Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 383 Natural Person

Blackstone Fortress traveled through the universe for two months before arriving in the Tyrone Star Sector.

When Heat Death wanted to use the dimensional engine to jump directly into the galaxy capital from the edge of the sector, it found that the dimensional engine was trapped by the interference force field at the edge of the galaxy.

The patrol fleet of the Tyrone Navy was teleported from the vicinity of the Blackstone Fortress. After the Void Fortress in the system aimed all weapons at the fortress, the naval fleet approached the fortress and released a scanning wave before boarding the ship for inspection.

A group of Ogryns wearing power armor escorted a naval officer in a white uniform, teleporting directly into the core area of ​​the fortress and coming to Heat Death and 025.

With one hand behind his back and a document in the other, the naval officer saw first Heat Death and then UR025.

At this time, 025 suddenly became nervous. It was a little worried whether the naval officer in front of it would use force against it.

But the naval officer just glanced at 025, and then asked Heat Death: "Is it the same kind of creature that was created with you?"

"No, it's another iron man I found." Heat Death replied, "I can vouch for it."

The officer glanced at 025 again, then took out the communicator to report, and then handed the document to Heat Death.

"We have received news that the fortress is about to enter the star sector, welcome home." the officer said.

Heat Death signed his name on the document and returned it to the officer, asking at the same time: "Why can't I just enter the Tyrone system this time?"

"No one can do it now. Even the Praetorian Guards have to be stopped at the edge of the star sector." The officer put away the document and talked about the recent tightening of security. "Two months ago, we fought the Necron on Dead Domain Three. After a fierce battle, even the reality membrane was shattered, subspace creatures may invade at any time, and the Lord of Tyrone issued a martial law order."

"Troublesome times." Heat Death nodded.

"In short, before the reality membrane gradually recovers, no ship can even think of jumping directly into the sector capital." The officer activated the teleportation device, "Go to Tyrone, the Lord of Tyrone is waiting for you."

The naval personnel then teleported out.

Blackstone Fortress continues to sail towards the Tyrone Galaxy.

Since every galaxy had interference fields activated, even the identified ships could only sail one galaxy after another. It took Blackstone Fortress another week to arrive at the Tyrone Galaxy.

After the Blackstone Fortress entered the galaxy and docked at the star port, Qin Mo immediately teleported inside the fortress to admire the trophies that Heat Death had captured for him.

Qin Mo didn't come alone, he was accompanied by Burner and Vanessa.

"I'm having a headache about where to get the black stone." Qin Mo hugged Han Ji and pointed to a black wall in front of where they were, "Well done, with this thing you brought back, I can Build a mobile anti-subspace platform.”

"Yes, this fortress is entirely made of black stone." Heat Death has already investigated the black stone fortress.

As the name suggests, the Blackstone Fortress is really made of pure black stone, and this fortress has not been found by others before, so there is not even a single piece of equipment made of other materials in it.

Except Dimension Engine.

"Just a piece of black stone is of great use to me." Qin Mo walked towards the black wall in front of him and stroked the black stone.

The ton of black stone that Klein squeezed from Bellona before was not even half of this wall. Even if the Black Stone Fortress cannot be used as a whole, it can still be demolished.

In short, the black stone is a treasure in this universe.

"I found another Iron Man." Heat Death turned around and waved towards the darkness.

UR025 steps out of the shadows.

If it were another Iron Man, Qin Mo wouldn't easily allow it to become Heat Death's companion without knowing the details, but UR025 could.

The two have never met in this universe, but Qin Mo is familiar with the situation of UR025.

Therefore, the answers to a series of questions prepared by 025 had no effect. Qin Mo immediately asked 025 to stay in the Tailong sector: "It can act with you. You can go to the mothership together, or if nothing happens, Let’s walk around the star area.”

"Can I stay in Tyrone?" 025 asked.

"It's not about staying in Tailong, it's about staying with your kind." Qin Mo said.

025 doesn't care about the Tyrone Star Sector. In its opinion, this place is not very different from most star sectors in the Human Empire. What it cares about is being able to stay with its own kind.

"Thank you." 025's metal body bowed slightly, then stared at Qin Mo.

Iron Man often has analysis hardware and software that are always on. Whether 025 wants it or not, it can see Qin Mo's physiological data, such as genes.

Qin Mo also had questions in this regard: "Are my genes similar to those of the Jin people?"

"No." 025 shook his head, "Your genetic sequence is still very different from that of the Jin people, but it is different from today's humans. You are... a pure natural human being."

This answer did not surprise Qin Mo. He had never seen golden humans in the dark technological age, but he could guess that humans must have undergone many transformations when they entered the universe.

The genes of the current humans in the empire all have the legacy left by the golden humans. For example, they are stronger, have better psychological quality, and have psychic talents.

Take Creed, the Supreme Lord of Cadia, for example. The cigars he smokes are far stronger than those on Earth in ancient times, but not only can he smoke them, but they can also pass through his lungs.

Another example is the current human beings in the imperial hive city. The environment in the hive city is extremely beautified if it is said to be dirty and messy. If human beings are not as strong physically as their ancient ancestors and not as mentally strong as their ancestors, it is impossible to live in the hive city. To survive.

As for natural humans, they refer to pure natural humans who have not yet left the earth.

Purely natural and pollution-free.

"If Iron Man still exists on a large scale, do ancient natural people like me have any privileges?" Qin Mo asked.

He suddenly thought about whether he could gather some Iron Men like 025. After all, there was more than just one Iron Man remnant like 025 in the galaxy.

"Probably, maybe... I am only a household type, not a scientific research type. There is no relevant preset for a pure natural person in my command library, but there should be a scientific research type iron man. After all, in the era when I was born, pure natural people were already very Being rare, natural persons must be of high value in the field of genetic science.”

After saying that, 025 lowered his head and thought for a moment, then asked: "But what's the point of saying this now?"

"Same." Qin Mo nodded and ordered to Heat Death: "Thank you for your hard work. Take your Iron Man friends and leave the fortress."

Heat Death did not respond immediately. After hesitating for a moment, he lowered his head and whispered, "I don't want to go back to the mothership."

"Then we won't go back to the mothership." Qin Mo took out a circular star map projection device and unfolded a star map of the Tyrone star area marked with a red circle. "You can choose any of the three planets in the galaxy within the circle area. Anjia, colonization of these three planets is prohibited, no one will disturb you."

Heat Death raised his head and immediately left the fortress with 025.

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