"Your battleship was damaged?"

An image of Abaddon appears on the bridge as Typhons grieves.

Typhonth ducked out of the way, allowing Abaddon to see the devastation caused by the Void Thunder.

"I'm sorry." Abaddon lowered his head, "When everything is over, I will try my best to help you repair the Terminus."

"Save it!" Typhons refused angrily, and then issued orders to his subordinates, commanding the entire Terminal to fight with other warships in the fleet.

The battle continues.

The teleportation of void thunder was just the beginning. The battleship Lord of Tyrone and the cruisers behind it rushed towards the Chaos Fleet.

The ships of the Chaos Fleet spread out quickly, then spun in place and aimed their broadsides at the enemy.

The fleets of both sides began to bombard each other.

The destroyer followed the Lord of Tyrone as it advanced, and after two minutes all the void mines in all the destroyers were sent out.

This time the target is not the Chaos Fleet, but the Blackstone Fortress.

Fifteen of the thirty void thunders were sent directly to the Blackstone Fortress and then exploded.

Because the Blackstone Fortress is too large, it will not be blown to pieces even if it is hit by fifteen void mines. However, its vortex cannon was affected by the explosion and stopped functioning.

Fortunately for Abaddon, the celestial engine did not come, and he was not afraid of it as long as it was a pure fleet battle.

The Chaos Fleet lost almost no battleships. Except for the Vengeful Spirit and the Terminus, which were temporarily unable to fight, there were two other battleships. These two battleships took on the main responsibilities.

The Lord of Tyrone encountered fierce counterattacks and had to stop and aim its broadside at the enemy in order to maximize firepower output.

Every minute that passed hundreds of torpedoes flew from the Chaos fleet to the Tyron fleet, and these torpedoes were destroyed by the guard weapons of the frigates and other warships.

All this was seen by Typhons and Abaddon.

"We can try gang warfare," Abaddon said suddenly.

Typhons looked at the image warily. He felt that Abaddon said this in front of him. The purpose was obviously to let him send people to jump to the enemy ship first.

"Fortunately, I was there when you sent someone to help the Iron Planet, otherwise I would have been fooled." Typhons sneered and pointed at the enemy ship, "First let your Black Legion soldiers use torpedoes to hit the enemy's defenses. After the shield is smashed, I will immediately send my adjutant to join the gang."

"It won't hurt you to use your brain more." Abaddon hit his head twice, "Teleport in."

Typhons suddenly became excited: "Do you think you know the enemy well? Does the enemy only have a shield and no other means of defense?"

"We have to try to find out whether it is possible. The two of us will send people to join the gang together." Abaddon said.

Typhonse wanted to refute, but suddenly thought it would be a good idea to send someone to join the gang.

Some things just need to be tried with cannon fodder to know.

"Okay." Typhons nodded in agreement.

Abaddon sent one lieutenant and twenty Black Legion Space Marines.

Typhons sent the same amount of troops as Abaddon.

These warriors who go on a gang-hopping mission are teleported from the Vengeful Spirit or Terminus to the Lord of Talon.

"An enemy has entered the ship."

"I saw."

Inside the Tyrone Lord battleship, Adam was lying in the cabin directing the battle.

His eyes can see the entire galaxy and what's going on inside the battleship.

Two groups of enemies emerged from the apron at the rear of the battleship and the ammunition magazine at the front.

Since they didn't place beacons in advance, several people got stuck in the wall when teleporting out.

"What do we do with them?" The image of the crew member responsible for hull maintenance appeared in front of Adam.

They face each other in virtual space, with a cutaway view of a battleship appearing between them.

"This is our battleship, and we have plenty of ways to clean up the scum that has tarnished the battleship." Adam stared at the cross-sectional view, then stretched out his hand and tapped the door of the ammunition depot.

The giant gate of the ammunition depot closed instantly.

Those enemies who looked dirty and smelly were blocked in the ammunition depot. They were helpless about the current situation and could only keep trying to find a way to the outside and crack the door control program of the ammunition depot.

The conversations of these people reached the ears of Adam and the maintenance crew.

"Put that thing on."


A Space Marine removed a tumor from his neck and stuck it to the door. The tumor immediately spread out colonies on the door, and these colonies acted like wires and signal transmitters.

The maintenance crew looked up at Adam and found that the captain, who had never had any mood swings, was gritting his teeth.

The battleship Lord of Tyrone is not a flagship, at least not in Qin Mo's plan, because there will be more powerful battleships as flagships in the future.

But this battleship was the first battleship, and its name represented its status in the hearts of all Tyrone Navy personnel.

"Quickly shoot out the ammunition in the No. 11 ammunition depot, leaving only one torpedo equipped with a flame warhead!" Adam ordered.

The battleship immediately operated according to his ideas.

All the torpedoes in the No. 11 ammunition depot were transferred to the torpedo tubes and then shot out, leaving only one torpedo.

"Calculate torpedo explosion damage." Adam ordered again.

A red circle appeared on the battleship's anatomy diagram. This red circle was only one-tenth the size of the ammunition depot, but it happened to include those who boarded the ship.

"Explode it!"

When Adam gave the third order, the torpedo was detonated instantly, and the entire ammunition depot was engulfed in flames.

After annihilating a gang that boarded the ship, Adam looked at another group of enemies on the ship.

These enemies are not in the ammunition depot, but it's still easy to clear them out.

"Seal this area."

Adam didn't need to specify that area, he just had to think about it, and the device connected to his brain would read his specific thoughts.

Every gate in the area where the Tiao Gang team is located is locked.

All crew members in the entire battleship are in the core cabin of the battleship, so there is no need to worry about any crew members being blocked with the enemy.

"Enable cleanup," Adam ordered.

In the battleship warehouse, a series of sleeping iron men with hunched bodies were awakened. They stood upright and their eyes released a red light.

These iron men received an order: kill all hostile organisms.

All the iron men were teleported to the vicinity of the enemy. These iron men were so numerous that they crowded the huge passages in the battleship that allowed tanks to pass through.

Adam saw the Space Marines gathering together, fighting back in despair, but they were unable to withstand the advance of the Iron Men.

The Iron Men moved slowly in front of the Space Marines, tearing apart the ceramite armor and the flesh and blood wrapped inside like paper.

Adam's eyes moved away from the cross-sectional view and continued to stare at the battle situation in the galaxy.

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