Macraghera Fortress.

Hall of the Holy Sepulchre.

As the most sacred place in the entire Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar, every wall here is painted with the moments of the Primarch Robert Guilliman's great achievements.

The road leading to the Hall of the Holy Sepulchre is lined with elite troops from the Mortal Auxiliary Army of Ultramar. These people are like the people in most of the five hundred worlds, healthy, wealthy, and optimistic.

Belisarius Caul was walking on the road with his alien friends. The two Eldar aliens were all wearing black robes. Under the black robes, they also wore spiritual bone devices that could help them hide their racial characteristics.

The living saint Celestine was also in the team, floating behind Caul. Everyone who saw her felt like spring and felt very comfortable.

"Great Sage, welcome to the most important place in Macragge."

Tigurias, the think tank director of the Ultramarines Chapter, walked out of the Hall of the Holy Sepulchre alone to greet Caul and his party.

Before Caul came, he installed a data chip in his head that contained Ultramar etiquette. It did not indicate that the think tank director should come out alone to greet him first. He should be together with Chapter Master Karl. .

Tigurias walked up to Caul and whispered: "While the Battle of Cartier was going on, I predicted that the entire Macragge was burning with the flames of war brought by the traitors. It should be difficult for you and your collaborators. I came here...but that’s not the case now. If you want to do that, it might be more troublesome.”

Hearing this, Kaul stopped and looked down at Tigurias.

Tigurias continued: "I don't know what you came to do, but somehow I saw a longer-term and more accurate prophecy, so I will help you."

"Thank you for the reminder." Kaul recognized Tigurias as one of his own, thanked him and continued towards the Hall of the Holy Sepulchre.

The conversation between the two was hidden by Tigurias using psychic means. In the eyes of others, the think tank director only said a few polite words to the sage.

The group continued to move forward, and after two Space Marines pushed the door open, they saw the interior of the Hall of the Holy Sepulchre.

The Primarch Robert Guilliman sat on his throne, still looking as grand and physical as the Primarch, but a little paler.

Cawl knew the primarch's past.

He was seriously injured by his brother and entered the stasis field when he was about to die. He stayed in the near-death state until today, ten thousand years later.

This is a history that is kept strictly confidential.

Most of the people in the Imperium were unaware that there was a traitor among the Emperor's children.

"Welcome, Sage." Chapter Master Calgar walked from the throne of the Gene Father to Caul, his bodyguard following the Lord of the Ultramarines.

Calgar's mood was not as "welcoming" as he said verbally, but rather downcast and sad.

All the Ultramarines present are the same. The tragedy of Gene Father can resonate with them.

"Thank you for agreeing to let me enter here." Call responded politely, and then slowly approached the throne.

Calgar looked at Tigurias, who nodded and stood closer to the throne than Caul.

"Out of habit, I would like to check the force field protecting the Primarch, may I?" Cawl requested.

Calga had this intention, so of course he nodded.

Call circled the stasis field and observed that the device was working well.

But it doesn't matter whether it works well or not.

"Actually, the sage has other reasons for coming here today." Tigurias said to Calga, "I had a premonition."

The think tank directors are all psykers among the Space Marines. Of course they can predict the future. Calgar knew that Tigurias' predictions were often very accurate, so he asked him curiously: "Why do the sages come?"

Tigurias looked at Caul.

Kaul nodded and took over the words: "I am here to fulfill the agreement with the original body."

On the way here, Cawl discussed what to do when they arrived at the Hall of the Holy Sepulchre in the Seeker King.

Kaul believed that he should tell the truth, because a place like the Hall of the Holy Sepulchre was heavily guarded. If there was no emergency, it would be impossible to be tough. The best result would be to convince Calgar.

"Promise?" Calga looked solemn.

Since it is an agreement between the father of genes and the sage, of course it must be listened to seriously and solemnly.

Caul took out a holy box from under his robe. This box was very large, big enough to hold a set of armor worn by giants. If Caul was not so huge, he would never be able to take it out.

"Ten thousand years ago, the Primarch had a premonition of his fate before he set foot on the battlefield, so he asked me to prepare something in case something unexpected happened to him."

"I built a set of armor for him. This armor can maintain his life like a static force field. As long as the original body wears this armor, he can still walk in the world."

Cawl's words echoed throughout the Halls of the Holy Sepulchre, shocking news that even members of Calgar's guard began to whisper.

"Everything the wise man said is true." Tigurias agreed.

Calga thought in shock.

The most alluring thing for a scion of the Primarch was the promise that their Gene-Father could walk among them again, and it was hard not to be tempted by Calgar.

But he couldn't unilaterally believe what Kaul said.

Because if he wants to make a pact with the father of genes, he must be someone who has lived from at least 10,000 years ago to now.

When he glanced at Caul's huge body again, Calgar felt that it was not surprising that he could live for ten thousand years. The rumors were completely true.

"Assuming what you say is true, what do you do next?" Kalga asked.

"Armor the Primarch." Cawl put down the reliquary. "Under your watchful eyes."

"But...if there is no protection from the static force field..."

"The original body has tremendous vitality. Unless the stasis field is turned off for a whole day, your Ultramar, nothing will happen."

"So there are still risks?" Calgar could not accept the risks and still had many doubts in his mind.

Whether Caul's so-called armor is effective is a question.

In the ten thousand years since the Legion became a Chapter, many things have changed, but one thing has remained the same, and that is that all the descendants of the Thirteenth Primarch have never given up on healing the wounds of their Gene Father, not even in ten thousand years. Any results.

This matter is so difficult, how can it be easily solved by Caul's suit of armor.

"Believe in the sage, this is what he has been doing for ten thousand years, and it is his destined mission." Tigurias advised.

"We must be careful in this matter, brother Tigurias!" said Calga.

Kaur did not continue to persuade with words, but provided information for Calgar.

Armor information.

Information at the time when the agreement was concluded.

Images, information, files, records...

Kaul hopes that these things can help Calgar make correct judgments. He also believes in the judgment of the Lord of the Ultramarines. After all, the people in the Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar are still reasonable.

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