
In the crystal demon realm.

Carlos and Magnus stood together.

In their eyes, the real universe is a picture spread out in subspace. The only difference between what they can see is that Carlos can only see pictures of the past and future.

But Magnus could see the present.

The All-Changing Demon Lord and the Demon Prince Tzeentch are looking at a corner of the real universe, which is the Tyrone Sector.

Carlos can't see anything, but he can judge the current situation in the star sector from Magnus's reaction and the records about Magnus in the Book of Destiny.

The reality membrane within four hundred light years has been weakened or broken, and subspace energy is continuously pouring into every galaxy they call the Dead Zone.

But four hundred light years away, the structure of reality is still reinforced. Without a giant ceremony involving tens of billions of people, there is no way to interfere with this part of the universe.

The entire Tyrone star sector looks like a donut in terms of the size of the reality membrane and curtain alone, and the four hundred light-years with the Dead Zone as its core are within the star sector.

The reality membrane is shattered and the curtain is weakened. This is like opening a channel to the subspace. Its effect on the demons is second only to the Eye of Terror and the Maelstrom.

A circle of galaxies outside the Tyron Star Zone is a defense zone called the Gate of Tyron. The real-life structure of the defense zone has not been reinforced. However, when the reality film and curtain are both strong, you want to enter the Gate of Tyron directly from subspace. It's a fool's dream.

However, for the servants of the most powerful dark god in the subspace, the sea of ​​souls, and the supreme sky, there are always ways to interfere with the real universe.

"Start the ceremony." Magnus waved his scepter, and a subspace storm raged on the subspace structure corresponding to the demon world where it was located, and ferocious appendages and faces even appeared on the surface of the demon world.

Carlos assisted Magnus and guided more of his kind to Magnus.

The great demons of the Lord of Change are coming to Carlos and Magnus one after another. Their number is more than those wretched-looking monster-dread cannon fodder, because the number of great demons of Tzeentch is nine times nine. Square.

The big demons appeared one after another to participate in this ceremony.

The ritual sacrifices were also brought out - nine hundred and ninety-nine black legion veterans of the eternal war.

Originally, the ritual sacrifice would be 99.99 million mortals in the Maelstrom area, but Huron refused to provide this sacrifice and helped the Demon Lord find other ways to perform the ritual.

The veterans of the Black Legion's eternal war are another way Huron found.

"You will be beheaded by the Warmaster!"

"You will regret your cooperation with Huron, because he is not qualified to be the new Warmaster!"

The veterans roared in rage before being psychically drained of their souls, threatening Carlos and Magnus.

But the threats just made Carlos feel ridiculous.

"Where was your Warmaster when Huron captured you?" Carlos said contradictory words, "I am so afraid of Abaddon. What if I am killed by him?"

The veterans of the eternal war were still insulting Carlos.

And Carlos shut them up with just one sentence: "If I can gain greater benefits by sacrificing you, Abaddon will sell you without hesitation. If you ask me, you might as well defect to Huron."

The veterans of the Black Legion fell into silence, partly because they were persuaded, and partly because they were suffering from soul-level torture and could no longer think.

One of Carlos's brains could never lie, and the veterans knew Abaddon's temperament, and it was hard not to think there was a grain of truth or two to it.

Psychic energy is raging, souls are torn and burned.

The Lord of Change sets his sights on the location of the Demon King in the Warp, and takes some energy away from the eternal battle with the other three gods to assist his Great Demon.

Just the remnants of the ceremony set off a violent storm in the subspace that spanned several star sectors.

The transport ship where Zach was located became the medium.

There is no time in the subspace. Carlos and Magnus, who are in the subspace, can manipulate time at will at this moment.

When Magnus's scepter smashed down on the body of an eternal war veteran, the transport ship left the subspace and returned to the moment when it ended its several-year subspace voyage and entered the real universe.

But this time it did not appear in the Boreal Galaxy, but in a galaxy outside the Borealis, just seven light-years away from the Tyrone Gate.

