Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 347 The Demon King who is best at prophecy

The Glory of Macragge is moving slowly towards Blackstone Fortress.

The two cruisers discovered the strange behavior of Macragge's Glory, and immediately separated from the Red Pirate Fleet to intercept Macragge's Glory.

Then a large number of void mines were transmitted from the destroyers of the Tyrone fleet to the vicinity of the two cruisers. They were extremely lucky and were not hit by the void mines at all.

A Tyron naval battleship jumped directly behind the Macragge's Glory and rushed forward with maximum thrust.

The two cruisers were hit and pushed by the battleship's physical shield, and finally rotated and hit the adamantine ram of Macragge's Glory. Then the physical shield came into contact with the ram, and the two cruisers were pushed forward and backward by the two cruisers. The huge battleship was crushed.

A deafening crash echoed from Macragge's Glory to Blackstone Fortress.

Although this was not the first time he heard sounds coming from a seemingly vacuum environment in the maelstrom, Guilliman still felt strange.

The maelstrom is so wonderful.

The Tyron battleship collided with the Macragge's Glory at an angle, but fortunately it was protected by a physical shield and no damage occurred. It was just that the shield was overloaded.

The Macragge's Glory was pushed towards the Blackstone Fortress by the battleship using a tractor beam.

At this time, a torrent of subspace energy surged out from the center of the Blackstone Fortress and headed straight for the celestial engine.

The Celestial Engine's shields blocked the attack, and then fired back at Blackstone Fortress.

Just like the Battle of Cadia, the light spear was physically disintegrated and rendered ineffective by the subspace energy flow surrounding the Blackstone Fortress. However, it can also be seen that the self-protection function of the Blackstone Fortress is becoming increasingly inadequate, and may soon be will be overloaded.

"The fleet of the Red Pirates warband doesn't look very... united?" said an Honor Guard soldier next to the primarch.

Guilliman looked at his heir with satisfaction and nodded in response: "Yes, they may have turned off the communication, so it doesn't look very coordinated."

That is to say, in the current large-scale fleet battle, the Red Pirates can turn off communications and continue fighting. After all, at this time, what the fleet needs is for the warships to act as firepower points or shields. In addition, the Red Pirates fleet is not the attacker now. They only need to follow the instructions in advance. Just make a good defense plan and implement it, there is no need for them to make any tactical tricks.

In a small-scale fleet battle, if you dare to turn off the communication, you will definitely be killed due to poor communication.

The outcome of this fleet battle has nothing to do with Guilliman. The Glory of Macragge arrived less than one kilometer away from the Blackstone Fortress and seemed to be almost touching the Blackstone Fortress.

The transport plane flew out to take everyone back to the ship.

Caul continued to repair the dimensional engine, while Guilliman waited on the bridge for the crew to return to their duties and gain better control of the Macragge's Glory.

At this time, a holographic image appeared on the bridge.

"I thought the original body had already reached his loyal Terra." Qin Mo looked at Guilliman helplessly, "In the end, he still fell in the hands of the two-headed bird."

Qin Mo originally thought that Guilliman could pass through the maelstrom quickly without getting lost in the maelstrom, so he would not be plotted by the ritual designed by Carlos and Magnus, and he would not be captured.

The only good thing now is that Guilliman can recapture the Macragge's Glory, and will not leave the Macragge's Glory in Hurona under forced circumstances.

"I have gone through a nightmare journey." Guilliman was happy but helpless when he saw Qin Mo. "I feel now as if I was being controlled by the mind before, or by mental suggestion, and I am behind bars step by step."

"The ability of the two-headed bird is much more powerful than mental suggestion. You also like to think and always like to come up with a series of countermeasures before doing things. It is difficult not to be induced or deceived by him." Qin Mo said.

Guilliman nodded, feeling the peace that his mind was no longer torturing him, and then asked: "I still can't figure out how Carlos knows where I am. I use the dimensional engine."

"There's no need to worry about this. It's a prophecy expert." Qin Mo felt that it was most unlikely that Carlos could not know where Guilliman was.

After Kalos was thrown into the Well of Eternity by Tzeentch and climbed out, it was able to see the past and the future.

What it holds in its hand is the Staff of Tomorrow, which was formed from part of Tzeentch's essence and was used to stir the Well of Eternity.

Hanging on the Staff of Tomorrow is the Book of Destiny.

The existence of Carlos is simply like the product of Tzeentch's stack of prophecy BUFFs. Among all the demons of Tzeentch, there will be no second demon that can predict the future better than Carlos. Otherwise, how could it be named? Destiny Weaver.

"Start the engine and leave." Qin Mo looked at the other people on the bridge, "Jump out of the maelstrom, go to Terra, and hand this place over to my fleet."

Guilliman is still not sure why the Tyron fleet came. In his judgment, there are two possibilities.

The first was for the lost Path of Glory.

The second one came here specifically to save people.

If it is the latter, it means that Qin Mo can also predict the future, and his prediction ability may be only slightly worse than Carlos.

But now is not the time to get to the bottom of it.

"Start the engine as soon as you repair it," Guilliman ordered Caul.

Qin Mo was about to cut off the communication, but before he ordered Adam to close the communication channel, Hillandre stood in front of Qin Mo's holographic image.

"I am……"

"I know who you are, and if you have anything to say, tell me."

Qin Mo knew Hillandri, and he didn't need to hear this guy introduce himself.

"I bring a prophecy from the Laughing God." Hillandre began to tell the story.

The story is roughly about an ancient spirit businessman who accumulated wealth by provoking wars. The higher the intensity of the wars fought by others, the more he earned, and soon he became a millionaire.

Then there is no more.

Because Qin Mo cut off the communication directly, he didn't even listen to Hillandre finish telling the riddle of the riddle god.

Hillandri helplessly looked at Efreni and spread her hands, but she did not regret that she did not speak directly. After all, not speaking directly is the most basic training of the followers of the Laughing God Xi Lego.

Although those among the Eldar who can predict the future are basically Riddlers, Harlequin is definitely the most riddle-like one.

If the person who listens to the prophecy cannot be confused and confused, and then make wild guesses, and usher in the predicted ending amidst countless doubts and speculations, then it will definitely be a failed clown.

"The dimension engine is fully charged."


A dimensional rift opened near the Blackstone Fortress, and Macragge's Glory jumped into it, disappearing without a trace after the rift closed.

The bombardment of the fleets in the system did not stop because of the withdrawal of the original body. Huron was so anxious at this time that he could not think of pursuing Guilliman at all.

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