"Follow me, alien," Gray said, walking in front.

Sal glanced at Qin Mo in confusion, and then followed Gray to where the transport plane was.

When the two were walking in the corridor, all the people passing by turned their eyes to them. It was the first time for these people to see an alien. Although they didn't know what kind of alien it was, they guessed that it was definitely not a human being.

Sal enjoyed the gazes of passers-by. He felt as if he was walking among a group of animals, and these animals must be thinking in their little heads: What kind of beautiful creature is this? Why does he look so noble?

In his intoxication, Sal followed Gray to the transport aircraft parking spot in the orbital dock, and then entered the cabin.

Gray sat down first, and then started teaching to Sal who also sat down: "You should use the straps on the side of the seat to secure yourself, and then put down the fixed frame above your head..."

"Do you think I'm a monkey?" Sal was very dissatisfied. He didn't fix himself as Gray said. He just grabbed the protruding structures on the left and right sides of the seat.

The transport plane quickly took off and flew towards the surface of the planet.

There were some vibrations during this period, and Gray was surprised that Sal was able to use his own strength to stabilize his body instead of being tossed around the cabin without being fixed to his seat.

Just as Gray was looking at Thrall, an analysis image appeared in his field of vision, and he began to analyze the alien in front of him.

Analysis showed that its body had no fat and its heart was beating so fast that it looked like it was sick.

After feeling Gray's gaze, Sal rolled his eyes and suddenly asked: "Your army will use teleportation technology. What is the principle of this technology?"

Gray remained silent and didn't speak.

"Are there many soldiers like you? I found that your power armor is different from other ordinary soldiers." Thrall asked again.

Gray remained silent.

"Disclose some information." Sal frowned, "I have been fighting for the Resistance Army for a long time. I even stood in the smelly excrement in the sewer and fought with the enemy just to cover hundreds of children as they evacuated deeper into the sewer. .”

"What happened?" Gray asked.

Realizing that Gray might not realize the seriousness, Thrall immediately explained: "Maybe it's normal for you to roll around in excrement, but for me it's unacceptable. It's painful to be killed by the enemy. The thing, the pain of stepping on excrement is far more painful than being killed, you know what I mean? I mean I made a big sacrifice."

Gray shook his head in confusion: "When I was a kid, I heard from my elders that you aliens all eat garbage to survive."

"No, no, no, we are not. Of course, maybe some of the aliens you are talking about are, but..." Sal suddenly realized in the middle of his words that Gray was pretending to be stupid. He just didn't want to answer the question about teleportation technology.

In the end, Thrall stopped asking until the transport plane arrived on the planet's surface.

The hatch slowly lowered, and Gray stood up to signal that Sal could get out: "Thank you for your efforts for the loyalists on this planet. Our reward is to allow you to leave safely."

"That's it?" Sal frowned, very dissatisfied.

"That's it." Gray nodded, then raised his hands, and the weapons used to fire shotgun lasers on the gauntlets began to rotate, "Maybe I can also give you a competition."

Thrall did not want to fight Gray, but he was still dissatisfied with this attitude: "Shame on you monkey, be ashamed of your rudeness, because not only did I help your people, I will also tell you a key message."

Under Gray's curious gaze, Thrall suddenly took out a map from the lining of his armor, and then pointed to the Antarctic region above: "The leader of the Wisdom Bishop Sect is the Governor, and he is hiding under this glacier. "

"Thank you." Gray nodded, scanned and transmitted the map to Qin Mo.

"Don't be grateful, be ashamed, be ashamed of your rudeness." Sal stood up and walked out of the transport plane, then suddenly ran at an extremely fast speed and disappeared from Gray's sight in less than three seconds.

Gray rubbed the back of his head and said to Qin Mo in the communication channel: "Are we too harsh on it? It even pointed out the location of important people for us."

"Don't think too much of them. Maybe killing the governor is its real mission. It just wants to use our hands to complete the mission." Qin Mo responded.

"Then what should we do now?" Gray asked.

"Of course I'm going to kill the governor. This time I will personally participate in the battle." After Qin Mo finished speaking, he made preparations.

Tyrone II.

There is a large ancient fortress under the Antarctic glacier of the planet. Even the most insignificant places in the fortress are filled with a large number of soldiers.

These soldiers guard the leader of the Wisdom Bishop Sect and the nominal governor of the two planets Tyrone 1 and 2, Akon.

While all the soldiers were standing ready, Aken stayed in the room at the center of the fortress, silently watching the ceremony in front of him.

The wizard stood in the center of the room and recited a spell.

In front of the wizard is an ancient sarcophagus. In the sarcophagus lies a red-haired girl with an exquisite face. She looks very pure. Even now, even though she has turned into a corpse, she still has a sweet smile on her face. smile.

"Kaya, omniscient and omniscient, you are the omniscient think tank under the Lord of Wisdom. You are the prophet with supreme wisdom in the eyes of mortals."

"Akon, the supreme governor of the Tyrone galaxy, calls you. We have already performed the ritual of burning hundreds of thousands of people. Our attitude is so sincere..."

"Please condescend to enter this exquisite body. I have expelled the original soul in the body just to welcome you."

The wizard began to speak words that Governor Akon could understand.

Then the girl's body began to tremble, and scales and feathers began to appear on her arms and face.

Akon looked sadly at the girl and his daughter. He had already sacrificed too much for this ritual, including burning millions of pure people on the planet and using his daughter as a ritual material.

But fortunately it’s successful now.

The girl floated out of the sarcophagus, and her body became like a bipedal bird. She was hideous and frightening, and she had obviously become the host of a demon.

The demon named Kaye has arrived. It opened its eyes and looked around, then turned its head to look at Akon.

"Pious mortal. What do you want me to do for you?" Kaye's ethereal voice echoed throughout the room.

"I need you to be my assistant. I want to hear the truth and prophecies from your mouth, so that I can remain invincible in the conspiracy and power struggle." Akon stood up and answered.

Kaye nodded silently and agreed: "You can ask me anything and you will get a true answer."

"Finally." Aken laughed wildly, but tears kept flowing from the corners of his eyes. "I gave up my status, I gave up my daughter, and I finally..."

"Hahahaha!" Keye suddenly laughed.

Aken, who was interrupted by laughter, was very puzzled. He looked at Kaye in confusion, not understanding why it was laughing.

"The ritual to summon me is very complicated... but no matter how complicated it is, your daughter will not be used as the body. You can just find someone to be my body." Kaye explained.

Akon looked at the wizard angrily.

The wizard laughed too.

At this time, Kaye gave another friendly reminder: "When I break away from the supreme heaven and enter the body of the material universe, unless you ask me my real name, anything I say can only be the truth."

Akon realized that he had been deceived. He picked up the communicator and ordered to the guards guarding outside: "Drag the wizard out and use all the punishment in this galaxy on him!"

The guards immediately rushed into the room and took away the wizard responsible for the ceremony.

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