There are no longer 150,000 hungry crew members in the transport ship, but 90,000 ritual sacrifices, and a transformed subspace creation that contains the power of the Lord of Change.

Before the people in the galaxy could react to what happened, the sarcoma-like Zach exploded in the transport ship. Blue energy swept across the entire galaxy in an instant, and an indescribable crystal with ever-changing shapes condensed in the cold void. Huge mountains.

Nine planets in the galaxy instantly turned into demon worlds.

A subspace rift opened at the location of the transport ship and the location of Zach's explosion, providing a steady stream of psychic energy to the entire galaxy.

Magnus raised his scepter and smashed the next veteran of the Age of War to death.

In Carlos's evil laughter, the fabric of reality was being weakened by the subspace energy left at the node in time.

The transport ship retreated to the moment when it ended its warp voyage that lasted for several years and returned to the real universe, but this time it did not appear outside the North Star system, but outside another defense node on Tyron's Gate.

As before, Zac exploded and a warp rift opened.

But this time there are not nine planets in the galaxy, and the conditions are not that good. Only one planet has been turned into a demon world.

Then the next veteran of the eternal war was killed.

The transport ship was pushed back and then exploded outside Tyron's Gate.

Over and over again, until the entire galaxy outside Tyron's Gate has been corrupted.

Time is manipulated again, returning to before the ceremony took place.

Nothing happened in the Tyrone Galaxy at this time, and all galaxies outside the Tyrone Gate were clean.

But the ceremony was not in vain.

There are still 900 veterans of the eternal war left.

When Carlos began to murmur forbidden spells, praying to the Lord of Changes to exert more power around him, all the remaining Eternal Soldiers died instantly, and their souls were pulled out, screaming and hovering in the subspace.

A series of previous rituals, a series of openings of subspace rifts and contamination of the fabric of the real universe became psychic energy that could be mobilized.

Tzeentch imposes the results of rituals performed in the past and future onto the present.

In the real universe, subspace rifts have appeared in every galaxy outside the Tyrone Sector that was just affected by Magnus. The warships of the Red Pirates and various Chaos warbands drove out of the rifts and were distributed to every Galaxy goes.

The rift not only opened a passage for the ship, it also continued to spew out massive amounts of spiritual energy, and transformed the planets in the galaxy into demon worlds one after another.

"We would like to thank the undead overlord named Coren." Carlos looked at Magnus. "If it hadn't torn the reality membrane and caused psychic energy to flow into Talon, we would have had nothing to do."

Magnus nodded and suddenly asked: "Why don't we just open a rift at the Gate of Tyron? The reality structure there is no different from the reality structure outside Tyron."

"You're a genius!" Carlos said. "Use your Ogryn brain."

"The reason why Tyron's Gate was established is to rely on the local defenders to quickly use anti-subspace means when subspace effects occur in places where the reality structure is unstable."

"If we open a rift further outside, the Tyrones will have to hit the outside first, and then use their small means."


Magnus grabbed Carlos by the neck, and when he discovered that Carlos had another neck, he planted his scepter on the ground, and grabbed the other neck with his free hand.

"I don't care about strategy, I only care about when we can break into the Tyrone sector and turn this sector that can manufacture dimension engines into rubbish." Magnus said.

"Soon, because the dark gods have temporarily reached an agreement..." Carlos responded.

Magnus then let go of Carlos and asked: "Can you help me go deep into the Talon galaxy and carry out beheading tactics on the Lord of Talon?"



Carlos's two heads said opposite things.

"The Lord of Tailong cannot die. In the eyes of the master, it cannot die. If you want to behead it, the master will definitely behead you first."

"Not only the Lord of Tyrone, but also those who should have died in the Tyrone Galaxy Hive, try not to kill them."

"My master likes the many changes they have brought about, which even he cannot see through."

Two updates today. My eyes have been hurting for the past two days. I will go to the hospital to check my fundus soon.

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