Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 409 The Iron Man Called Scholar

The Antarctic part of the demon world.

There are the most black stone towers and demons here, and you can even see many Chaos believers.

UR025 is walking in this hell. It has made the best disguise, with various chaos symbols mounted on its steel body.

When you see a Nurgle demon, take off the other Chaos symbols and replace them with the Three Holy Emblem. The same goes for seeing other demons or Chaos believers. If you encounter the Astra Militarum here, it will replace it with the double-headed eagle symbol.

This kind of disguise seems ridiculous and absurd to 025 himself.

But it works in this ridiculous universe.

After all, even the political commissars in the Astra Militarum do not believe that a Chaos believer can wear the double-headed eagle symbol without being excommunicated by the God-Emperor, and the eternal war veterans among the Chaos believers do not believe that a false emperor's lackey can wear the Chaos symbol without being excommunicated. Be corrupted.

Don't ask, ask because of the psychic reasons.

025 walked openly among the demons and Chaos believers. After seeing a newly built black stone tower, he sent the location to Heat Death. He did all this without concealment, but when the Chaos Space Marines walked past it, they just looked at it. One look at the Chaos symbol on its chest would suggest it to be the personal property of some lucky warband lord.

After three hours of such generous reconnaissance, 025 suddenly encountered ten Chaos Space Marines of the Word Bearers Legion.

These ten Word Bearers were no different from the Space Marines they encountered before. They would not have attracted 025's attention, but this time it was different. The Word Bearers were holding a tied up Iron Man.

At first glance, this iron man was made from the mothership, and 025 can tell from the process analysis.

But it stands to reason that the Iron Man made by the mothership except Heat Death should all be conventional combat types, or agile types, or giant combat bodies... The Iron Man in front of me is different, it looks like a living metal structure out of humanity.


No edges or corners.

There is a butcher's nail inserted in the head similar to that of the Chaos Space Marines who believe in Khorne, and 025 knows that the butcher's nail was originally something used by intelligent iron men or stone men androids, and its function is to receive signals.

"Save me...please..."

025 saw the Iron Man raising his head and looking at himself. It was restrained by the Word Bearers and unable to break free and sent a binary communication message.

The Word Bearers haven't noticed yet.

"You are..." 025 looked at Iron Man in surprise, ecstatic and in disbelief.

This is actually another Iron Man compatriot!

It can cry for help, which proves that it is intelligent and is essentially different from the standard model Iron Man of Castellan and Tyrone.

"I don't know why I'm here...save me...they want to use rituals to corrupt me..." Iron Man continued to ask for help.

025 looked at the Word Bearers.

The Word Bearers also noticed this strange iron man and gathered around 025.

"Can't you find the way to the Black Mechanicus?"

"It might be the creation of those iron heads. If you give this iron man to those iron heads, you might be able to exchange it for some weapons or something."

"Iron Head? You mean, Iron Warrior? This Iron Man looks quite exquisite, not stupid or thick. Maybe he is the property of a station gang lord, or it was created by the Black Mechanicum..."

The Word Bearers were buzzing around 025.

They did not expect 025 to respond, because the things they saw like Iron Man were either security robots from ancient times or iron puppets created by the Black Mechanicum. These two things had no intelligence at all.

"I'm an iron man." 025 said.

The Word Bearers were shocked to hear it speak, and began talking again.

"Has the technology of the Black Mechanicum improved?"

“Does this guy have a wet piece of human head inside?”


The Word Bearers began to discuss the slender iron man they had captured.

025 Then I learned that the slender Iron Man suddenly appeared in front of the Word Bearers. At that time, these ten Word Bearers were helping the demons build the Blackstone Tower. They captured the Iron Man who appeared and prepared to use rituals to corrupt the Iron Man. Send it to the Black Mechanic Cult in exchange for some goodies.

Just like using the black stone, you also use the magic power of the dark gods to corrode the black stone and make the black stone for your own use.

After understanding the situation, 025 no longer hesitated.

A Word Bearer and his armor were instantly torn apart by 025's power claws.

The remaining Word Bearers were either shot through the head by three bursts of assault cannons and died, or were torn into pieces by 025's power claws. The battle ended easily.

"Thank you!" Iron Man thanked 025, "My signal receiving module is damaged, can you..."

Before he finished speaking, 025 took out the gift given to him by Heat Death, which was a printing device to help Iron Man repair the damaged signal receiving module.

The so-called signal receiving module is something similar to a butcher's nail. Every Ironman in the Tyrone Ironman Mothership will install this thing to form a neural network that links the integrated modules in the brain.

After the repair was completed, the iron man, who was as slender as a human, could stand up from the ground.

"You should be the new Iron Man made by Tai Lung." 025 looked at the Iron Man up and down, and saw many components similar to heat death from the components of the Iron Man, including a personality matrix. "Perhaps there was an error in the transmission system, sending you to the enemy. We’re in Fang’s base camp.”

"I don't know what you are talking about." Iron Man shook its head helplessly. It had no memory at all. It only remembered that when it opened its eyes, it saw the Word Bearer's power hammer smashing into its signal receiving module.

"Scholar, this is your name." 025 projected the name engraved in Iron Man's personality matrix so that Iron Man could see it.

The iron man named Scholar nodded confusedly and had no impression of the name at all.

"I'll take you away first." 025 turned around and motioned for the scholar to follow him, "I will come back to perform the mission after you are safe."

025 is willing to lend a helping hand to every fellow Iron Man. It volunteered to perform reconnaissance missions just to thank the Tyrones for creating a true Iron Man and expanding the number of Iron Man species in the galaxy that are already on the verge of extinction.

The scholar also believed in 025 and followed it towards the direction leaving the Demon Realm.

The two iron men hadn't walked a few steps when they suddenly bumped into a group of Word Bearers.

There were twenty Word Bearers Chaos Space Marines in total, escorting a group of mutant slaves from the Daemon World, and those slaves were carrying the Blackstone slabs to be assembled.

The two sides suddenly met by chance, and stared at each other for a few seconds. Then the Word Bearers recognized the enemy through the fragments of the battle brothers on the ground, and immediately focused on the two iron men.

The scholar is not a combat type at all. Its instinctive reaction is to find a bunker to hide while bombs are flying.

025 Shoot against the Word Bearers.

A Word Bearer took advantage of the chaos to get behind 025 and pierced 025's chest with his power sword.

The scholar was extremely anxious when he saw his compatriots being harmed, and it couldn't do anything, but its desire to help 025 was real and urgent.

Driven by instinct, the scholar stood up from behind the stone and raised his hands toward the Word Bearers.

Lightning condensed out of thin air in the palms of the two iron hands, spreading back and forth between the Word Bearers.

Each Word Bearer struck by the lightning screamed, psychic light emitted from every orifice in their face, and their souls were shattered and ripped away.

"The God of All Machines!" 025 sighed and looked at the scholar, "An iron man who can use psychic powers?!"

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