Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 303 Beixiu Galaxy

at the same time.

Yaoen stood on the bridge of a transport ship, looking at the planet that the ship was slowly approaching.

It was a hive world, much larger than the one before the transformation of Tyrone One. From the ship, you could see the metal patterns on the planet's surface, which were an extension of the hive world.

There is not only one hive city in this world. The surface of the planet is covered with large and small prismatic metal scars, which are one large hive city after another.

The small nests are completely invisible outside the planet.

"Beijuku No. 1."

"As you can see, a large hive world, this is the capital of the galaxy."

Anruida walked up to Yaoen with a glass of wine, handed it to him, and admired Beisu No. 1 side by side with him.

Yao En was furious when he saw An Ruida. Originally, he was going to take a vacation on the Tai Lung 3. He might be able to hold his daughter while diving, and then use the propeller that came with the Guard's body to travel around the underwater world.

But now it's useless to say anything. Anruida will call him over to work overtime no matter what.

"Beisu." Yaoen murmured the name of the galaxy, "This name sounds strange. What does it mean?"

Anreda slowly shook her head: "Although the governor of this planet looks similar to me, I don't know what the name means and how it was named."

Yaoen didn't hesitate. He nodded and didn't care anymore. Anyway, there were so many elusive and strange names in the universe, so it didn't matter.

There is only one thing that matters most right now.

"Why do you have to let me come over?" Yao En asked.

Before he went to kill Bellona, ​​he knew that Anreda was running around outside the Tyrone galaxy every day, trying to integrate those galaxies into the Tyrone star sector and turn them into a star-ring defense circle called the Tyrone Gate...

But as Anreda is a Praetorian Guard and a civil servant among the Praetorian Guards, what prevents him from integrating the current galaxy into the star sector and becoming part of the Gate of Tyrone?

"This galaxy is somewhat special, and this hive is also special."

Anruida did not explain immediately, but talked about things about this galaxy.

"Do you still remember that many years ago, you fought in the forge world of Agrippina? The forge world that you and Gray protected together with the celestial engine?"

"You reported that you met a Space Marine from the White Scars Chapter during the mission, named Chen Ye."

"This galaxy was recruited by the White Scars Chapter two thousand years ago. There was another person recruited into the war group two hundred years ago, that is Chen Ye."

Yao En looked at Anruida with wide eyes. He had no idea that the Beisiu Galaxy had been recruited by the White Scars, nor did he expect that Chen Ye, who had separated from him long ago in Agrippina, had something to do with it.

"That guy said he was a new recruit." Yao En said in surprise.

"A new recruit among the Space Marines." Anruida nodded, "But Chen Ye may also be hiding something. He is not that new, and he is on Beisu No. 1."

Yaoen nodded thoughtfully and asked, "So why did you call me here?"

"Chen Ye was sent to negotiate terms. The White Scars want to promote the integration of the Beixiu Galaxy into the star region, but there is only one condition that they can recruit troops from here in the future." Anruida took out a card with the The parchment handprinted by the White Scars Chapter Leader said, "Chen Ye himself has a condition. He wants to communicate with someone he knows, and that person is you."

Yao En glanced at the parchment and nodded.

Although he didn't know why Chen Ye insisted on communicating with him, Yaoen was willing to go there in person.

"I'll go to the hive tower with you."

"No, I will go to the top of the tower to discuss the next steps with the nobles. Chen Ye is in the nest."

When Lord Tyrone's guards arrived for the first time, the nobles of Beisu No. 1 were not prepared, but when they arrived for the second time, they were ready to welcome them.

A military parade started in Shangchao.

The soldiers of the Planetary Defense Force marched in order, and everyone was well-trained and well-equipped.

The Noble Guards are not private soldiers who serve as bodyguards in noble residences, but a large group of 100,000 people called the Noble Guards, with better equipment than ordinary soldiers.

Everyone can see that the troops of Beixiu 1 are well-trained. Over the past tens of thousands of years, the Beixiu galaxy, which is second only to the Tyrone galaxy in terms of remoteness, must have stronger armed forces in order to protect the entire galaxy. safety.

The planetary governors gathered together in the upper nest of Beisiu 1, enjoying the military parade and eating and drinking on the top of the gorgeous tower with Anruida. Each governor said that his troops were ready to be integrated into the Tyron Army at any time.

Everyone acted very friendly and knowledgeable.

None of this had anything to do with Yaoen going to Xiachao. He just stood on the dirty streets of Xiachao waiting to meet Chen Ye.

Compared to the upper nest and the lower nest at the top of the tower, the environment is extremely dirty and messy, even worse than the bottom nest when Tai Lung One was still the hive capital.

This may be because of the large population...

It’s just that the environment is bad, there’s still acid rain falling from the sky.

There has been no acid rain in Tyrone Hive since the rebel governor moved the industry to Tyrone II, so Yaoen was not prepared, but fortunately there was a protective film on his bionic skin.

"Call Thor!"

"I'm under arrest by the Ministry of Justice! I have to call Thor!"


While waiting, Yaoen looked at the pitch-black billboard next to the street, which was playing an interesting-looking advertisement.

A female police officer from the Ministry of Justice, who was dressed more like a staff member in the entertainment district, handcuffed a man. The man pretended to be scared for the camera and loudly shouted advertising slogans.

Then a man who was well-dressed and well-dressed in Xiachao appeared in front of the camera and continued to speak the advertisement with extremely rich facial expressions.

"You were framed by a bald man and then reported him to the Ministry of Justice, but because this bald man behaved like a model citizen of the empire, the people in the Ministry of Justice chose to believe him instead of you?"

"I am Thor, and I fight for you."


Yaoen looked at the advertisement and murmured to himself: "It seems that the management level of this hive governor is pretty good."

This advertisement proves that the governor of Hive City No. 1 in Beijuku is more particular about rules. At least he will not do the ridiculous thing of letting his mechanical hound sniff two people, and then convict whoever the hound bites to death.

"All you see is the remaining light of the setting sun."

When Yaoen heard this, he turned around and found Chen Ye standing behind him.

This Space Marine of the White Scars Chapter is completely opposite to his previous appearance on Agrippina. He does not wear power armor and only wears a black poncho. He looks like a cybernetic implanted with too many thick and inferior artificial muscles. Big guy.

The two did not greet or salute each other after meeting, they just looked at each other.

Both of them are not good at expressing themselves, but they both remember that they fought side by side in the arena. This is a fateful friendship.

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