Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 293 The God of Misfortune

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

The death of the Hive Fleet mothership that besieged Baal and the Norn Queen completely collapsed the Zerg attack.

There are still biological ships and bugs everywhere in the galaxy, but they have completely turned into instinctive beasts, killing each other or hunting. It will take some time to clean them up.

Ever since Adam informed the Burner that Qin Mo would arrive in Baal in person, the Star God directly left his son and others to come.

Baal is not the home of the Burners, and the people of Baal are not slaves of the Burners. It has enough reasons to ignore everything here.

The Tyrone fleet and the Imperial fleet worked together to hunt the remaining biological warships, and the Angel Descendants began to clean up the remaining bugs on Baal, Baal and Baal.

Another piece of work being done in conjunction with the cleanup operation is the construction of a very large teleport beacon.

The Orbital Shipyard constructs a teleport beacon base station near the star of Baal.

When the base station is completed, the entire galaxy will be instantly illuminated by blue light.

A dimensional rift the size of a planet opened in the galaxy, and then a metal planet protected by two satellites slowly emerged from the rift and arrived in the orbit of Baal's star.

The complete celestial engine arrives.

The weapon array on one satellite structure was aimed at the biological ships running around in the galaxy, and the weapon array on the other satellite structure was quietly activated.

The communication request is transmitted into Angel Fortress.

It is Gray who is responsible for communicating with the Blood Angels Chapter.

After the communication was connected, Gray thought he would see a company commander of the Blood Angels Chapter, or a lower-level officer, but what appeared in front of him was a man wearing a golden mask.

Behind this man were the top brass of the Blood Angels standing in awe.

Foros told Gray some things about the Space Marine Chapter, and Gray could guess that it was Dante he saw.

Out of courtesy, Dante should be saluted at this time, but Dante spoke first: "Thank you for the equipment and fleet support you provided to Baal."

"I will convey it to the Governor." Gray nodded, "I heard about Barr's side. I would like to pay the highest respect to all the warriors who fought bravely for the human race."

Dante also nodded, and then asked: "The Angel Fortress is very safe now. The Lord of Tyrone can enter the fortress by transport plane at any time."

Gray was stunned for a moment.

There was no plan to go to Baal at all in this trip's itinerary, and there was no plan to meet with the leader of the Blood Angel Chapter.

This is considering that the Blood Angels Chapter is unlikely to have a favorable impression of the Tyrone Sector like the Lamenters, and considering the factors of the Inquisition, it is best not to have direct contact with the Blood Angels Chapter.

Dante's appearance in the communication screen and his suggestion that Qin Mo could go to Angel Fortress were both unexpected.

The purpose of Gray's communication was just to contact the people on Baal, lest they think that the Celestial Engine was here to fight.

"Please convey this." Dante reminded Gray.

Gray reported immediately and responded to Dante after receiving the order: "The purpose of our trip is to pick up a dangerous object. We will not stay in the galaxy for a long time."

When Dante wanted to respond, Burner appeared on the communication screen.

It raised its head and glanced at the sky, then flew vertically out of Baal and headed straight for the celestial engine.

After receiving the Burner, the Celestial Engine escaped into the dimensional space and disappeared. Before leaving, he used electric arc to clean up the biological ships in the galaxy.

The Tyrone fleet then recovered the transmission beacon base station near the star and activated the dimension engine to leave the system.

"They just left like that?" Mephiston looked at Dante in disbelief.

Karan looked at the think tank director and then at the chapter leader, equally surprised.

At first, everyone thought that the Tailong people came here to collect benefits.

Those power armors, the support of the Tyrone fleet, these don't seem like free things.

It is possible that the Celestial Engines arrived to collect benefits and turn the Blood Angels Chapter and its sub-chapters into a second Lamenter.

Dante even thought about how to reply to them, but they came and left, only to take away the angry guy.

"Isn't this great?" Karan spread out his hands, "Isn't there really someone who plans to serve them like the Weeper?"

"Of course we won't play for them, but we have to have some substantial gratitude... In addition... we may have to owe them a favor." Dante said.

The celestial engine and the fleet did not teleport too far, but went to the Hades galaxy next door.

The biological ship here is also in chaos.

The Leviathan Iron Man mothership that had been fighting here had already left first.

The war between bugs and iron men is so intense that there are no planets in the entire galaxy that can be reused. If this place becomes worse, it will not be difficult for anyone to accept it.

The Burner was passively teleported to Hades 3, and the two satellite structures of the celestial engine turned their weapons to aim at the planet. There was a 70-kilometer long cannon on the completed planet structure, which was also aimed at Hades 3.

But facing a star god who has a high degree of integrity and is not crazy, these are not enough.

When the Burner appeared on the surface of Hades No. 3, Qin Mo and Mimicry immediately appeared in front of it.

"Now there are only two of the seven escapist gods left? It seems that timidity is not necessarily a good thing."

The Burner was not angry about being transported to Hades Three and being targeted by weapons, because it got its wish and saw the god it wanted to see.

As for being targeted by the celestial engine... in the eyes of Burners, this is normal, just like a vigilant look, there is no threat and it should exist.

"Are you still so dependent on the things you created?" Seeing that neither Qin Mo nor Mimic responded to him, the Burner looked at the celestial engine, "You chose humans as your dependents and servants? You have a good sense. This species generally has a tight mouth. .”

Qin Mo didn't know how to respond to Burner and turned his head to look at Mimic.

The mimic has now transformed into its ever-changing form, and it is ready to fight.

But what Qin Mo felt from it was not courage, but fear.

"The person standing in front of you is not the Forger." Qin Mo said, "If you want to catch up with old friends, then go talk to someone else."

The Burner's flaming eyes narrowed and he stared at Qin Mo for a while.

The moment they met, Burner felt something was wrong with the Forger. It certainly had the power of the Star God, but it was very young in nature.

This essence does not refer to power or function, but is similar to the concept of soul.

"But you have the ability of a caster." Burner himself doubted this sentence. He hoped that Qin Mo really had the ability of a caster. "You can help me, right?"

"What can I help you with?" Qin Mo asked.

"Help me become complete." The Burner raised his hand, and the space around him began to tear and twist, gradually forming a new scene.

Two Burners are being locked up in a section of the web. One of them is madly breathing flames and shouting that he will burn all life to death, while the other is sitting on the ground with his head lowered and shutting himself up.

"You have no idea how many years it took me to find me...a hundred thousand years!"

"I tried to fuse myself together...even if the oldest one is bound by that damn transgressive slave, it doesn't matter. As long as I can continue to reorganize, there is still hope of becoming complete, but I found that I don't have that technology."

Qin Mo heard the deep sadness in Burner's words.

Brothers, give me some time these two days to make an outline.

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