Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 224 Thirteenth Regiment

Two minutes later, the 13th Regiment, which had just been prepared, was teleported to the 112th Regiment's station.

All the Cadian soldiers stationed on the ground looked at the Talon people who were suddenly teleported in the open space.

These one hundred and one people were wearing Tyrone Army's standard model power armor. The only difference was that they were all equipped with spears and shields made of fine gold, and long-range weapons were integrated on the shoulders or arms.



An officer just wanted to step forward and say hello to the friendly troops, but before he could finish his words, he fell to the ground and vomited.

All the Cadian soldiers on the station felt severely unwell. The discomfort became more severe for those who were closer to the 13th Regiment. Some even had diarrhea on the spot.

Then the Cadian soldiers realized that the friendly forces in front of them were all untouchable.

The sound of vomiting and squirting could be heard for a while.

"We're here to help, you bastards!" a company commander of the Thirteenth Regiment roared at the Cadians who held their noses and backed away.

"They don't want to dislike you either." Yaoen looked back at the company commander, "Everyone, follow me."

The Thirteenth Regiment immediately rushed to the location of the psychic gate, and all the Cadian soldiers along the way fled as if they had seen the plague.

When the 101 untouchables of the Thirteenth Regiment reached a position only twenty meters away from the psychic door, the psychic door began to shrink.

The temperature throughout the station rose by six degrees.

"Make sure no one comes out before the door closes." Yaoen ordered.

The Thirteenth Regiment immediately set up defense in front of the psychic door. All soldiers held adamantine shields in their right hands and raised their left hands to aim at the prison world inside the door with the energy weapons integrated on the arm armor.

While others were setting up defenses, Yao En paid attention to the celestial engine through the information system of the Guards Power Armor.

The Celestial Engine has just been transported to the orbit of the star where the prison world is located, and the Stone Man begins to execute the extermination protocol.

The first process is to detect whether there are still friendly or friendly personnel on the extermination target.

The detection wave emitted by the celestial engine instantly scanned the entire prison world. Every living creature in the prison world was detected. Then it was found that the Cadian soldiers stationed here had died in large areas. It was as if they had been fed poison. Just as dead as a whole.

There is only one explanation for this bizarre death phenomenon - psychic causes.

After confirming that there were no rescueable targets, the Stonemen continued to implement the extermination protocol, and the light spear arrays on the two satellite structures began to charge.

People in the prison world also saw the celestial engine. The prisoners who were beating the corpses of the Ministry of Justice personnel only realized that it was getting dark, and then continued to beat the corpses.

Until every prison contained prophecies of psykers seeing the prison world shattered, and these prophecies spread and caused great panic.

The vast majority of prisoners cannot escape from the prison world no matter how panicked they are. Only prisoners near the psychic door can try to break out of the psychic door and go to the fortress world.

Soon Yao En saw a large number of prisoners gathered inside the psychic door. They were looking at the world outside the door in horror, hesitating on who should die first.

"Fire." Yaoen ordered over the communication channel.

All the soldiers of the Thirteenth Regiment were firing on all cylinders, and the dense beams of light formed an insurmountable firepower network. A large number of the prisoners who had just gathered fell instantly.

More and more prisoners are gathering, and they are trying their best to rush out of the psychic door. Some use others as human shields, some crawl on the ground praying that they will not be discovered, and some even drive. tank.

But these methods have no effect.

The Celestial Engine satellite structure fired.

The giant particle light spear instantly fell on the surface of the prison world. Yaoen, who was outside the psychic door, saw that the sky of the entire prison world turned red, and there was a giant light pillar in the distance.

In the next second, a tsunami of flames spread from the impact point of the prison world to the entire planet, and this was just the collateral damage caused by the particle light spear as it gradually penetrated the core of the earth.

Yao En did not see the destruction of the prison world, because when the flames were about to spread, the psychic door gradually shrank to a size invisible to the naked eye, and finally dissipated completely.

The prison world of St. Yoseman was blown to pieces. A large number of logistics machinery flew out from the celestial engine. Among the countless scattered wreckage of the prison world, two pieces at the east and west ends were selected, and then they began to build a super-dimensional sky dome device on the wreckage.

The future Cadia galaxy will not lack any planet, it will just lack a large group of prisoners and psykers.

"Although we have only stayed here for a while, the mission is indeed over." Yaoen looked back at the soldiers of the 13th Regiment, "Be prepared to teleport and return."

When they heard that Yaoen and the others were about to leave, the soldiers of the 112th Regiment on the ground were very happy. They did not hate these friendly troops, but it was too torture to stay in the presence of more than a hundred untouchables.

within subspace.

The Great Devil of Tzeentch, Carlos the Fateweaver, is in the Crystal Demon Realm. In front of him is an army of vampires that are constantly coming, but what he is looking at is not the battlefield in front of him but a galaxy in the material universe.

Carlos has two heads.

One Head looked into the past in the galaxy. On a planet called Cadia in the galaxy, there was a psyker named Eli, who was corrupted by deception.

One head looks at the future in the galaxy. There is no war in this galaxy. People on every planet in the galaxy can no longer even see the light of the Eye of Terror when they raise their heads.

Through what he saw in the past and future, Carlos realized that there was a slight twist in his plan.

It originally wanted to use the bit of spiritual energy released by the psyker before his death to connect Cadia and Saint Josman, and then send the psykers on Saint Josman to Cadia to transform these psykers into Become the "entrance".

"They must have thought it was over once the door was closed..." Carlos said, "That's what I expected."

While Carlos was talking to himself, the battle in the Crystal Demon Realm continued. A vampire penetrated the line of changelings and rushed towards Carlos.

Carlos' head that could see the future saw a scene at this time, a vampire cut off its head.

Carlos grasped the scepter tightly and used a psychic spell to turn the vampire who was killing him into ashes.

The battle continues.

The edge of the Crystal Demon Realm has become a brass fortress with rivers of blood flowing. More and more vampires are trying to capture the Crystal Demon Realm and offer a gift to the master they serve.

Carlos didn't think these vampires were heroic, but rather stupid.

A strange being in the physical universe is interfering with the Lord of Change's grand plans, and the other dark gods are still devoting most of their power to killing each other.

While Carlos was thinking, a gaze suddenly turned to the battlefield in the Crystal Demon Realm.

Carlos sensed the gaze, and it trembled with respect.

He quickly moved his eyes away from the Crystal Demon Realm and looked into the boundless subspace, finding a shimmering soul projection.

"My master..." Carlos trembled violently. It saw the future after its master interfered with the soul projection.

A psyker will suddenly appear on Cadia, and this psyker will become the portal.

While Carlos saw the future, it sensed that its master had turned his gaze away and continued to fight with other gods.

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