A huge black crescent-shaped battleship rushed into the Dead Zone galaxy at a speed many times faster than the speed of light.

The tomb world began to move into the crescent-shaped battleship.

Tombs one after another, armies of undead warriors... all are moving to the battleship.

Coron's tomb world was no longer hidden, it was separated from another dimension and transferred to the battleship carrying more undead.

The dynasty overlord Coren did not die in the duel. He was still alive, just like Trazin and Orikan who were beheaded by him would not die. Necron nobles of this level often have many spare bodies.

The defeat did not make Coren feel ashamed. On the contrary, it felt like a living person with choices and a sense of honor by doing things according to the war etiquette of the Necrontyr race. In Coren's eyes, nothing is more important than this. .

As the forces of the Coron Overlord withdraw, a silvery, rickety figure appears atop the Celestial Engine.

This is Trazin's classic look.

The Endless One used his skull as a positioning transmitter and transmitted it directly to the bridge of the Celestial Engine, where he met Qin Mo who had just returned to the Celestial Engine.

Considering that the previous permission for Trazin to board the Celestial Engine had not expired, Qin Mo did not send Trazin to be reborn.

"As expected, we withdrew." Trazin was not surprised by Coren's decision, as he was very familiar with this old friend.

In the memory of the Endless, Coren often did similar things when it was still a mortal body. It valued honor more than life, and valued etiquette and rules more than honor.

"Why did it chop off your and the astrologer's heads?" Qin Mo asked.

"It's a long story." Trazin walked slowly to the head that had been chopped off by her old friend, holding the scepter.

The heads of Orikan and Trazin's previous bodies were placed on the bridge.

Trazin came to the head and stood for a few seconds. He turned around and looked around. When he found that Qin Mo's eyes were on the holographic image and no one else was staring at him, he reached out and picked up Orican's head and threw it into his mouth. bag dimension.

"Colon still left a mess." Qin Mo looked at the various data analyzes on the holographic image without any joy of victory.

Through the Star God's ability to perceive the real universe, Qin Mo can digitally input the reality film and curtain into the main control intelligence, and then let the intelligence monitor the status of these two real universe barriers in real time.

The reality membrane on Dead Domain Three has completely dissipated, leaving only a thin curtain to block the intrusion of subspace energy, but it will not block it for long.

The situation in the Dead Zone is the most serious, and the situation in several other nearby galaxies is not optimistic either.

All galaxies within at least four hundred light years have lost or are in the process of losing the protection of the reality membrane.

"Are you worried about the invasion of subspace creatures?" Trazin walked to the holographic image, "I am worried too. According to my experience, when I was in the lawsuit with Orikan, I only went back in time a few times on a small scale. Subspace The living things penetrated the veil and reality membrane and invaded."

Qin Mo nodded.

He was more worried about the influence of subspace than the threat of the Necron Overlord. The four-hundred-light-year range... He couldn't block it even if he moved the black stone obelisk from Cardiana, not to mention that he didn't have that many black stones on hand.

The black stone expert Void Dragon has become the dragon maid of the imperial family and cannot be counted on for the time being.

"I have always wondered why the overlord of the Cologne Dynasty used Dead Domain III for hibernation?" Trazin raised his hand, and a star map bloomed on it, with the Dead Domain galaxy marked on it.

The dead zone galaxy is 20,000 light-years away from another marked galaxy. Only 20,000 light-years away is the galaxy where the Cologne dynasty is dormant.

The Overlord may not necessarily be sleeping together with the King of France, but at least they won't be too far apart.

Especially a dynasty like the Cologne dynasty, a pair of twin brothers, one is the king and the other is the overlord. This means that the overlord Cologne has very high authority and can mobilize almost all the troops. In fact, it also takes away most of the troops. , if it is not in front of the emperor, the dynasty will be attacked and it will be over.

"Didn't the astrologers say that you have a historical record that shows that Column was frightened by the prophecy made by an ancient saint prisoner, so he came to Dead Domain No. 3?" Qin Mo asked.

"I advise you not to listen to what it says." Trazin turned his head and looked up at the crescent-shaped battleship that was about to leave directly above. "Why don't you ask Colum?"

"I just dueled with it, not became friends with it. Will it tell me?" Qin Mo asked back.

Trazin nodded: "This is military intelligence. According to the rules, it has to be said."

Inside the battleship.

Coren's new body sat on the throne, looking at Dead Zone Three on the screen.

It is about to leave this world that has been dormant for millions of years. It does not feel reluctant to leave, but only recalls why it came to sleep here in the first place.

When Colum's thoughts occurred, its memory chip took it back to the period just after the War in Heaven.

In front of Coren, a man who looked like a bipedal lizard appeared.

This person is more like a crocodile on the Necrontyr's home planet, but no matter what, he has the appearance of a standard ancient saint species.

Column remembered that this man was a general.

According to war etiquette, the enemy's high-level officials will be captured rather than killed directly. Even if they are to be executed, they must be executed openly and openly instead of quietly killing people.

The body of this ancient saint hovered in the air, surrounded by blue flames. Its eyes had been blinded by itself, and the holes in the eyes were filled with newly grown flesh buds.

"Are you good at prophecy?" Colen asked, "Tell me about my future. Is it possible for me to regain my soul and turn back into flesh and blood?"

"Never possible."

The voice of the ancient saint echoed directly in Column's mechanical head. This individual of a spiritual race as powerful as a god can use spiritual energy to influence machinery.

"But you will die, permanent death."

"A catastrophe will emerge from the Dead Domain Galaxy and spread to the future dormant location of the Cologne Dynasty. Your and your brother's dynasty will be destroyed, and your existence will be erased."

The ancient saint set off a spiritual storm when he spoke, and it was predicting the future of Cologne with majestic spiritual energy that even the ancient Eldar prophets could not imagine.

"Catastrophe?" Column picked up the teacup and inserted the edge of the teacup between the two sharp metal teeth on the upper and lower parts of his mouth, letting the tea flow down his neck and ribs.

Coren had to admit that the Old Ones did have a second thought. Only a few people in this race knew that the Silent King was formulating a plan to recuperate, and that the Old Ones could see it through prophecies.

"That was a long-planned plan by a wise god for the entire galaxy. It would be a catastrophe for the species in the galaxy." The ancient sage said.

"I understand." Coren stood up and looked at his guard, "It used the prophecy to help him get a chance to live, and sent it away."

No more updates today, I will set up the computer later

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