Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 273 Desperate Situation

Since the Hive Mind decided to let the Iron Men go on a killing spree in the Hades galaxy, it moved most of its main swarm power to Baal.

Above Baal, swarms of insects covered the sky and blocked out the sun.

The warrior bugs covered tightly in their carapace were running in the sea of ​​bugs, rushing forward with the explosions of the Space Marines and killing them with a knife.

Even the originally not powerful knife bugs have undergone great changes. One explosive bomb can kill a group of knife bugs, which is easier to kill than before. However, the attack of knife bugs is sharper than before. A group of knife bugs can even Can surround a lone Terminator wearer.

The war that could have been delayed suddenly became intense, as if the outcome had to be decided today.

When Dante, who was recovering from his injuries in the fortress, discovered that the Zerg attack had become intense, Foros, Karan, and other Angel Sons chapter leaders who had been fighting near the inner wall certainly also discovered it.

However, everyone can't get together to talk, because a biochemical titan from the swarm has approached the inner wall.

This biochemical titan is different from what we usually see.

The symbiote weapons, tentacles, and other small reptiles attached to its body are longer, larger, and more powerful than before.

It has some organs on its body that emit gases that are toxic to other living things, but these organs are now releasing bioelectric fields, which have the effect of EMP electromagnetic pulses.

No matter why this biochemical titan changed its poisonous gas into a bioelectric field, it has become stronger. Ordinary vehicles cannot get close to it at all, and ground troops, whether wearing Terminator or ordinary armor, can get close to the biochemical titan. Communication failures and armor power system failures will occur near Titans.

This known information was obtained with the lives of hundreds of sacrificed Space Marines.

"The attack is invalid!"

The first company commander of the Lamenters stood on the inner wall and shouted at Foros who came to support the seventeenth defense point.

The fire support warriors in each tactical team of the company had just bombarded the Titan with the missile rack attached to the Terminator Armor, but they found that the missile would lose control when it flew to the biochemical Titan, falling into the insect swarm, destroying those more fragile knives. The insects killed hundreds of thousands.

But it is meaningless no matter how many knife bugs die. More knife bugs will soon come up to fill the position in the vast sea of ​​​​worms.

"I saw it." Foros nodded, "Don't waste any more missiles. We will work together with Captain Karan to kill that big mutated guy."

"Yes." The first company commander saluted to Foros, then turned around to dispatch other soldiers in the first company to prepare for the next battle.

Foros did not come to Defense Point No. 17 alone. There was also the only technical sergeant in the regiment following him.

The technical sergeant did not participate in the battle, but had been studying the Talon weapons he had received previously.

Before arriving, Foros had asked the technical sergeant to use a special telescope to call for orbital bombardment to destroy the biochemical titan. However, there were two brainworms surrounding the biochemical titan that were always protecting it. These two brainworms could even use psychic means to protect the titan from being attacked. Effects of bombing.

But fortunately, among those Tyrone weapons, telescopes are not the only ones that are useful.

"Sergeant." Foros also had to prepare for the next coordinated operation with Karan. "Go and prepare the Talon weapons that you can skillfully use and use. This time, don't let the gravity grenades used last time happen. Case."

"Yes." The technical sergeant nodded, then took out the weapons list and started looking at it.

All available weapons will be checked by the Techmarine, and then the flagship will be ready to send those weapons out.

However, the technical sergeant did not check the box when he saw the dimension missile category.

The dimensional missile is a weapon that was used ten days ago. It can create rifts leading to dimensional passages on the battlefield and send tens of thousands of insect swarms into the dimensional space.

Foros didn't understand why the technical sergeant skipped the dimension missile. It was obviously a very useful weapon, and it didn't matter even if it affected one's own side. After all, the power armor used by the Weeper Chapter was equipped with teleportation protection devices.

"It's not that I don't want to use dimension missiles." The technical sergeant noticed the look from the chapter leader and immediately explained, "It's just that Captain Karaen once asked me for all the dimension missiles, and you said before that other companies can do it without going through With your permission, we will use our weapons and equipment."

"Okay." Foros nodded and did not continue to ask.

Soon Karan led the first company of the Blood Angels to the vicinity of the defense point.

When they appeared, they immediately attracted the attention of everyone at the defense point.

Karan and the First Company had taken off their Terminator armor, and they were only wearing a pair of pants to hide their shame.

The weapons and equipment are all power swords and bolt pistols.

In addition, he also carries a one-meter-long dimension missile on his back.

"The next coordinated operation will become the battle of our first company, and the Weeper does not need to participate." Karan said as he walked, "The Chapter Leader has other arrangements for you. Leave the task of solving that big insect to me. Then rush to the council chamber, Foros."

Foros nodded first, and then couldn't help but ask: "What are you doing? Why are you taking off your armor and still carrying missiles?"

"You know, missiles can't hit it, and the armor on our bodies will only become a burden when we get close to that big bug." Karan said flatly.

Foros probably understood what Karan was thinking.

The Bio-Titan has a bioelectric field, making it impossible for missiles to hit it.

The power system of the armor will also be affected and stop functioning when approaching the Biochemical Titan. Power armor without a power system is a burden.

When the power system of ordinary models of power armor is shut down, the Space Marines can still move slowly on their own power. As for using their own power to hold up the Terminator Armor... don't even think about it.

So Karan gave up the Terminator Armor. His tactic must be to approach the Titan with a dimensional missile on his back and then detonate the missile, throwing the biochemical Titan into the dimension.

This is a suicide tactic with no return.

Karan and the First Company of the Blood Angels essentially turned themselves into living missile detonators.

"Is this an order from Chapter Commander Dante, or did you make your own decision?" Foros stared at Karan, "It is impossible for Chapter Commander Dante to issue such a cruel order."

"I made my own decision." Karan admitted frankly.

Then when Foros wanted to persuade Karan to stop, Karan continued: "In the previous battles to test the big bug, an entire battle group was sacrificed... everyone's ending is death, we must die A little more heroic."

After Karan finished speaking, the soldiers of the First Company of the Blood Angels all nodded calmly, as calmly as if they were not going to carry out a suicide attack, but someone else was going to do it.

Foros realized that suffocating despair was spreading within the fortress.

Everyone thinks that they will definitely die, but the way of death will be different.

Then some Space Marines who fell into the Black Rage were brought over. When they were in place, Karan tapped Foros on the shoulder: "We meet next to the Gene Father."

Foros nodded silently, turned around and ordered to his first company commander: "Open a path for Captain Karaen at all costs."

I went home to pack my things today. I just arrived at my work by car. I reported and assigned dormitories and so on.

The work is very leisurely. I just sit at the doorman's desk and play with my mobile phone or computer. The dormitory is for two people.

I'll try to write as much as I can in a while, and I'll post an update tomorrow.

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