Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 318 King of Explorers

"That damn traitor leader."

"He used temporary dormancy to confuse us, and took advantage of our civil war to defeat us one by one..."

"These damn traitors, traitors. There is no race in the universe that can compete with the Necrontyr to see who is more despicable."

Mentioning the fragment that was hung on the throne of the Silent King of the Necrons, the Burner was so angry that he gritted his teeth. Its hatred at this time could penetrate time and space. If Szarak still has a body, then whether it is now or in the past The King of Silence would shudder.

"How are you not a traitor? After your own soul was eaten by the Star God, you continue to use the body carrying inferior AI as a slave to the Star God?" Qin Mo looked at the Burner helplessly.

"Even so, the Necrontyr is by no means an innocent good!"

The Burner continued to revile the Necrontyr and now the Necron, as well as the leader of the race named Szarak.

"The reason why Szarak went to war with the Ancient Saint was not just because he hated those reptiles as immortal species, but also to reunite his rule, which was on the verge of collapse at the time, in his own hands in the face of foreign enemies, and to use powerful enemies to force his short-lived people to Continue to be a loyal servant.”

"Furthermore, if a star god is called a deceiver among his kind, how stupid can Szarak be to listen to this star god?"

"Maybe he didn't hate us for devouring the souls of his compatriots and his people, but he just hated us for not completely transferring his soul into his immortal body. Maybe the moment he walked out of the furnace of biological transformation, he discovered He is secretly enjoying himself when his own people have become slaves who are bound by the master control agreement and can never disobey him."

The Burner himself laughed at the end. He saw a dark and insignificant racial leader from his own subjective judgment, and then attributed all the fault of his being crushed to this racial leader's lack of limits.

Qin Mo originally wanted to say a few words for Szalac, but when he thought about it carefully, what Burner said made some sense.

The transformation of the Necrontyr into the Necron was not a mechanical ascension, but the body entered the table of the biological transformation furnace and then the soul was eaten by the Star God. They probably watched the iron skeleton being stuffed into a broken AI, labeled with his name, and then shipped out of the factory. Watching himself being eaten by the Star God.

Szarak once sharply commented that the Emperor was just a bacon who played with sorcery, and Sanguinius was more suitable to be Emperor than bacon.

However, if the reason why the Emperor was able to create the Primarch was really because he made a deal with the Dark Gods, then he was a crazy gambler who defaulted on his debt and was beaten to the point of paralysis. But at least there are still a few loyal Primarchs alive. The hope of a comeback is close to zero.

Compared to the crazy gambler, Szarak seemed much more innocent, and was deceived so much that he even lost his pants.

But having said that, Szarak is not a competent leader. At least he tried his best to break almost all the Star Gods into pieces after being deceived.

"These entanglements of cause and effect are really a headache." Qin Mo felt helpless.

The real universe has become what it is now, and the Star Gods are inseparable from the undead and the spirit race.

"Forget it, those are all old things." The Burner looked at Qin Mo seriously, "Your consciousness is not the original consciousness of the Forger. There is no need to be tied to old grudges."

Qin Mo nodded in agreement, turned around and walked out of the webway.

The Burner followed and left the Webway, closing the Webway gate it opened with a wave of his hand.

After leaving the Webway, Qin Mo suddenly had a question in his mind: "If we use the Webway technology to be more sophisticated, is it possible for humans to be completely isolated from the subspace through the use of the Webway?"

"That's not your plan, is it?" Burner asked.

Qin Mo nodded.

The plan to use the Webway to completely isolate subspace was indeed not his idea, but came from the Emperor. He dreamed of using the Webway to isolate humanity from the subspace. This plan may have some feasibility.

The Burner thought carefully, shook his head and said: "Humans are not a race without psychic talents like the Necrontyr. How can a network channel alone completely isolate the connection with the subspace? The closer way I can think of is Let all humans live in the webway."

Qin Mo suddenly remembered the webway city of Comoros.

This is the city of the Dark Eldar, built in the Webway, and thus escaped the catastrophe of the fall of the Ancient Eldar Empire due to Slaanesh. The power of the Dark Gods cannot penetrate into the Webway, of course, provided that the Webway is not destroyed Make a hole.

"It might have been feasible ten thousand years ago, but now there are many gaps in the Webway, and subspace energy can still penetrate into the Webway." The Burner seemed to know about Commorragh. He guessed what Qin Mo was thinking, and then asked Said: "You also know that Comoros is not absolutely safe."

Qin Mo nodded.

Commorragh is indeed not absolutely safe. The reason why the Dark Eldar prohibit the use of psychic powers may be because even if they use psychic powers in the Webway, they may be targeted by Slaanesh, who has conquered their race.

Time has passed, and the Webway, once isolated from the Warp, now resembles a public toilet, even occasionally used by the forces of Chaos.

If the Webway didn't completely isolate the Warp, it would be as valuable as the Dimensional Engine.

"Then pull him down." Qin Mo didn't even tell Burner what his plans were, and he threw them out of his mind.

A week passed in a blink of an eye.

This week Qin Mo is studying the personality matrix that reproduces the characteristics of the soulless.

The star sector began to build many star system defense buildings such as void fortresses for the star systems within Tyron's Gate.

The Burners live in the galaxy where Qin Mo and the Night Holder fought before, and they create and burn to death the Familia created by biotechnology on the only remaining planet.

Everything is running as usual.

The warning that Yao En heard from the psyker of Beisiu No. 1, that is, the prophecy that the Tyrone sector will face a catastrophe this year, has not yet come true.

But outside the Tyrone Sector, a major event that affects the fate of the human race is happening.

In a galaxy directly east of the Extreme Star Territory, a battleship emerged from a rift in the subspace.

Greyfax, who was sent by Horst from Cadia to the system to clean up the secret cult, received news about the battleship. She immediately boarded her ship and ordered the ship to move closer to the battleship.

From a distance, Greyfax could clearly see the entire picture of this huge battleship.

It was a mechanical ark.

Communication information showed that the other party's crew called the battleship the Explorer King.

Its owner was Belisarius Caul.

Greyfax boarded the battleship and entered the bridge under the leadership of people from the Adeptus Mechanicus.

Belisarius Caul's huge body stood in the center of the bridge, and he was using his appendages to control every piece of equipment in the bridge.

Next to Caul was a woman with white wings, who was the so-called Living Saint Celestine seen on Cadia.

"You and this mutant..."

Just as Greyfax was about to accuse Caul of colluding with mutated warp creatures, the sound of the bridge gate opening and closing interrupted her.

Two Eldar people entered the bridge, one of them was a female with the iconic high braid, and the other was wearing red armor and looked like a guard or general.

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