Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 29 A mission that can turn the tide of the war

The whole process from Qin Mo's order to Gray and Grote's return took less than ten minutes.

The two of them could even find time to go to Aiken and hand over Albert's body to them.

After Qin Mo obtained the psyker, he immediately sent him to a room equipped with a psionic suppressor.

"let me out!"

"I'm going to kill you!"


The psyker kept beating and mutilating herself in the room, and she was furious because she had lost contact with the psionic network of the Genestealer race.

Gray and Qin Mo stood at the door, watching indifferently as the psykers flipped around inside.

After looking at it for a while, Gray couldn't help but ask: "What is her use for?"

"It's very useful." Qin Mo replied with a smile, "I can use her to find the location of the rebel clan leader."

"But didn't you say before that you wanted to build a device for detection and positioning?"

"Yes, but if there is this guy, the efficiency and accuracy will be greatly improved."

Looking at the psyker in the room, Gray felt disgusted. After thinking for a moment, Gray asked, "Do we need to take out her brain?"

"No need." Qin Mo shook his head.

"Then how do we make her obey orders without killing her?" Gray asked.

Hearing this question, Qin Mo did not answer immediately. Instead, he looked at the psyker with a smile for a moment, then turned his head and said: "You know, the psychological endurance of any living thing is limited. Once the limit is exceeded, the living being will He will collapse and become insane."

"Of course." Gray nodded. He almost collapsed when the 44th regiment was almost wiped out, but he didn't like to show his emotions.

But everyone knows that living things will collapse. What does this have to do with controlling the psyker in the room?

"I will find a way to make her collapse and become insane, and then find a way to tame her and make her surrender and obey." After saying that, Qin Mo turned around and walked towards the underground cave, and motioned for Gray to follow: "You should learn from this. This way you will know how to interrogate enemies more efficiently in the future."

"Is this what we have to do?" Gray asked.

"No, of course not." Qin Mo immediately shook his head, "I can tie her up and stuff her into a machine and get the results I want, but I need to let you learn interrogation techniques."

"So this is a teaching session?"


Two days later.

During the past two days, Qin Mo and Gray had been busy interrogating the rebel psyker.

Although Qin Mo always does things in an orderly manner, Gray did not see how orderly he acted in this matter.

Because Qin Mo just formulated a lot of inexplicable psychological questions, and then kept asking the psychic to give her answers.

The only change was that the psyker would irritably resist answering at first, but now he began to answer questions honestly.

This work lasted for two full days.

Even now.

"What kind of starch do you like to eat?" Qin Mo asked him a carefully designed psychological question.

Gray stood next to Qin Mo, watching the psyker squatting in the corner, making sure to crush her head if she dared to make even the slightest move out of bounds.

But the psychic just huddled in the corner and answered honestly: "Starch has no taste, sir..."

"Answer me." Qin Mo emphasized.

"But...but it really has no taste..."

"Really? I don't believe it." Qin Mo smiled and shook his head.

"..." The psyker curled up and hugged his legs, looking very pitiful. After hesitating for a long time, he still insisted on answering: "It really has no taste."

"Okay." Qin Mo stood up and left the room.

After Gray followed out, he saw guards standing outside entering the room, holding metal sticks filled with electric current in their hands.

Then there was a burst of roaring and screaming.

This has been the practice for the past two days. After Qin Mo asks what he wants to ask, the guards outside will come in.

"Do you understand?" Qin Mo said.

"I don't understand." Gray shook his head helplessly.

"I will explain it to you in detail when I am free one day, or I can make you a chip and let you read it directly." Qin Mo did not force Gray to learn interrogation techniques immediately. He knew his interrogation behavior and his own Like those creations, in Gray's eyes they are not much different from magic.

Gray was silent for a moment and suddenly asked: "Why don't we just plug her into the machine? If you want to teach me something, I will learn it, but in this situation..."

"In my previous order, I asked each regiment to expand to 10,000 people. These people need weapons and equipment, and they also need spare weapons and equipment, so now we have at least two days for teaching, or we can use these two days to start training. A banquet." Qin Mo said.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

Qin Mo's teaching has yielded results, and he plans to test the locator he made.

So Gray took the psyker out of her room, and even outside she couldn't use her powers because she still had a psychic inhibiting collar around her neck.

The psyker was escorted into an underground cave.

When she entered the cave, the door behind her was immediately closed and blocked by Gray. She looked around timidly and saw that there were five other people wearing powerful power armor here, including Qin, who had been interrogating her these days. ink.

Powerful Power Armor, this is what the rebels call the Guards Power Armor.

"Come here." Qin Mo waved.

The psyker walked towards him, trembling.

Qin Mo grabbed the psyker's neck and forced her to look at a spherical machine in the corner of the cave: "Did you see that thing? I need you to go in, put on the helmet inside, and then sit on the chair and relax."

"Yes...yes..." The psyker nodded tremblingly.

Qin Mo was very satisfied and untied her psychic suppression collar.

At this time, Gray and others present either grasped the gravity hammer or prepared to raise their hands to fire.

But their worries were completely unnecessary. The psyker couldn't even adapt to the feeling of not wearing a psychic collar. She glanced at the collar with a trembling look, and then walked into the spherical machine.

Submission, submission, this is her current state.

Gray was very surprised. He didn't expect that those strange interrogation questions and psychologically damaging methods actually worked.

When the psyker put on the helmet and relaxed as Qin Mo ordered, her body straightened instantly and she was connected to the psychic network of the entire group.

Resistance, strength, unyielding...these concepts that she had forgotten for a few days came back to her brain, and her face that was originally full of fear now became determined.

Where are you, sister?

Don't give up, don't give in, for the Lord of Evolution!

We are always behind you! be strong!

The psyker felt the message coming from the psychic network. She reached out and tried to rip off the device on her head, but the entire seat suddenly became twisted, holding her firmly in place until she lost consciousness.

Qin Mo, who was outside, was operating the display screen of the connected machine, which had projected the locations of many individual gene stealers.

"The brotherhood between chicken thieves is quite touching." Qin Mo slid on the screen. He filtered out most of the useless information, expecting to find the information he wanted most.

But this was just a test after all, and Qin Mo didn't expect to get the results immediately.

But the results of this test were unexpected.

The owners of all the Genestealers in the Tyrone Hive had already noticed that an important individual was missing. After this important individual restored the connection with the psychic network, the owners of the entire group instinctively conducted an investigation, and this time The probing was captured.

"Due north of our current location, three hundred and forty kilometers away, two thousand meters underground." Qin Mo raised his head and looked in that direction, but his vision was blocked by the cave wall.

And in the location he said, a huge alien opened its eyes. Two seconds later it closed its eyes and issued commands in the psychic network.

The surrounding heirs immediately began to prepare for relocation and transfer, while the psyker struggling in the machine on Qin Mo's side was brain dead.

Under the gaze of Gray and others, Qin Mo began to put on the guard power armor and at the same time issued an order: "After the full-scale counterattack begins, I will personally lead the team. Let's complete a difficult task that can turn the tide of the war."

Thanks to everyone for your recommendation, monthly tickets and rewards. I will give you the fifth update today.

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