"Please let me go." Celestine took a step forward.

Guilliman turned back and glanced at Celestine, his eyes a little complicated.

Guilliman is somewhat similar to Greyfax in his attitude towards Celestine, the so-called living saint. He does not think of him as the so-called living saint of the God Emperor, but like his brother Sanguinius. There is something wrong with the genes that causes them to grow wings.

If he had to pick one person to deal with Carlos, Guilliman hoped it wouldn't be Celestine.

"I'm going to deal with this warp creature." Greyfax loaded a phase bolt into his crossbow.

This is the phase arrow that Greyfax was rewarded by Horst after the Battle of Cadia. He can take it out if necessary. If the shot is accurate, it can kill a powerful warrior of Abaddon's level with one shot.

"You can't." Guilliman thought calmly. He felt that Greyfax had no advantage over Carlos.

After thinking for a while, Guilliman looked at the two alien allies standing against the wall in the corner of the bridge.

Ephrene, Thousand Faces.

The two of them remained silent all the way, standing in the bridge like bystanders observing every move of the humans.

Guilliman is well aware of the level of the alien allies. Neither Efreni nor Thousand Faces are good at using psychic powers among the Eldar, but after all, they have been fighting in the galaxy for a long time. For subspace creatures like Carlos, You should know better than yourself.

"Follow me." Guilliman said and walked out of the bridge.

"With you?" Evrene took Guilliman's arm, "As the leader, you should be sitting on the bridge."

"I have made all the arrangements I can." Guilliman glanced back at the holographic image, which showed every battle on the Macragge's Flair.

When the gang-hopping war started, Guilliman gave an order while thinking, sending all the troops at hand to resist the gang-hopping war.

But unfortunately there are too many enemies.

Huron has operational capabilities that Abaddon does not possess. His warband is already the size of a legion. Guilliman has maximized the use of the troops on hand, and there is no other way.

"What about us?" Celestine asked.

"You stay here and wait for my orders. I will use you as a quick reaction force." Guilliman turned to look at Caul and knocked on his helmet. "Report the battle situation to me in real time and I will do it in real time." Make decisions.”

"You know I'm a warrior too, right?" Call asked, holding the long ax in his hand.

Guilliman nodded, then shook his head: "Just focus on repairing the dimension engine. You don't need to deal with other things."

After saying what needed to be said, Guilliman, Evrené, Thousand Faces, and the Ultramarines guards left the bridge and walked towards the beginning of the central passage where Carlos was.

As the group walked on the road, they could already faintly hear the crazy spells coming from the destination. These sounds were challenging Guilliman's bottom line and patience.

Everene noticed that something seemed not quite right about the original body. She could probably guess why, so she persuaded him: "I don't think you should go with us. It might be a trap."

"If a powerful warp creature who is good at spellcasting creates a ritual at the cost of two million people, how can I avoid the effects of the ritual?" Guilliman asked.

Efreni looked at her mentor Qianmen Mian, who shook his head.

It's impossible not to be affected.

All kinds of unfavorable factors are added together.

This is the Maelstrom. Guilliman is determined but likes to think too much. The person responsible for stumbling upon him is Carlos, who possesses the Staff of Tomorrow and the Book of Destiny.

This two-headed demon was simply born for trickery and deception, and any other demon would not put Guilliman into a passive position.

"I feel that your situation is like that of a star god..." Evrene suddenly said something that made Guilliman extremely confused.

Evrene then began to explain to Guilliman why she said that.

In the war in heaven, the ancient Eldar and Eldar gods who are good at using psychic powers give the Nightbringer Azagorod a decisive blow.

After a large-scale ceremony, the twelve planets were arranged into a malevolent horoscope, which would bring bad luck to the target like a vicious curse. Azagorod was made unlucky by the malevolent horoscope, and eventually the Nightbringer's shell was destroyed by the spirit. Clan war god Kane was crushed.

The same thing happened with Carlos. It understood Guilliman and used powerful psychic powers to target Guilliman. Even a stone would push Guilliman to a bad ending.

"You are like the Night Holder. The game is set for you. No matter what choice you make..." Efreni took a deep breath and continued: "There is no escape."

"Since there is no way to escape, I choose to tear Carlos apart." Guilliman recalled those survivors in the demon world. Their souls fell into the hands of Carlos and they would endure eternal torture.

The soul endures eternal torment. This may sound like words used in religious scriptures to scare others, but it is real.

Guilliman could accept the deaths of those survivors, but he could not accept that they were being held hostage from birth to death, and even death could not lead to peace.

"But maybe things can turn around." Efreni added.

Guilliman did not hear these words. He had already seen Carlos performing sorcery directly in front of him.

Anger filled Guilliman's chest.

Under the armor of destiny, the original body's penetrating and furious gaze was staring at Carlos.

The Book of Destiny inlaid on the Staff of Tomorrow in Carlos' hand is turning.

Before the pages of the future predicted by blasphemous words were turned one by one, the Almighty Lord first saw the future as the pages of the Book of Destiny were turned, and noticed Guilliman's arrival in advance.

As Ephrene said, this is a game.

Carlos had long been prepared for the current meeting. Next to him were warriors wearing Terminator armor one after another from the Red Pirates warband, as well as those who were transformed into mutants or Chaos just by the gaze of the devil. Egg of a mortal soldier or crew.

There are even some Thousand Sons Space Marines emerging from the central passage.

The moment he saw the Thousand Sons, Guilliman realized that it was not just Carlos who was responsible for this, but also his damn "good brother".

"For the Lord of Change!"

"For the Lord of Five Hundred Worlds! For the Emperor!"

The guards brought by Guilliman and the ultramarines who gathered after sensing the wrath of the Gene Father took the initiative to attack, fighting the traitors and blasphemous creatures.

Guilliman walked forward resolutely, using the weapons attached to the Fist of Dominance to shoot or smash any obstacles in his way.

Realizing that the target of the original body was himself, Carlos immediately protected all his allies in front of him.

I woke up in the middle of the night feeling uncomfortable and couldn't sleep even after taking a few pills, so I just got up and started typing.

Thank you brothers for your monthly votes

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