continued to conduct research with the emperor to better integrate the soul material with the personality matrix, a creation of the real universe.

During the research process, Qin Mo suddenly thought of a more efficient way to use the matrix.

That is to create a psychic matrix similar to a computer instead of a personality matrix, and use the psychic matrix to form entities faster in subspace.

A controllable entity that is not a Gestalt will but a supercomputer.

Precise and efficient.

Rather than a large group of psionic Ironmen gathering together to form one warp entity, a Iron Man with an Imposed Soul Material Personality Matrix can invoke psionic powers through this entity.

The Emperor also thought this was feasible. He had wanted to do it from the beginning, but he didn't know if the Personality Matrix could be used in this way.

The answer is of course it cannot be used in this way. Qin Mo must build a psychic matrix from scratch, which will be a very easy thing to accomplish with the help of the emperor's psychic powers.

While making the psychic matrix, Qin Mo suddenly thought of another use for the psychic matrix, so he took the emperor to the bottom of the research facility.

After a series of security checks, Qin Mo and the emperor came to a facility similar to a treasure house.

The Talon of Horus is placed in a storage box made of black stone.

"Why did you bring me here?" the Emperor asked.

"I'll give you a gift in return." Qin Mo looked mysterious, walked slowly to a wall, and pressed the button on the wall.

A dimensional rift opened in the wall, spitting out a nearly five-meter box.

When the chest was opened, the Emperor saw that it contained Sanguinius.

Not flesh, but a shell made of living metal.

Even the living metal is not the kind used by Qin Mo's body and undead. Instead, it is a container that is specially created to be most suitable for the user after inputting the genetic sequence.

"I extracted the genes of Sanguinius from the Claw of Horus." Qin Mo looked down at the body, "This body was made for Sanguinius. If its subspace essence still exists, then it He can live in his body and move around in the real universe for a short period of time. The living metal is implanted into his genes, otherwise it would not be able to serve as an anchor to carry his subspace essence. When we create the psychic matrix, we can connect it to the subspace. Pass."

"Sanguinius can see a beacon in the warp, which is this living metal body."

"Then it can get in."


The Emperor listened to Qin Mo's words, and other Emperor's Wills in the subspace also saw the living metal body of Sanguinius through Vanessa's eyes.

Those wills complained, thinking that Qin Mo could come up with something good as a gift for themselves, but it turned out to be just a container of damaged tools. Why should you give the container of this tool to yourself instead of giving it to the defective descendants of the tool?

There were even those who had a malicious attitude toward Tai Lung and insulted Qin Mo, accusing him of just pretending to be a good person, otherwise he should not have only sent a Sanguinius container, but also an Emperor container... completely ignoring Horus. How difficult is it to study the too high concentration of Emperor genes in the subspace on the claws.

The Emperor, who was living on Vanessa's body, did not complain. He leaned down and gently touched Sanguinius's face. After a long silence, he raised his head and said, "Thank you."

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