Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 390 Beisu is in a hurry

Northern star system.

The fleet of the Red Pirates warband is fighting against the Tyrone navy fleet.

Since the entire Gate of Tyrone was under attack and signals for help were sent to the navy everywhere, the navy was unable to devote a large amount of combat power to a single galaxy, so the void battle in the North Star Galaxy was completely evenly matched.

The sixty-seven warships of the Tyrone Navy faced off against the ninety-two warships of the Red Pirates. The two sides were engaged in a void battle with no tactics or skills. Once the void shield and energy shield were shattered, another ship would be replaced to take the lead, and the cycle continued. Back and forth, stuck in a stalemate.

The number of Red Pirate warships is not greater than that of the Tyron Navy, but they are obviously supported by the Dark Gods. The entire fleet carries a huge number of space hulks. These hulks are corroded and attached to flesh and blood, and they can actually fly without anyone controlling them. It operates automatically under certain conditions.

When the void battle between the two sides was locked in a stalemate, the red pirate fleet's flank suddenly flashed with light for 0.5 light seconds, and then a frigate sailed to the place where the light flickered at an extremely fast speed, and the ship's body turned inward. After shrinking and twisting, it returns to normal.

This frigate is called Warmaster's Sorrow, and it is Gray's ship.

The frigate suddenly arrived, and the red pirate fleet was caught off guard without observing the dimensional rift. The two flesh-and-blood scraps were penetrated by the frigate's particle lance.

A cruiser was penetrated from the stern to the bow ramming angle while facing the Tyrone Navy with full fire from the side.

Although the surprise attack of the frigate gave the Tyron Navy a slight local advantage, this type of warship was not used for large-scale void battles after all.

As the entire Red Corsair fleet turned towards the surprise attackers and poured out artillery fire, Gray could only order the frigates to sail behind the Tyrone navy.

"Thank you for your support, Guards."

A holographic image flashed across the bridge, which was Admiral Tyrone fighting in the Beixiu galaxy.

The general saw Gray and was startled.

Because at this time, Gray was sitting on the command throne in the bridge, and his spine from his neck to his waist was connected to a cable that was wrapped with electricity every ten centimeters. In his chest and abdomen, three fusion reactors were glowing red and running at full speed.

Gray's seven orifices and the heat dissipation holes reserved on his body were spraying hot air outwards.

"How's the battle going?" Gray stood up slowly, and the drone flew behind him to help him remove the cables used to power the new hyperdrive.

"As you can see." The general pointed helplessly behind him, "The void battle has reached a stalemate, and strategic point defense tactics have become ineffective... In addition, when we were unable to escape, the enemy dropped land forces on every world in Beisu."

Gray is quite familiar with the navy's tactics.

The Navy has a set of defensive tactics that have only one weakness, and that is strategic point defense tactics.

A small fleet acts as a decoy or sentry, and a large fleet is parked at a strategic point. As long as an enemy appears, the fleet can instantly teleport to the place where the enemy is for defense.

This tactic will not be defeated under normal circumstances. Its disadvantage is that if the enemy has too many warships and launches a full-scale invasion from the beginning, the Tyrone Navy will have to divide the fleet equally into various void battlefields.

"It seems that the enemy is very familiar with our naval tactics." Gray nodded, then looked at his deputy, "The battleship stayed to assist the navy in the battle, and then teleported me to Beisu No. 1."

"Yes." The deputy immediately activated the teleportation device.

"Thank you for your assistance." The general saluted Gray, "For the Lord of Tyrone."

"For the Lord of Tyrone." Gray nodded.

The holographic communication image disappears.

Gray was also teleported to the surface of Beisu No.1.

The war started quickly, and the Tyrone sector responded quickly.

With its unique communication system, the Tyrone Sector reacted and prepared countermeasures almost as soon as the war began, but when Gray arrived on Beisiu 1, he did not feel that he had arrived in time.

Beisu No. 1 underwent a transformation after being taken over by the Tyrone Sector. From the surface environment to the hive city... the wasteland on the surface was wiped out and replaced by forests that could supply materials for the hive capital industry.

But now this surface transformation has become useless, because the scale of the enemy's offensive is too large, and the forest was destroyed by the war at the beginning.

There were fighter planes that looked like flying dragons everywhere in the sky. At first, Gray thought it was just a unique shape. But when he found those fighter planes flapping their wings, circling in place and spitting fire, he realized that they really seemed to be flying dragons.

And everywhere on the ground are airdrop pods dropped by Chaos Space Marines, and tattered transport aircraft carried by the warband's mortal servants...

Forty percent of the planet has been lost, but this does not mean that the defenders who still control the remaining 60% of the territory can control the equator, the Antarctic and the North Pole, but they can only control the largest areas on the planet. That hive.

The giant hive city that can be seen outside the planet.

The enemy has surrounded this hive and is trying to attack it by various means.

When Gray arrived at the city wall in the northern part of the hive, he happened to see an enemy transport ship break through the Tyron naval front in a desperate manner and drop three airdrop pods on the surface of the planet. The landing point of the airdrop pods passed through the bioprocessor. Analysis, it is defense point No. 1424 on the city wall.

The transport ship was destroyed just as the airdrop pods separated from the hull, but the airborne assault had not yet been disintegrated.

Many defense points were under attack, but Gray only went to support One Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty-Four because there was a large defense platform there, and countless civilians from other parts of the hive world had teleported or were waiting to teleport there. Take refuge in the largest hive.

"It's Dreadclaw!"

Soldiers inside the defense point saw airdrop pods falling from the sky.

They had already suffered from the Dread Claw, and knew that this super-large airdrop pod would release melta to kill everyone around them after it fell, so their commander did not hesitate to lead his men to teleport the Dread Claw's landing point.

The three airdrop pods landed 700 meters away from the defense point teleportation platform. Smoke and melt were released together. The door of the airdrop pod was kicked open. Three six-man combat teams of Chaos Space Marines and thousands of mortal servants exited. gushed out.

The soldiers who had previously teleported away were teleported back again. The heavy-fire combat team was ready for battle while they were still traveling through the dimensional space. When they teleported out, they immediately opened fire on the enemy with twin-mounted heavy logging guns.

Mortal servants fell in swarms, and Chaos Space Marines stood sideways, using bolt bombs to quickly clear heavy fire squads.

But soldiers suddenly teleported out from the left and right sides of the Space Marines. They were anti-armor combat teams, holding melta weapons and killing four Space Marines in one second before the Space Marines could react.

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