Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 326 God of Productivity

"Let's go to Tailong No. 1." Qin Mo pointed to the platform next to the tarmac.

Guilliman and Qin Mo walked over together. When they stepped onto the platform, a blue barrier protected everything on the platform. Then everyone was sent into the dimensional space, and when they returned to the real universe, they were already on Tyrone One. .

On the giant tower-shaped building of Tyrone 1 in Antarctica.

When Guilliman entered the galaxy, he saw that Tyron One looked like a spherical city, and that was indeed the case. Everything he could see on this planet was a city. It felt a bit like a hive, but it was definitely not as chaotic as a hive.

There are circular living areas on the planet's surface, which is why you can see the circular lights on the planet's surface outside Tyrone 1.

The semicircle on the north side of the living area is the residential area, where you can see some communities composed of integrated houses, and there are even artificial gardens and natural landscapes.

The semicircle south of the living area is the industrial area, where people work.

Each living area is connected to the cross-shaped main channel on the planet by a huge transportation line. The tall tower you are standing at is the end of the main channel.

Guilliman believed that the planet had been terraformed, shaped into someone's image.

"How do people entertain themselves here? Is there an entertainment area?" Guilliman suddenly asked.

Qin Mo recalled for a while and replied: "For entertainment under the church, there are small rooms with physical projection equipment, and then..."

"Governor..." Anruida always felt that it was inappropriate to play under the church, so he reminded in a low voice, "Physical projection equipment has become a household appliance. There are two companies that are giants in this industry. They are competing with each other, and we are no longer here. We’re playing games under the church.”

"Okay." Qin Mo recalled that the first projection equipment used for fun was built by himself, thinking that people are still using that old thing.

Guilliman heard that the Tyrones used to entertain under the church, and felt that this was a good use. Otherwise, in a sector where even priests were infected with the plague of faithlessness, what else could a church be used for?

"There are also three resort worlds in the star area. Everyone can take turns to take a rest." Qin Mo continued.

"Shift breaks? Even civilians can go to the resort world?" Guilliman asked.

"That's right. This is to eliminate people's psychological pressure accumulated during production or war." Qin Mo nodded.

Guilliman smiled and glanced at the world below the tower, feeling more and more that the world in the Tyrone sector looked particularly pleasing to the eye.

Pay attention to the psychological and physical problems of human beings and find solutions instead of covering them up with nonsense like your ungodliness.

However, Guilliman suddenly thought of another question, looked at Qin Mo and asked: "Is there a special department responsible for arranging shifts and rest? Then how do you solve the situation of favoritism and malpractice, such as someone giving themselves a whole year or something... "

Qin Mo did not answer immediately, but turned to look at the guards behind him. Meaningful smiles appeared on the faces of the guards.

All the top executives of the Tyrone sector, including the Lord of Tyrone, know a secret, that is, the sector has been using artificial intelligence on a large scale. Things like arranging shifts and vacations are the responsibility of the intelligence on the planet.

Not only can it allocate vacations absolutely fairly, but it can also focus on arranging vacations for people who are in a bad mood based on the results of regular psychological tests.

But it’s really hard to tell this fact in front of the Imperial people.

Guilliman also wanted to test it. From Qin Mo's reaction, he knew that Tai Lung was definitely using artificial intelligence on a large scale. He wanted to give Qin Mo a confession, that is, there was no reason why the empire banned the use of artificial intelligence.

"Stop talking, stop talking." Qin Mo shook his head with a smile, then turned around and asked Gray, "Are you ready for the ceremony?"

"Okay." Gray nodded, "We can start now."

The so-called ceremony is a military parade in the highest-standard reception process.

The army that had previously landed on the transport ship from the celestial engine had already arrived at Tyrone One. The large transport ship landed on the steel plain on the surface of the planet. The army walked out of the transport ship on the straight road in front of the tower.

In the sky above everyone's heads, Tyron naval warships formed a long formation and sailed past the planet. They were so huge that the outlines of those warships could be clearly seen even on the surface.

Guilliman stood on the edge of the tower and looked down at the advancing armies.

As I heard before, every member of these armies is wearing power armor.

There are even a large number of warriors who look like Dreadnoughts in this army, but you can tell from their clumsy steps that they must contain Ogryns.

There are also some short warriors in the army who hold sniper rifles that are longer than their bodies. They are obviously Ratling Ratmen.

Guilliman was not the only one in the entire empire who had seen the Tyron army. The fleets that came to collect taxes and the Cadian people had also seen it, but they only lamented that the Tyron people were wealthy.

Guilliman thought that the army, all wearing power armor, represented the productivity of the Tyrone sector. They obviously did not need to consider the cost and production cycle of an advanced equipment. They only needed to put the advanced equipment into production, and then the entire army could All staff deployed.

The defense ring around the Tyrone galaxy and the metal planet are also manifestations of this powerful productivity. During the Great Crusade, the weapon similar to the celestial engine on Randan's side was only a war satellite, not an entire planet and two satellites, and the celestial engine The production and manufacturing took less than ten years.

The productivity is astonishingly high.

Evrené was as aware of this as Guilliman, and she quietly attached a tiny wraith bone device to Guilliman's arm, so that the two could communicate at a conscious level.

"Before, I still speculated that there was a Star God in this star region, but now I can conclude that there is."

No one except Guilliman could hear Evrené's words.

Guilliman's consciousness also responded: "Then what is the identity of this Star God? Void Dragon?"

On the way to Tyrone, Efreni gave Guilliman more information about the Star God. What made Guilliman think of him was the Star God named Void Dragon whose powers were technology and machinery.

But Efreni shook her head and disagreed. She speculated: "The star god whose power is technology and machinery will come up with more advanced technology than what we have seen, so I think the power of this star god is... Manufacturing, productivity.”

Guilliman nodded slowly and looked at Qin Mo.

Qin Mo also stood on the edge of the tower and looked down at everything on the ground, his eyes were happy and proud. It could be seen that he was satisfied with and proud of everything he had built.

And by showing this instead of covering it up, he may not have wanted to hide his identity.

I’ll post four chapters first, and then I’ll write them after I’ve finished eating.

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