Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 207 Killer Showdown

Inside the bridge of the Celestial Engine.

Qin Mo's body is far away in the Tyrone galaxy, but he is currently controlling the living metal body he built before, and he also personally opened the dimensional channel to allow Thrall to quickly come to the bridge of the celestial engine.

Then Qin Mo, Gray Yaoen and Thrall stood together, observing the situation of the galaxy on the holographic image.

Our own warships are constantly jumping out of the dimensional space. Destroyers and frigates are faster, cruisers and battleships are slower. The latter must rush to the front of the fleet when they jump out.

The Tyronian navy did not gather into battle formation, but thankfully neither did the Chaos fleet.

The flagship of the Black Legion, the Spirit of Vengeance and the flagship of the Plague Fleet, the Terminal, are rushing to the front of all the battleships of the Chaos side. The two Blackstone Fortresses have given up their mission to attack Cadia and instead went to join the fleet.

The Blackstone Fortress was moving so fast that Qin Mo was surprised. They seemed to be active.

Reminiscent of Uslan's previous warning, the Celestial Engine will inevitably have to fight against the Blackstone Fortress.

"All weapon arrays are ready to attack the Blackstone Fortress." Qin Mo ordered while looking at the Blackstone Fortress.

The stone man controlling the celestial engine immediately executed the order, and all the weapon arrays on the two satellite structures were aimed at the Blackstone Fortress. The weapon arrays had just started to charge, and were now half charged.

Gray was always looking at the Blackstone Fortress on the holographic image. He did not know the information about this ancient weapon. He just saw that the Conqueror entered the subspace and escaped, but other enemy ships did not escape.

The Conqueror had seen the power of the Celestial Engine, and he must have shared the relevant information with his allies, but his allies still chose to stay in the galaxy and fight instead of escaping immediately. This should be the courage Blackstone Fortress gave them.

"Is this hexagram-shaped thing very powerful?" Gray asked curiously.

Qin Mo then remembered that he had never explained the Blackstone Fortress to anyone else. He nodded, looked at the two fortresses and said, "The Blackstone Fortress can easily destroy a planet, and the Blackstone Fortresses can be linked to each other. The number of The more there are, the more powerful they are. If there are three Blackstone Fortresses, then this galaxy will be doomed."

"Lord Tyrone is right." Thrall nodded in agreement.

"So outrageous?" Gray was very surprised. He originally thought that the so-called Blackstone Fortress was at most a large orbital defense platform.

Qin Mo stared at the Blackstone Fortress and planned the next strategy.

It would be great if the Celestial Engine could quickly destroy the Blackstone Fortress.

On the contrary, a quick victory cannot be achieved, and the enemy will try to use other methods to attack Cadia, such as landing on Cadia while the Celestial Engine and Blackstone Fortress are fighting.

Even so, it is not a big problem. Teleportation devices have been deployed in various places in Cadia, and the Tyron Army and the Titan Legion carried in the Celestial Engine are ready to help the Cadian Assault Force.

The Celestial Engine can deploy the extradimensional sky dome to the north and south poles of Cadia at any time, but this is prepared for Abaddon.

"The weapon array is fully charged!"

A sudden sound from the bridge interrupted Qin Mo's thinking, and he focused on looking at the holographic image.

The two satellite structures orbiting the planetary structure in the celestial engine became faster, and the first satellite structure immediately launched an attack when it moved to a position facing the Blackstone Fortress.

The weapon array opened fire on the Eternal Will, one of the two Blackstone Fortresses, and countless particle light spears gathered together to form a beam that could instantly shatter the planet.

This beam even illuminated the entire galaxy, and the red sky could be seen in the Cadia Fortress world and other worlds in the galaxy.

The Eternal Will raised a shield the moment it was hit. This shield was different from a void shield or an ion shield. It looked like a torrent of subspace energy that was rapidly rotating around the entire Blackstone Fortress.

The shield suddenly activated itself. The Black Legion crew members in the Eternal Will who had made countless efforts to master the Blackstone Fortress didn't even know about this function.

The giant particle light spear seemed to be blocked by something when it bombarded the surroundings of the Eternal Will. The subspace energy that kept rotating around the Blackstone Fortress was gradually decomposing the light spear's energy. The area around the fortress looked like broken glass. .

However, this strange shield is not indestructible. The energy contained in the giant particle light spear is too huge, and some energy still penetrates into the shield and penetrates the black stone structure of the fortress.

While the Eternal Will resisted the attack, another Blackstone Fortress launched an attack on the Celestial Engine, vortex cannons releasing a torrent of warp energy that struck directly at the Celestial Engine's planetary structure.

It seems to know what the core part of the celestial engine is.

The subspace energy swept towards the planetary structure and was blocked by the energy shield. The aftermath of the attack spread to the satellite structure and activated the energy shield.

Another satellite structure rotated in the orbit of the planetary structure, and the fully charged weapon array opened fire on the Blackstone Fortress that was attacking with the vortex cannon. When the energy of the material universe and the energy of subspace collided with each other, there was an energy fluctuation invisible to the naked eye. Spread around.

Every ship in the Chaos Fleet was pushed forward by this energy, and some ships that were close to each other even directly collided with each other.

The Tyrone fleet was also affected by the diffused energy, and the energy shields of all ships instantly entered a state of extreme operation.

The aftermath of the exchange of fire between the Celestial Engine and the Blackstone Fortress not only affected the huge fleets of both sides, but also caused the cracks in the galaxy to constantly expand and shrink back and forth.

The Space Marines and mortals blessed by Nurgle in the Plague Fleet were the most severely affected. They found that their bodies, covered with pustules and sustained by psychic energy, were sometimes strong and sometimes fragile, and sometimes their limbs were corroded by the bacteria until they were only bones and rotten flesh. Will fall off or reorganize.

This means that the entire galaxy is constantly being affected by the energy of the physical universe or subspace.

After a round of firefights, the particle spear array on the satellite structure shut down and recharged.

Blackstone Fortress's shields and vortex cannons also ceased functioning.

The big killers of both sides are re-accumulating energy and preparing for the next round of duel.

"If it weren't for that rift." Thrall pointed to the subspace rift at the edge of the galaxy on the holographic image, "The Vaal Talisman would have been blown to pieces."

Qin Mo nodded in agreement.

The subspace rift is like a mini version of the Eye of Terror.

The larger the Eye of Terror, the greater the influence the Warp can exert on the physical universe, and the greater the psychic power.

With the existence of this rift, the two black stone fortresses in the galaxy have also become stronger, because they use the energy from subspace.

"This should be the product of the ritual." Qin Mo looked helplessly at the crack.

Qin Mo had many ideas about the effects of the rituals performed by the enemy. He even thought that the rituals might turn all the worlds near the Cadian Gate into a demonic world... As a result, the long-lasting ritual that sacrificed countless lives was only in the galaxy. Open a small fearful eye.

But considering that the current Eye of Terror has not yet become a large whirlpool that divides the north and south of the empire, it is already outrageous to be able to open a small Eye of Terror in the galaxy.

Today I helped move things to the warehouse until around 5 p.m.

But instead of asking the factory for transportation fees, I took a week off to go to the hemorrhoids hospital.

In the next few days, updates will be as explosive as before, Wuhu takes off

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