Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 403 Anti-terrorist Demon-Slaying Army Type Iron Man

"Did you see it?" Heat Death contacted the intelligence in the mothership.

The scene where the great demon of Khorne was chopped into two pieces with a single blade really shocked Heat Death. It felt that everything stored in its database had become a joke.

Melta can't kill enemies, but swords can.

This kind of thing is simply like figuring out that one plus one equals three when doing a math problem, and no matter how you verify it, it proves that the answer is correct. It is simply incredible.

"I saw it." The mothership intelligently responded to Heat Death coldly, and then warned it: "Continue your battle, observing and summarizing experience is not your task."

Heat Death agreed with this statement, but it did not immediately jump off the giant battle body to fight with the cavalry. Instead, it diverted its attention and looked straight ahead.

The infantry phalanx of Khorne's demon army that was shouting and fighting was not far from the first row of iron men. In addition to the long-range firepower they suffered from the bombing from giant combat bodies, artillery combat bodies, and flying combat bodies, they also suffered from conventional combat bodies. Weapon focus fire.

But the army of Khorne remained fearless and strolled forward.

Groups of demons descended from the sky to become reserve troops, but they did not immediately join the battle. Second, they set up a blockade around the battlefield to ensure that no third party would intervene in the battle on the plains.

After a while, one or two demons of Tzeentch who came over and tried to rub against the Blackstone Tower were chased by the demon of Khorne.

Heat Death found that the demon army of Khorne seemed to be pursuing martial virtue and honor. It did not know what the purpose of these demons' pursuit of martial virtue and honor was, but that was what they were doing.

"For the Blood God! For the Blood God!"

Skarbrand didn't seem to get tired or get cold, and he wandered amidst the gunfire for a long time, still yelling.

Heat Death believed that there was no point in continuing to bombard the phalanx of Khorne's demon army, so it issued an order to focus all long-range firepower on Skarbrand.

The sky was full of artillery fire, covering Skarbrand. This was a bombing with no blind spots.

Even a big demon like Skarbrand, who is considered the most terrifying entity in the real universe, cannot withstand firepower enough to change the terrain.

After the smoke rolled away and all the flames and flashes dissipated, Heat Death saw Skarbrand leaning on his axe, panting.

Its extremely strong body was full of wounds, and some wounds could be seen from the front to the back. Even one of Skarbrand's wings was blown to pieces, and one of his arms flew to an unknown place.

But Skarbrand's wounds are recovering rapidly, just like a dying person quickly returning to a healthy person.

"Second bombing," Heat Death ordered.

After the encrypted command was transmitted to every iron man, a roar like thunder echoed across the battlefield.

But it wasn't the roar of fire and explosions.

Skarbrand was spared the bombing, while the Ironmen in front of it suffered heavy losses.

It was as if a huge man as big as a planet was holding an ax and slashing at the Iron Man. A canyon abyss in the shape of an ax mark flowed down from where the Iron Man troops were, and all the giant battle bodies teleported to the battlefield so far were destroyed.

The heat death of standing on a giant battle body was also affected. Half of his body was gone, and he was lying at the bottom of the canyon like an ax mark, lingering.

The heat-dead body begins to print and repair itself. It does not pay attention to its own injuries. It still pays attention to the battlefield while waiting for the body to recover.

It can be seen through the heat death of the drone that the phalanx of the Khorne Demon Army has engaged the Iron Man Front.

This scene is still the same as in the movie Tyrone Cold War. The soldiers in the front row of the infantry phalanx fight with the enemy. The infantry behind them do not gather around to fight together but stand behind and wait. This may be to maintain the phalanx. Composition and order, preventing battles from turning from orderly to chaotic.

The battle went on for a while.

The phalanx of Khorne's demon army is advancing step by step, and the Iron Man's front is like a sandbag in front of the demon army.

Heat Death lamented that this battle could no longer be viewed with common sense. As long as the opponent was not the demon army of Khorne but other enemies, if they dared to fight in a square formation, even a volley of skirmishers formed when the number of iron men was insufficient would be lost. Can't bear it.

Thinking of this, Heat Death began to think about how to proceed with this battle.

The enemies are too weird.

This is unlike any enemy encountered so far.

"Your mission is completed, come back."

The intelligent voice of the Iron Man Mothership was transmitted into Heat Death's communication module. It looked at the black sphere in the sky in confusion, which was the Iron Man Mothership.

"I have records about the so-called Blood God in my database."

The mothership intelligence began to explain.

"The influence of the Four Gods is not all negative, they can also bring positive effects. The Imperial Astra Militarum troops fighting bravely on the battlefield between the stars may also be blessed by the Blood God and become fearless of death, and some Amazing discipline.”

"I just want to say that the four gods have their own rules. If you want to deal with them, you have to comply with their rules."

"You are just here to collect data. I don't really expect you to lead troops to defeat these demonic armies."

"And now that the data collection is complete, you come back and transform."

After speaking, the mothership intelligently transmitted two templates to Heat Death.

One is a new body template for Heat Death, without any ranged weapons, just as muscular as Skarbrand.

One is the template for the new Iron Man troops, which are named the Anti-Terrorist Demon Army's specialized Iron Man templates.

The Iron Man in this template has no long-range weapons, a strong body, and no skull-like structure that integrates modules such as sensing, communication, and observation. Instead, the originally integrated modules are dispersed throughout the body.

Heat Death doesn't know the significance of this headless design, but it feels that the database of the mothership's intelligent link is higher than itself, so it should know more about Khorne. The sensor communication observation module has been changed from integrated to Distribution is definitely useful.

"Teleport me back, together with these iron men on the battlefield now." Heat Death said.

"No, we can't escape. All the Iron Men who went with you will be killed. In this way, the next step in the battle is not for us to escape and evacuate and then fight again, but for us to continue to invest our troops to fight the Khorne Demon Army after the advance team is destroyed. Meat war."

Hearing this, Heat Death crawled out of the canyon and took a look at the battle between his kind and the enemy.

The combat efficiency is so poor that it is no different from flesh and blood humans, maybe even worse.

Learning, analyzing and improving are the strengths of Iron Man.

Switching to a new combat plan against specific enemies is indeed the best option right now.

To do porcelain work, you have to use diamonds.

"I don't need to teleport anymore." Heat Death stretched out all his arms, took out the four power swords he carried, and teleported directly to Skarbrand, who was killing people in the Iron Man Front.

In order to collect more detailed data, Heat Death first opened the shell on the chest and fired a shot at Skarbrand with the core.

The shot was powerful enough to penetrate the Titan, but it only opened a small hole in Skarbrand's abdomen.

The big demon turned to look at Heat Death, howled, raised his ax and struck hard.

Heat Death did not dodge, and thrust out a sword while facing the ax head-on.

The power sword blessed by the power of heat death easily pierced Skarbrand's neck, but it was also chopped into pieces by the falling axe, and returned to the mothership to be reborn.

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