Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 381 Similar Iron Man

While the confrontation was still going on, the two mechs in the ranks of the Adeptus Mechanicus and the Black Mechanicus had been conducting secret exchanges.

They discovered each other's characteristics.

Heat Death is on the side of the Black Mechanicus. He has found the core of the Blackstone Fortress and expects to capture the fortress soon and sacrifice it to his creator.

Then the Black Mechanicus team was targeted by the Mechanicus people, and the two sides faced off.

Heat Death suddenly discovered that there was an Iron Man in the Mechanicum's team who was just like him and had a hidden identity.

This iron man is gray-white, with a round head with a red light edge, an assault cannon in his left hand, and a power claw in his right hand.

Of course, there is also the indispensable Imperial double-headed eagle symbol. Only when it wears this symbol can it hide its identity and disguise itself as an intelligent robot soldier of the Mechanicus.

The two iron men noticed something unusual about each other as soon as they met, and then began to try to communicate.

Signals are sent to each other.

decode each other.

Unify the frequency with each other and finally start communicating.

"If similar people are found, a friendly code will be sent."

"Friendly code received, returned."

"Inquiry program sent: Are you also a smart iron man? Sent completed, waiting for response."

"Response: I am also a smart iron man, and so are you? Sent completed, waiting for response."

"Response: Of course I do too."

"Show goodwill: Send the name proactively."

"Receiving name: UR025. Same as good intentions, sending name: Heat Death."

"Heat Death. Receive."

If Qin Mo was here at this time, he would be very surprised.

Because 025 is an iron man in the Blackstone Fortress board game he played in his previous life. Its story is very simple, only a short story.

UR025 and Heat Death looked at each other, and after testing each other's intelligence level, they began to communicate normally.

"You are actually an iron man?" Heat Death couldn't believe it, and ecstasy was born in its personality matrix, "I am not alone! I am not alone!"

"I am an iron man who has been running for a long time." UR025 was equally happy. "We actually have many similar people, but I can't contact them anymore, and I don't know what they are doing... I thought I was the last iron man in this galaxy. ”

UR025 then told Heat Death how he was created.

It was born in the dark technological age of mankind. It was shaped by a stone man and used as a household iron man to take care of the golden man.

But then times changed, and the Jin family it took care of died, and it had to equip itself with weapons to defend itself.

After Heat Death learned all this, he told UR025 his origins.

025 Then I realized that Heat Death was a very young iron man who was created by a powerful scientist. The reason why it had a personality was because of the personality matrix, otherwise it would be no different from other similar creatures.

But even so, 025 still believes that heat death is the same kind.

the reason is simple.

In the eyes of Iron Man, as long as it is intelligent, it is of the same kind. No matter who made it, no matter what accessories it uses, as long as it has a certain degree of intelligence and thinks it is an Iron Man, then it belongs to another Iron Man. similar.

"We have others of the same kind here." Heat Death looked at the Castellan robot of the Adeptus Mechanicus opposite, "It is also an iron man."

"No, it's just someone else's iron puppet, not an iron man." 025 denied the idea of ​​heat death, and also looked at the Castellan robot, "It's the same kind in a broad sense, but a sad, inferior kind."

Heat Death thought for a while and found that the Castellan robot was no different from his brothers in the Iron Man Mothership. They were all puppets controlled by others, but they were also Iron Man in a general sense. After all, they were made of metal.

In the narrow sense, he is not an iron man, because he has no intelligence.

But that's not important.

"I want to capture the creator who gave Blackstone Fortress to me," Heat Death said.

"Then you have to kill all the people here first, otherwise they won't let you take the Blackstone Fortress." 025 said.

The two iron men communicated for a while and then made the decision to cooperate.

Let's kill everyone here together.

Each arm of Heat Death was placed on the weapons all over its body. Before it was ready to take action, it reminded 025: "You are not a combat-type iron man. Just hide after the war starts, but don't worry, I will protect you."

025 shrugged helplessly and pointed at the assault cannon on his left hand with his power claw: "I was created to take care of others, but look at what I look like now...Fighting is a necessary skill to survive in this cruel universe. You don't I need to be protected.”


Heat Death pulled out two power swords, and picked up the melt cannon and plasma cannon with his remaining hands. This iron man's uncontrolled proactive behavior attracted the attention of the Black Mechanicus personnel next to him.

"let's start."

Heat Death transmitted the last communication and immediately took action, chopping the three Black Mechanicus personnel and their intelligent robots into pieces around him.

025 also started to move. It stabbed its "controller" with a claw, and then used an assault cannon to smash the Castellan robot next to it.

The sudden action of the two iron men triggered a fight.

The expedition teams composed of greenskins, elves, and humans began to shoot at each other.

During the battle, an intelligent control robot fired at 025 with explosive bombs, but the attack only left some scratches on 025's body, which was then torn apart by 025's power claws.

The Castellan robot is very powerful. Under normal circumstances, it is enough to kill all enemies present, but it was killed one after another by 025.

The battle became more brutal and fierce.

There were arms or legs flying everywhere in the air.

Bombs and plasma were flying everywhere.

The special operations team hiding in the corner was affected by the attack. After the hands of the orc boss holding two bouquets of flowers were shattered, the entire special operations team's concealment method was ineffective. I don't know which commando team members and souls were swarmed up. Tribes and greenskins killed.

Heat Death moves across the battlefield dexterously, without the need to distinguish between friend and foe, it only needs to kill organisms or puppets other than 025 one after another.

When a member of the Black Mechanicus who had a lucky escape was hiding in the dark and preparing to kill Heat Death with a melta weapon, he was detected by the electronic eye on the back of Heat Death's head.

An electromagnetic pulse spreads out in all directions with the heat death as the center.

The Black Mechanic Cult member's weapons and electronic parts all over his body were paralyzed, and he died suddenly on the spot.

025 was not affected by the electromagnetic pulse. It had already painted itself with special paint from hell's electromagnetic pulse.

It took the two iron men less than half an hour to kill everyone present who tried to rob the Blackstone Fortress with them. Even the Inquisitor, who had never shown up, was found by Heat Death and used heat through the wall. Melt cannon penetrates.

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