Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 262 Tyrone’s cruel thing

The battle lasted for five full hours, and all the blood slaves and wounded were evacuated to the core area of ​​the fortress.

The Space Marines on the central passage completed their mission and began to retreat in batches.

The first to retreat were the sub-group except the Lamenters.

The swarm of insects was as huge as the ocean, and Foros, who was fighting in the vast sea of ​​​​worms, even had to use long-range weapons to save his energy.

Some of the Blood Knight Space Marines were charged with black rage and rushed towards the swarm of insects regardless of risk, and then were swamped by the swarm and disappeared without a trace.

Foros never allowed his subordinates to rescue those Space Marines who fell into the Black Rage, because once they fall into the Black Rage, there is no way to save them and there is no possibility of returning to normal.

After using his plasma pistol to kill a samurai bug that jumped at him, Foros turned to look at the situation of his men.

A guard was using an assault cannon to shoot at the surrounding insect swarms. He was so focused on fighting the insects that he didn't notice a friendly soldier appearing behind him.

The ally had a ferocious expression, his eyes were blood red, and he picked up the power sword and stabbed the guard in the back.

Foros raised his hand and shot the friendly soldier into pieces.

"Pay attention to whether friendly forces are falling into black rage." Foros reminded everyone in the group's internal communication channel.

"They should be more desperate to attack the enemy. Why would they attack us?" a recruit who had been in the regiment for 60 years asked in surprise.

There was silence in the battle group's channel, and no one answered the recruit's question, because it involved defects in the gene seed and the Gene Father's bloodline.

"Black Fury, no one taught you what Black Fury was when you joined the group?!" Foros scolded sternly.

This was the first time the recruits had seen such a harsh attitude from Foros.

Karaon killed two samurai bugs blocking the way and ran to Foros, standing behind him to face the bugs that were surrounding him.

"You need to evacuate now."

"We are members of the parent group, and we should stay until the end."

The sound of Karan's words reached Foros's ears.

"You guys evacuate first." Foros said firmly.

When all the descendants of angels come to support Baal, and there are no rules and regulations and they just follow the orders of the mother group based on favors, the mother group certainly has the responsibility to stay and take on the most dangerous tasks.

But Foros believes that the Weeper is an exception.

The brothers of the parent group stayed behind, wearing regular armor and using bolt guns in their hands to defend themselves against the swarm of insects. Then a large group of Weepers wearing Terminator armor turned their backs to the battle and ran backwards with heavy steps.

Foros believed that if this scene appeared on the battlefield, the Weeper would not be qualified to have so much sophisticated equipment.

"Okay." Karan had already heard about the fact that the Weeper was a jerk, so he didn't say much and directly ordered his company to evacuate.

The Blood Angels fought and retreated, their positions filled by the Lamenters.

Karan did not leave with his men, but stayed to fight alongside Foros.

Karaen observed these sub-band brothers during the battle and found that they were particularly good at fighting alone.

"Tyrant!" Foros reminded Karan.

A tyrant emerged from the swarm of insects and rushed towards Foros together with its guardian insects.

Some of the tyrant guards also held bone knives, while others had living biological weapons.

When they rushed over, one of Foros's guards was cut in half by the tyrant, and another guard was blown to pieces by green cannonballs fired by living biological weapons.

These creatures can evolve to the point where they can destroy Terminator Armor just by relying on their own organic bodies.

Karan held the warhammer in hand and rushed forward side by side with Foros. The two of them dodged the biochemical shells fired from the left and the right. Just when they were about to face the tyrant and the tyrant's guards, these big and muscular bugs were suddenly crushed into pulp. .

Foros turned his head and looked behind him, where stood a technical sergeant holding a gravity staff.

The supplies given by the Lord of Tyrone include not only conventional weapons, but also some of the Tyrone's ruthless gadgets, which are powerful and dangerous.

On the way to Baal, after a Space Marine used the Gravitational Scepter without instructions and accidentally crushed his own legs, Foros prohibited anyone except the technical sergeants from studying the use of those Talon equipment. .

At this time, Foros thought that his technical sergeant was very good. At least the ones he crushed to death were not himself and Karan, but the insects further ahead.

The death of the tyrant did not plunge the sea of ​​​​insects into chaos. It was obvious that other synaptic creatures had taken over command.

"Stay away from the swarm!" Techmarine yelled at Foros.

Foros and Karaan immediately retreated.

The technical sergeant placed the scepter on the servo robot arm behind his back, took out a large telescope from his backpack with both hands, and placed it in front of his eyes to observe the sea of ​​​​insects ahead.

The tech sergeant looked as far as he could and pressed the red button on the scope.

A rift opened above the sea of ​​​​insects. The weapons of the Storm Lady hidden in the dimensional space automatically fired. Two particle light spears emerged from the rift and fell into the sea of ​​​​insects.

It is impossible to calculate how many bugs were killed by these two light spears. The impact they produced spread to Foros and Karan. The two warriors wearing Terminator armor were almost overturned by the impact. They had to insert their weapons on the ground to stabilize them. Live the body.

At this time, all members of the parent regiment had evacuated, and Foros took advantage of the two light spears to delay the attack of the sea of ​​worms to issue a retreat order.

All the Wailers gathered together and fought and retreated.

Angel Fortress is not just an outer wall, but also an inner wall surrounding the core area.

Friendly forces that had previously evacuated or had been deployed on the inner wall were ready for battle, pouring firepower into the sea of ​​insects.

The door to the inner wall was open, and a golden figure led all the Space Marines of the Blood Angels to stand outside the door, ready to greet the weepers.

Foros recognized the golden figure at a glance as Dante, the leader of the Blood Angel Chapter.

On the way to the city gate, Foros observed that Dante's body was not motionless, but trembling slightly, and immediately realized that he might be injured.

Dante, who came out to greet them personally, waved to the mourners.

Foros withdrew his eyes and focused on the battle in front of him. He was located at the rear of all his subordinates.

The Weeper Chapter and Karan retreated while fighting, and gradually came to the city gate.

Before entering the core area, the pursuers had to be blocked outside. The technical sergeant was one step ahead of everyone else. He took out a grenade from his backpack and threw it into the insects that were chasing Foros.

The grenade did not explode, but instead created a zero-gravity area.

Both the knife bug and the samurai bug moved their limbs feebly while rising slowly.

Foros's power armor was close to the ground to help him stabilize his body.

The technical sergeant who threw the grenade turned around and ran back, checking the grenade instructions as he ran.

After running two steps, the technical sergeant suddenly stopped and looked at Foros in astonishment.

At this time, the gravity field suddenly changed, and an extremely powerful repulsive force spread from the center to the surroundings.

Foros, Karan, and the technical sergeant who stayed behind were all thrown away and fell into the city gate, while the insects chasing them were knocked away by the repulsion.

Everyone successfully retreated into the core area, and the door was immediately closed.

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