Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 357 Twenty-Two Meters Snake

After watching the battle, Diana took the transport plane to the ground.

The transport plane landed on the tarmac of the colony. After Diana came out, she stood in the distance and watched Donna, but did not immediately go forward to say hello.

At this time, Donna was wearing a tight-fitting crimson battle uniform, standing on the barrel of the Gatling gun, and she had the noble demeanor of a knight in her every move.

It's just that compared to ten years ago, Donna was already in her thirties and had a much plumper figure. Otherwise, she was definitely very handsome.

"I cannot charge you for your reward." Donna rejected the colonial specialties and throne coins righteously. "With great power comes great responsibility. This is what a knight should do."

Amidst the welcome of the people, Donna immediately lowered the barrel to the ground with the help of the servants and walked towards the interior of the colony.

"I will respond to every colony's request for help as always, and I will not charge for it as always, but you still have to buy me a drink."

"For Talon, for the Emperor!"

Donna entered the colonial tavern surrounded by everyone. The tavern owner who had been standing on the city wall with his daughter just now to shoot the beastmen immediately took out the fine wine he had collected for many years to entertain the Baroness.

The boss originally wanted to fill up several glasses for Donna, but Donna directly took the bottle and drank heavily. The bottle of wine she drank was more valuable than the reward everyone had prepared just now.

But who was the knight who came to help? The boss could only smile and take out another bottle of wine.

"Your Majesty the Duke!" Diana quickly ran to Donna and sat down, pouring her a glass of wine.

Donna looked at Diana in confusion, and asked in confusion: "You little girl, aren't you training in the Titan Legion? Why did you run out? Did you get kicked out by the Legion Master?"

When Diana was about to explain, a man came over and interrupted their conversation.

The man was well-dressed and looked to be the administrator of the colony.

The man first saluted to Donna, and then solemnly thanked her: "Thank you very much for responding to the colony's call for help again."

It is indeed not the first time for Donna to come to this colony. She came here just a month ago, and she also dealt with beastmen at that time.

"Why are they still beastmen?" Donna took a sip of wine and asked with some dissatisfaction, "It's been a month, why haven't you guys cleaned up those demi-human tribes? I remember, didn't you order a batch of agricultural mechas? ?”

The man smiled bitterly and shook his head: "We ordered a batch of agricultural mechas, changed their outfits, and then sent them to the primeval forest to destroy the beastman tribe... but none of them came back."

"This...how is this possible?" Diana couldn't believe it.

Those agricultural mechas are essentially quasi-military weapons. When paired with weapons, they are no different from knights, and are even faster and stronger.

It is impossible for the beastmen tribe on this planet to resist the attack of agricultural mechas. Even if the ground blocks it, there should be someone alive who can come back to explain the situation. How is it possible that no one comes back?

"I can confirm that no one came back alive." The man shook his head helplessly, "But a team we sent found the remaining data chip, which contains things captured by the agricultural mecha."

After saying that, the man snapped his fingers to the tavern owner, who immediately connected the data chip to the computer at the bar and played the video for Donna.

The video is from the perspective of the mecha, facing backward, running wildly in the primeval forest.

The perspective turned, and Donna could see that only two mechas were left on their way home.

"Those snakes..."

"I may not be able to go back. If those snakes catch up, I will stay. You keep running, run back to the city, and report the situation to the manager."


"Stop talking nonsense and run at full speed."

The voices of two mecha pilots came from the computer. They continued to run wildly for a while, and then there was a rustling sound.

The mecha pilot who recorded the video looked back and saw only the outline of a giant python in the dark forest.

The python suddenly lowered its body and rushed towards the mecha pilot.

As its huge body moves across the ground, its fanged mouth emits green light.

When the distance between the two parties gets closer, the data chip is interfered and the recording is stopped directly.

"Damn it..." Donna took a swig of wine, "I thought the python on the flag was just a god made up by the beastmen, but it actually really exists."

Diana looked at the computer screen and suddenly thought of something: "How big is this python?"

"Twenty-two meters." The man replied.

"Twenty-two meters?" Diana was shocked. "What kind of creature can grow so big? The oxygen content of this planet is not particularly high, right?"

Donna on the side intervened: "No matter how high the oxygen content is, we can't raise such a big snake. Maybe it's not a living thing at all?"

"There is another possibility. It is a creature, but not an ordinary creature." The man said.

In the education that the Tyrone people received, there was an explanation of all demi-humans in the empire.

Beastmen, like Ogryns and Ratlings, are also a type of demi-human.

Beastmen were originally legal, but not anymore, and the reason is that they are particularly susceptible to the effects of the Warp and become corrupted.

So what the man said was correct. Maybe the snakes these beastmen believed in were really living things, just subspace creatures.

As long as it is connected to the subspace, it makes sense that this snake is a hundred meters tall and can spray green light.

"This is a bit beyond my capabilities." Donna looked embarrassed, but she did not indicate that she wanted to give up and leave. Instead, she said: "I have to ask all the knights in my family to come over and deal with this matter."

Mobilizing the knight family requires a lot of investment in manpower and material resources, which is a huge expense.

Donna runs around showing chivalry just to escape the cumbersome rules of the family, and every time she goes to battle she has to pay for it out of her own pocket.

The expenses required for the transfer of the entire family are not something that Donna alone can afford.

"I will ask my superiors to allocate supplies and money." The man saluted to Donna, "Then I will trouble you and your family."

"I'll sign the transfer order right away." Donna nodded.

"Or you can leave this matter to the Titan Legion." Diana interjected.

Donna was stunned for a moment, then thought about it carefully and then shook her head in denial: "The Legion won't care about this matter. They don't pay attention to the spirit of chivalry."

"Originally, there was a high probability that we wouldn't care." Diana nodded. She knew Oumen's personality well. "But it's different now. My crew and the other two crews in the legion are coming here for practical training. Twenty-two meters The big snake is just a matter of convenience."

Hearing this, both Donna and the man raised their eyebrows and looked at each other.

In the end, the three of them nodded and thought it was feasible.

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