Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 368 The strongest blow

With the help of the Star God, the Titan legions and armored regiments tore apart the lines of the Necron army at extremely fast speeds.

The energy shield mounted on the command tank resisted the overwhelming artillery fire. The sight range of the Titan and the crew under the energy shield was only the size of the energy shield coverage. Outside the energy shield, only the light of various weapons exploding could be seen.

Inside the Mars Witch, Diana distorted the laws of visual imaging. She could see what was happening outside the energy shield.

The entire sky changes back and forth between red and green.

Above the scorched earth is an undead army with no end in sight. In front of the undead army is an iron man.

The two sides saw each other on the plain.

The undead warriors reunited after death, and only when they were completely crushed did they turn into a puddle of shattered living metal residue.

The bodies of the Iron Men are not made of living metal, and they cannot be reborn immediately, but fortunately there are enough of them and there are teleportation devices, so battle losses are replenished every minute and second.

The head-on battlefield between the Iron Man and the Undead is extremely cruel.

The stray bullets fired by those stone tablets or giant battle bodies may vaporize the iron men or undead warriors in a large area.

The slaughterhouse advanced across the land, wiping out the mountains and iron men beneath their feet.

A formation of 100,000 smart fighters was trying to clear the slaughterhouse, but was thrown directly to the ground by the slaughterhouse's gravity weapons. Then the next batch of smart fighter formations came over and opened fire on the gravity weapons...

The high-level sub-individuals among Iron Man die immediately. After death, they detonate their cores. The self-destruction effect is the same as that of a nuclear bomb. Mushroom clouds are everywhere on the surface.

Except for the Titan Legion, the guards are leading the army to teleport and attack everywhere...

The planet's ecosystem was shattered less than an hour after the war began, and now the situation is deteriorating rapidly.

Radiated dust blocked sunlight and surface temperatures dropped sharply.

The sky also turned dark, but it wasn't a big problem. Just the light produced when various weapons were fired could illuminate the earth's surface like daylight.

Diana lamented what a terrifying battlefield it was.

If humans were allowed to undertake frontal combat, the numbers of Tyron's army would simply not be enough to kill them.

Diana remembered what her teacher said about the Empire once facing the attack of the undead. Now that she thought about it, those Astra Militarum soldiers could persist in fighting in the face of such a terrible enemy. Although most of them were defeated, they had proven their ability to defend the Emperor and humanity. courage.

"May their souls return to the throne." Diana prayed for those Imperial soldiers who had fought against the undead.

At the same time, Diana did not delay the business. The Martian Witch was still advancing and killing. The sound of weapons firing almost never stopped. The automatic ammunition factory in Titan was overloaded, otherwise it would not be able to bear the ammunition consumption.

"The slaughterhouse is coming to us!" the operator reported loudly.

Diana looked over immediately.

Directly ahead, a giant pyramid with sickle-like legs was crossing the front line of its kind, and the undead warriors and stone tablets that were passed by were shattered by it.

"Don't worry about it." Lord Tyrone's voice sounded in the communication channel, "Continue to deal with what you should deal with."

The Burner soared into the sky, running over the slaughterhouse and spitting out flames. The living metal was melted by the flames, but he quickly adapted to the temperature of the flames.

Focused on gauss weapons, the Burner tried to twist the workings of these weapons, but found it unable to do so.

The mimic transforms into a fighter plane that shuttles around the bottom of the slaughterhouse, quickly releasing a series of missiles during the flight. After these missiles hit the legs of the slaughterhouse, they will turn the legs into various weird things, causing them to lose their original effect.

But what surprised the mimic was that the legs that had been twisted by it quickly returned to their original shape.

"What the hell is going on in this slaughterhouse!" Burner asked angrily. He was so angry that he rushed over and hit the outer shell of the slaughterhouse with his head, and it was really knocked open by it.

The Burner penetrated the slaughterhouse like a cannonball, causing a series of explosions as it flew, from left to right, but it was of little significance because the slaughterhouse returned to its original state almost instantly.

"There is a black stone inside." Qin Mo looked at the obelisk.

He sensed it.

This is exactly what black stone feels like, a substance that is not controlled by the power of the Star God. It is still easy to distinguish it from substances like living metal and steel when mixed together.

But the strange thing is that the black stone did not suppress the subspace energy, but enhanced the subspace energy.

This is the two-way effect of the black stone. It can make spiritual energy very powerful, or it can make spiritual energy disappear.

In this way, the Necrons make it impossible for the C'tan to fight through tricky methods such as modifying the rules of physics.

In the past, Qin Mo had doubted how the undead could break the Star God into pieces. Could it be that those weapons were twisted by the Star God and rendered useless? But now he knows why.

Psychic energy dilutes the structure of the real universe here, making it impossible for the Star God to directly control physics.

And this is what Qin Mo is most worried about, far more than the threat posed by the undead.

"After the Battle of Heaven, the Void Dragon had nothing to do but tinker with its broken black stone. Now, the black stone has been used against us!" Burner complained through gritted teeth.

Qin Mo couldn't help laughing when he heard this sentence. He felt that Burner had been with him for a long time while studying the Webway, and his way of speaking had been assimilated by him.

"It's useless to complain." Qin Mo stared at the slaughterhouse that was getting closer, and a thought teleported him from where he was to directly above the slaughterhouse.

"What are you going to do?" Mimic asked.

Qin Mo didn't answer. He took off his scepter and power armor and threw them into the casting dimension. Then he held his breath and concentrated on the slaughterhouse to unleash the strongest blow he could hit now.

A blue wave spread to the entire battlefield with the slaughterhouse as the center.

The undead detected extremely high energy readings. When they looked above the slaughterhouse, they saw a twenty-meter-tall blue giant hunched over holding a forging hammer.

The body of this giant is transparent, and stars flow within it.

Then the giant raised the forging hammer high, gathered enough strength and slammed it into the slaughterhouse.

The moment the forging hammer made contact with the shell of the slaughterhouse, a dazzling blue light appeared, followed by a shock wave that spread outward to the entire planet. Even giant war machines such as stone monuments and obelisks were pushed out a thousand meters away.

After the light dissipated, the blue giant also disappeared, leaving only the remains of the slaughterhouse that was broken into countless pieces.

The living metal of these remains has lost its original physical properties and turned into a new material as cold and fragile as stone and glass.

Qin Mo knelt on one knee in the ruins, feeling weak.

Just like the weakness caused by excessive use of lightning and fire more than ten years ago, before the Star God's power had returned to its current level.

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