Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 366 The strength of the undead

"Report from Letling Sniper Team No. 13."

"The undead alien overlord has been killed."

Anruida came over and reported the latest situation.

Qin Mo and the other two Star God fragments were still standing in front of the holographic image.

Qin Mo didn't react at all after hearing the news that Kelun was killed. He stared at the holographic image for a while, but he was really thinking.

"An overlord will not be killed so easily. It did not use the rebirth protocol on the spot, nor did it use their artifact that can go back in time."


"It must feel that the intensity of the war has escalated, and it cannot stay in the forest and continue to fight."

Qin Mo said his speculation.

Just as he thought, after losing Cologne, all the underworld structures in the forest were quickly killed by the Martian Witch.

The largest giant python structure lost the protection of its owner and was penetrated by the phase cannon. It did not bond the living metal body together again, and it just died.

However, it is difficult for the Necron army to die in the true sense. They are motionless on the battlefield only because they are forced to rebuild by high-level orders.

"Please check the situation in Antarctica." The Celestial Engine main control intelligence adjusted the holographic image and released the picture of Dead Zone 3 Antarctica.

The natural environment of Dead Zone 3 has been modified by the undead that dwell here. Antarctica is also full of forests, without wind or snow.

The forest was lifted up and the ground was shaking, as if something was about to come out from underneath.

Soon a black spire emerged from the ground, followed by the lower part of the spire, until a black triangular tower emerged from the ground, suspended hundreds of meters above the ground.

This giant tower is so staggering that even the mountains that span the Antarctic forest seem small in comparison.

"The traitors' little toy." Burner pointed at the obelisk. "Its size and firepower are not the key. The key is that there is a small wormhole captured inside it."

Qin Mo nodded, he knew the capabilities of this obelisk.

"Warning, a large number of undead troops are gathering on other planets." The holographic image is zoomed to the size of the galaxy. There are seven planets in the dead zone galaxy, six of which are marked with red exclamation marks.

"Destroy them and control the battlefield on Dead Zone No. 3." Qin Mo ordered.

The weapon arrays that had been fully charged by the celestial engine all turned around.

At this time, this giant engineering creation was in the orbit of the star in the Dead Zone galaxy, with three planets separated from Dead Zone 3.

When the weapon arrays on Tianmao and Tianmao opened fire, the two red-red beams converged and the Star Destroyer beam instantly illuminated the entire galaxy.

No matter which planet you are on, you can see the red sky.

The three planets were penetrated by the beam one by one within ten seconds and turned into large fragments floating in the void.

Then the giant tower on the Celestial Engine planetary structure locked onto the three planets on the other side of Dead Zone 3.

The planetary structure of a complete celestial engine is not just big, it is equipped with a huge device that can pull the planet.

The three planets quickly separated from the orbit of the star during the tug, and completely separated after ten minutes.

Hours and minutes can no longer be described as fast on an astronomical scale. The planet stopped rotating and fell out of orbit in a very short time. The surface environment and ecology on it suffered a devastating blow. The earth's crust cracked and the ocean rose into the sky...

The undead troops in those three planets collapsed together with the planets.

At this time, Column activated his artifacts, and the timeline went back to before the destruction of six planets in the galaxy.

Qin Mo originally wanted to use the Star God's ability to anchor the timeline so that Column could not go back, but he found that he could not do it.

If the Necron race couldn't even free their creations from the influence of the C'tan, then the Necron would not be able to successfully take out a lot of C'tans.

"Bomb the Dead Zone No. 3 directly." Qin Mo faced the current timeline and made another choice.

Celestial Engine opened fire directly on Dead Zone Three.

At this time, time went back again, and Columb was even more anxious than when the six planets were destroyed before.

The tomb world on Dead Domain Three is hidden in another dimension. It doesn't matter to the tomb world whether the planet is destroyed, but unless Coren never wants to come out, he will need a complete Dead Domain Three.

And Qin Mo also needs a complete Death Domain No. 3. Only by following the traces left by the tomb before entering another dimension can he find and destroy the tomb. He also needs a complete Death Domain No. 3 as a battlefield. At this time, both sides A consensus was reached.

Timeline backtracking.

Six planets were destroyed, and only Dead Zone 3 in the galaxy was intact.

Coron has no support from its sleeping subordinates on other planets, but it is still confident that it can fight with the troops on Dead Zone 3 alone.

The obelisk rose from the ground just like the timeline before the rewind. The undead army sleeping in the tomb was awakened, passed through the small wormhole bound by the energy field inside the obelisk, and lined up in a long line to exit from the direction. Walk out of the obelisk.

Giant towers, arks, doomsday pumice towers, stone tablets, underworld structures, Necron warriors...

These troops were deployed on the battlefield for a short period of time.

Different from other undead, the underworld structure of the Cologne Overlord is not a centipede or a spider, but a python. It can be seen that there is python worship in the culture of this dynasty.

But right now these troops are not all the troops Column can devote.

After the energy field on the obelisk began to move outward and continued to charge the wormhole to expand, a pyramid-shaped building larger than the obelisk was spit out by the wormhole.

The pyramid suddenly fell to the ground, and then huge and sharp sickle-shaped legs stretched out from the outer circle at the bottom to support the entire pyramid.

"The slaughterhouse is cruel enough." Qin Mo murmured.

The Slaughterhouse is a terrifying war machine. This thing was seen when the war between the Human Empire and the Undead broke out.

It crawls on the ground, using countless Gauss weapons all over its body and the giant underworld structures stored in it to harvest the lives of its undead enemies.

The Ancient Spirit Tribe calls it the World Reaper, which literally means a terrifying war machine that harvests an entire world.

There are many more powerful war machines like the Slaughterhouse, such as the stone monuments that appear on the surface now.

The stele is not the most powerful land combat weapon of the Necrons, but it once wiped out three companies of the Imperial Fists Chapter, three full companies, in the war between the Necrons and the Empire.

This means that the founding group has a solid foundation and is ready to die. If it were replaced by another sub-group, it would have been cancelled.

"I also have to be a warrior in this war." Qin Mo took out the power armor and weapons from the dimensional space and began to put them on.

War command was handed over to intelligence.

At this time, all the stone men and all the main control intelligence in the star area stopped all work at hand, and supplied 90% of the computing power to the main control intelligence of the celestial engine, so that it could simulate 10,000 Creeds. jointly command the war.

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