Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 322 Anxiety and Despair


The Primarch's voice echoed through the hall.

When Belisarius Caul heard this cry, he first drove his huge body to bow to the original body, and then shook his head helplessly: "If there is any other way, I don't want to do this."

Guilliman nodded.

This demigod's brain can infer what is happening here just based on the current situation it sees.

Guilliman was still in a daze, looking at Calgar.

Calgar wanted to explain, but Guilliman just smiled and nodded, not needing him to say anything.

Calgar had mixed feelings at this time. He wanted to use the highest level of etiquette to thank Caul and his group, but he also wanted to beat them hard with his power punch.

If he could also prophesy and knew that whatever outrageous things Caul did was really to resurrect the Gene Father, then he could even do it himself on behalf of the Eldar... But he is not Tigurias, in the Gene Father What he saw before his resurrection was a Mechanicus sage and two aliens trying to completely extinguish the last vestiges of life of the Gene Father.

"Don't listen to them!"

"They're going to make the Alien Hand Blade Prime!"

A shout suddenly came from outside the Hall of the Holy Sepulchre, and then there was the sound of high heels stepping on the ground.

Greyfax, who tried her best to escape from the Explorer King, entered the hall, and while walking, she told what she learned through psychic means on the Explorer King about the discussion between Caul and the alien.

Greyfax entered the hall, met Guilliman's eyes, and then froze on the spot.

"It seems you are a little late," Guilliman said with a smile.

The Thirteenth Primarch had a little more humor than his brothers.

Guilliman looked at his heirs and guests, hoping to see the same smile on their faces.

But the Ultramarines, including Calgar and Tigurias, had no expressions, as if they had been trudging through suffering for so long that they had forgotten how to move their facial muscles.

Guilliman suddenly felt something bad at this moment, and he realized that human beings were not the same as before.

"Times have changed." Kaul shook his head helplessly.

Guilliman wanted to obtain information about this era, so he motioned for everyone except Caul to leave first.

A long conversation began.

The Primarch spoke to Caul first, then called Calgar in to talk, followed by Tigurias, the other Ultramarines, and even the xenos.

Even those who had not had the honor of speaking to the Primarch stood outside the hall, simply wanting to spend some time closer to the Gene-Father.

In conversation after conversation, Guilliman figured out what the Empire looked like now, and what the current situation in the galaxy looked like.

The hall door kept opening and closing.

Calga quietly stood by the door and observed Gene's father's expression when he opened the door, and found that not only was he unhappy, but he was becoming more and more serious.

When Efrenie came out and Greyfax was called in, Calgar noticed that the Gene Father sitting on the throne had become anxious. Before he could take a second look, the door was closed.

"The Primarch is not in a good mood." Cawl walked over to Calgar and looked down at him.

"Why?" Calgar was puzzled, "Ultramar still exists, and the war group is thriving..."

"You did a good job, and he thinks highly of you, so don't worry that it was you who made the Primarch unhappy," Kaul said.

Calgar breathed a sigh of relief, then felt honored and satisfied.

"How did the empire become what it is now?"

When Greyfax came to Guilliman, the first words she heard were questions.

However, there is also some meaning of complaining or confiding in this sentence.

Greyfax looked up to his primarch.

The Primarch sat on the throne, his elbows on his knees, his hands covering his forehead, the skin on his forehead wrinkled together.

Greyfax felt like he had found a soulmate.

“Everything my dad and I fought for is gone.”

The Primarch complained.

"The imperial truth that advocates reason and science was replaced by the state religion, and mankind returned to ignorance and ignorance, and suffered a lot for it."

"Most of the world is like a hell built for torture. People generally live in misery. All they can do is kneel on the ground and pray to my father in front of the state church priest... If one of my brothers sees the current empire , he will definitely laugh out loud.”

"The only thing that makes me feel relieved is that there is still a trace of reason left in the five hundred worlds."

Greyfax listened. She also believed in the truth of the empire. She had been melancholy as early as the Battle of Cartier, especially when she heard other people talking about the God Emperor and talking about the Living Saint.

"I can understand your feelings." Greyfax nodded, "When I saw them worshiping a mutant with wings, I felt that the empire was getting more and more... something like that."

"Tyron Sector, what's going on in this sector?" Guilliman suddenly asked, "Call said it's pretty good there."

Hearing this inquiry, Greyfax frowned and thought for a moment, then nodded with a smile: "Yeah, it's not bad. The people in that sector were a thorn in the side of the state church before, and the priests there would even be infected by the inhumane. The plague of faith.”

"Now they've gotten better. Even the soulless can find a place there. Can you believe that the soulless can go to school and work there?"

"Reason, science. The latest investigation by the Tribunal shows that the school in that sector where only the soulless people attend has even begun to teach about demons. In their courses, demons are called subspace creatures, and rituals that can suppress demons are called counterattacks. Subspace biological means.”

Guilliman listened carefully. He could tell from the fact that there was a school for the soulless in the Tyrone sector that this sector was indeed good.

And just when Guilliman thought it was a rational benchmark sector, Greyfax extinguished his hopes.

"The Tyrones can live like this not because they are more rational and wise than most Imperials, but because the reality structure of their sector is more stable and there is a super technological heretic leading them."

"Rationality is a luxury product now, ten thousand years later. Whether you have this luxury product or not has nothing to do with your moral character."

"The Tyrones use hateful intelligence, do not believe in the national religion, and are seriously opposed to the Inquisition. The agents sent by the Inquisition will die quietly. Only the information their intelligence department is willing to disclose to the Inquisition will flow out of the sector... …”

Speaking of this, Greyfax looked at the original body's somewhat sad look and continued in a solemn tone: "From a certain point of view, the Tyrone sector is no different from human forces such as Ran Dan ten thousand years ago. Even To the current empire ten thousand years later, they are more of a threat than Ran Dan."

Guilliman knew that Greyfax must have opinions about the Tyrone Sector. Such opinions were one-sided and should not be fully believed, but he was not naive enough to think that the Tyrone Sector did not pose any threat.

"What you said makes sense." Guilliman nodded and looked at the top of the Hall of the Holy Sepulchre. "But I think the Tribunal should have appropriate tolerance. If people are living in hell, then they will inevitably Respond to the devil’s temptations.”

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