War in Heaven

Chapter 998: Preparation for the transaction

The night was deep, and after the baptism of the first full-band scan, the chaotic city that had erupted in the war again returned to calm.

Of course, all kinds of criminal activities in the city are still in the dark, "a fire in full swing", a large transaction, which is also being discussed at this time.


The old cowboy tapped the keyboard of the laptop and made a crisp sound. Although the age is high, his typing speed is still not falling. For the criminals of the new era, it is necessary to use the computer skillfully.

Lin Chi and the wolf and other people stood silently in the living room, waiting for the old cowboy to complete his work. Lin Chi noticed that the wolf’s line of sight passed over Jane’s face several times, as if he had thought of something, but in the end The same last time, still can not say.

"Do you like children?" Lin Chi suddenly asked questions.

"No." The wolf subconsciously gave a negative answer, then immediately shook his head: "I just think she is a bit familiar, have you stayed in Luo Sheng, little girl?"

"Oh, no, I am a Soviet." Jane said honestly.

——Because the players in the game all have their own translation system, Lin Chi does not know what language and Americans in the house are communicating. However, these npc exchanges are quite smooth:

"Oh, then I should admit it wrong, sorry." Usually a rude-looking wolf, an uncharacteristically becoming civilized.

"It doesn't matter, you should also have a hard time..." Jane is very understanding of the depressed wolf: "I can understand."

The strange atmosphere spread out in the living room of the hiding place. Lin Chi noticed that Mason, who was leaning against the wall and said nothing, suddenly moved his fingers.

The gangster who had been staring at Jane turned his head and put his eyes on Mason. He asked, "You are a soldier of the US Army? It is a bit like watching your movements."

"The Marine Corps." Mason said concisely.

Macv-sog belongs to the unknown secret force. It does not tell the name of the troops to the outside. When the sog soldiers are asked the question "Which unit do you come from?", the Marine Corps usually answers. It is also a rule that is customary in this team.

"Your kid is ‘Ma Run’...” The wolf’s attitude suddenly made a big turn and began to ridicule the soldier: “Is the elite of the Marine Corps already robbed? It’s really a US soldier.”

"Well, I can let you feel the feeling of the Marines' bullets hitting them." The eyes under the Mason mask bent and the right hand began to close to the holster hanging around the waist.

"Can you not bother?" Lin Chi stood between the two men who had been arrogant and interrupted their conversation.

Next, there is still something to do. Now, when I haven’t been guilty, Lin Chi turns to be like a murderous jackal, and lowers his voice and says: “We’re still a partnership, right? Don’t mess with my subordinates, They can't cope with the fire."

- Not only Mason or Jane, you can kill this bald robber in an instant. With Lin Chi’s own fighting power, it’s easy to kill the wolf here.


The wolf still wants to say something. In the end, he still wears a soft suit and looks down at the floor under his feet: "I know."

"It's all done!"

The old cowboy's hoarse voice rang from the sofa. The white-haired old man nodded to Lin, and opened his mouth to reveal his mouth full of yellow teeth: "It has already been said, I will trade at 12 o'clock tonight, and I will send a contact on the 21st. people!"

"The transaction was established." Lin Chi went forward and shook hands with the excited old man: "After this is done, we will help you to go to the bank to 'take money'."

The old cowboy kept squatting, like an unusually excited look. Seeing the performance of the other side, Lin Chi frowned slightly, but did not say anything.

“Where is the trading location?” This time I was asked to change to a wolf.

"In Beicheng District, I sent you the location." The old cowboy said to pick up the computer and send a message to the wolf's mobile phone. At the same time, Lin Chi also received a task:

Start the mission: underground trading.

Deal with the contact person sent on the 21st.

Mission reward: Unknown.

This task introduces the ambiguity of the abnormality. It has a strange feeling when I read it. The suspicion in Lin Chi’s heart has deepened. I saw that the trading time is coming. Lin Chi nodded to the wolf and left the temporary hiding place. Go back to the Corvette supercar.

"Old man, can't you go?" The wolf looked back at the old cowboy standing in front of the door.

"I won't sit in your car again, rabbit scorpion." The old cowboy raised his **** against him and left the hiding place to turn back and close the door: "I walked by myself, goodbye, miscellaneous!"

"Go to hell, scum." The wolf also responded to his old partner with a middle finger.

The figure of the old cowboy disappeared at the end of the street. Lin Chi whispered, "Don't you think he is a bit strange?"

"That's the old man, what to do when you think of it, all day long moods." The wolf smiled: "He won't betray me."

"This is not necessarily, you should understand better than me." Lin Chi looked at the side face of the wolf.

In the ghost place of the city of chaos, no one can fully trust, even if it is a long-time old partner, there is a possibility of sudden reversal.

However, the wolf obviously did not want to continue this topic, just sitting on his own Corvette z06, waved to Lin, and Lin Chi also drove the previous off-road vehicle, followed the jackal's luxury car and drove to the trading place.

While driving to follow the "teammates", Lin Chi glanced at Mason from the rearview mirror and asked, "What do you think?"

"It's a trap." Mason said: "The idiot should also be seen."

"He won't want to count us?" Jane grabbed the seat belt that passed through her chest.

"I think he is also aware of it, but he is not willing to admit it." Lin Chi said his own inference.

- This so-called transaction is a great possibility of a trap. The unreliable old cowboy is likely to be directly bought by the 21st, and the lives of these people are offered.

After all, when it comes to assisting bankers, the "big army" on the 21st seems to be more reliable than a few people here. but……

"If he did, he would regret it." Lin Chi’s face showed a smile.

"Well, give it to me." Jane nodded. "I will help you."

Listening to the conversation between the two in the front seat, Mason sitting in the back row slowly said: "Have you ever been to the Soviet Union's Volkutalau camp?"

"No, what's wrong?" Jane glared at her head, stunned and blinked, a confused expression.

"It's okay..." Mason shook his head. "When I didn't say it."

During the talk, the wolf's car has already entered an abandoned factory. The dark red taillights left two shadows on the dark streets. Lin Chi also drove in the past and parked the car in front of the dilapidated factory.

"The place of the transaction is 500 meters away." The wolf picked up the phone and looked at it, lifting the screen to Lin's eyes.

The red dot marked on the gps map is a residential area next to the factory. There are some low-rise apartments and no high-rise buildings.

"We don't seem to have to worry about snipers." Lin Chi smiled.

The jackal took a metal suitcase from the car and looked heavy, like something. As for what is inside, Lin Chi probably has a few things in mind:

"You really brought the money over?" Lin Chi asked.

"It's a gold bar." The wolf corrected it: "If something goes wrong, maybe it will come in handy..."

As soon as this was said, Lin Chih-hung felt a painful feeling in his heart: "Do you really bring money?"

"Kid, my experience is more abundant than you." The wolf is carrying a young man in a suit and a singer: "You don't understand, sometimes you can save money with money."

Although the wolf looks very confident, Lin Chi does not intend to hand over the transaction to this guy, just shook his head: "You still put the gold bars away, give me the box."

"You have just traded with the drug lord in the afternoon. They will definitely beware of you. Are you going to die now?" The wolf raised objections.

"We can easily and change the dress." Lin Chi smiled.

"Don't tease, it will be recognized if it is easy to accept. Do you think that No. 21 is a fool? People have professional equipment!" The wolf continued to refute.

——The face recognition and motion recognition technology of 2035 has reached an incredible point. The previous routine of “wearing stocks in the stockings” is totally unworkable in this era.

Not to mention socks, even if the bank robber wears Mason’s mask that covers the entire face, by identifying the exposed eyes and the body of the robber, you can determine the approximate age and physical condition of the robber. Find the object that matches it.

In this era of the City of Chaos, recognition technology should not have reached the level of horror in the real world. However, it is also possible to identify the "customer" that has been traded in the afternoon through the device.

However, Lin Chi’s easiness is not the kind of tolerance that the wolf understands.

"Please let me come, I can..." Jane stepped forward, stood in front of the wolf, raised his small head and the bald man, and nodded in a serious way.


The wolf was liked by his own saliva, and suddenly coughed. After ten seconds, he finally came back and asked his chest: "Are you kidding?"

——Let such a small child participate in the dangerous and extremely illegal trade alone. In the eyes of the wolf, it is simply a self-seeking behavior. But Jane is still very serious, completely without jokes:

"Please believe me, I can!"

The wolf turned his gaze to Lin Chi and Mason standing behind Zhen, but found that the two adults were still very serious, not as funny.

Realizing that the other side is really serious, the wolf sighed: "Idiot, your brain is definitely broken."

"Give it to him, we are lurking nearby, looking for a contact." Lin Chi said seriously.

"Fart, you want a child to participate in this kind of transaction?" The expression on the face of the wolf began to pick up and looked like it was going to eat Lin Chi: "Are you crazy?"

"How can you believe in us?" Lin Chi stared at the angry gangster.

"Unless let me see her easiness." The wolf bit his teeth hard: "I would like to see if you can tell the ‘Yi Rong’ who can deceive the people there.”

"That's good, wait a few minutes for us." Lin Chi should be calm and down to the other party's request, grab a little cold hand, and under the "escort" of the wolf questioning the eyes, lead the child into the shadow of the abandoned factory In the middle, he left the sight of the gangster.

The bleak moonlight came in from the window without glass. Lin Chi looked down at Jane’s face and asked, "Is it alright?"

"Not yet skilled, but I will work hard." The young boy showed a brilliant smile to Lin, and licked the emerald-like eyes.

- In order to avoid the out of control situation in the Hell capital, Lin Chi and Zhen once trained in the private housing area, and the subject of the training was to let Zhen control his mental condition and conduct it in a more proficient manner. Personality switching.

Suddenly switching personality on the battlefield is likely to cause irreparable results. The last time I lost control, I had to wait for Lin Chi’s life. I didn’t want to make a big mistake again. It was also an extra effort to train.

Now, it's time to test the training results.


The teenager closed his eyes, leaned his body against the gray wall, coughed, and then suddenly opened his eyes, and a glimmer of light flashed through the scorpion.

Then, Jane raised her head and stared at Lin Chi’s eyes. In the original “purely good” voice, she also brought a little teasing tone:

"See you again, boy, I always miss you..."

"Which is talking to me now?" Lin Chi frowned slightly.

"You forgot me so soon? We had a happy time at the Doomsday Inn. Shouldn't you forget it?" The teenager stretched out his hand and stroked Lin's cheek. The little body made this adult. The action is completely defamatory: "I am a 'butcher'!"

"Oh, nice to meet you." Lin nodded.

- This child has seven personalities, and he has only seen some of them. It seems that one or two personalities have not yet appeared. It seems that this time he met with himself, he is still very familiar with the massacre.

"I heard what you said just now, let me go to the trading scene, right?" Switching to the slaughter personality, he looked down at his body: "Do you need me to change my appearance?"

"Of course." Lin Chi made a positive reply: "Children will definitely be suspected when they go to the trading scene, and they will be handed over to you."


The sound of Jane’s throat suddenly matured a lot, and the height began to grow rapidly. In Lin’s sight, the originally thin boy was transformed into a tall, long-haired sister, and even the chest was bulging.

"Are you a transgender?" he said with emotion.

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