War in Heaven

Chapter 989: Retreat calmly

The conscious Mondello, followed Lin Chi and others to the alley, stood in front of the van, and a subordinate voice rang from the side:

"Wait a minute, our car can't fit so many people!"

"Ah, oh..."

The wolf, who was gasping for a big breath, turned to look at Lin Chi, and some asked awkwardly: "What should I do?"

"What happened to you?" Lin Chi frowned slightly.

"A little dizzy..." The wolf looked up confusedly, moved his gaze to Jane, and then looked at the laundry logo on the van.

Because the original plan was not to take the car to retreat, this van could not fit so many people plus a few large bags of US dollar bills, the mixed **** responsible for the response, long ago, the army was scared to come over.

It stands to reason that it is time to quickly annihilate the three "outsiders", but...

The wolf just opened the rear door and heard the "girl" with long black hair saying: "I can stay and drag them..."

"No!" The wolf suddenly screamed loudly, and the people around him were shocked.

"What happened?" Lin Chi looked at him with interest.

"Nothing..." The wolf gasped.

"Let's leave our share here. We have three ways to leave, you drive this car away." Lin Chi said his proposal: "I just have something to deal with."

- There are still seven minutes left in the rewards, and the nearby players are estimated to be coming soon. Although I did not come to kill the game this time, but the person who sent it to the door, what is the reason?

"Well then... be careful." The wolf touched the back of his head, as if he wanted to say something, and finally did not say it.

"Head, it's time to go, and stay here again will be killed by the silver shield!" The wolf's subordinates urged.

"That, you can continue to cooperate in the future..." The wolf looked at Jane again, took a crumpled business card from his pocket, and stuffed it into Lin Chi’s hand.

After he got on the van, the car quickly started to leave the crime scene, leaving only Lin Chi three people in the alley, with a dark blue travel bag full of dollar bills at his feet.

"It seems like more than 90,000." He laughed.

It seems that the money stored in the bank of the Alvara South City Bank should be more than 300,000, resulting in an increase in the share of the money. However, the money does not really make much sense to him.

The street sounded the harsh sound of the tires rubbing against the ground, and there was a roar of the engine. Needless to say, nearby players have already begun to "hunt".

"Mason took the money and left here. When I contacted the encryption band of sog, I walked with Jane." Lin Chi quickly issued instructions to his entourage.

"Okay." Mason grabbed the bag and slammed it on his shoulder, and quickly left the alley. The people who are still in this dangerous zone are left with Lin Chi and Jane.


The teenager raised his slender arm and moved his waist slightly. The green eyes bent and his face smiled. "You need me to kill, right?"

"Yes." Lin nodded. "Please, please."

"You are my savior, I will satisfy all your wishes." The teenager said that he took a step forward and left Lin Chi with a thin back:

"Your will is my will, and my enemy is your enemy."


A jeep passing in front of the alley was crushed into twisted pieces, and the killing prompt appeared directly in front of all players in this game:

The player "Terminator" was killed!

Congratulations to the player "countercurrent" to win the first drop of the game! The player will receive a little attribute value and a $10,000 reward!

By adding a little attribute value to the agile, Lin Chi reminded: "Don't do it too much. You can fix the enemy's car."

Now, Lin Chi still does not want to expose his "secret weapon" directly to the public. Zhen also quickly grasped his meaning and turned back to Lin Chi:

"I understand, Master."

During the speech, several figures appeared in the alley, and the assault rifles in their hands immediately lifted up, but they still couldn’t fire. They suddenly seemed to be smashed by the invisible ropes. The three men fell to the ground neatly. .

Before waiting for the other party to stand up, Lin’s acr “great snake” had already opened fire, and the three men’s brains were split, and as the middle body became disintegrated, the two bodies next to it disappeared.

The player "The Wrath of the God" is killed by the player "countercurrent"!

"Let's go." Lin Chi put down his gun and turned to the back of the alley.

After killing two players, the others seemed to be shocked. They didn't continue to rush to death and became much more convergent.

At the same time, there was an armed conflict between the players who arrived here. Only five minutes were left to see the reward mission. Lin Chi did not intend to stay here and began to prepare to retreat.

"Commander, there are tanks in the past..." Mason’s intermittent sound came out of the earphones, which sounded like a signal interference: "Attention... the enemy..."

"Do not worry, no problem." Lin Chi replied.

——With Jane’s help, at this time, you can be said to be invincible in the world. If you have a map with magic or supernatural ability, Jane may also encounter threatening opponents, but in the modern city map of the city of chaos. This "super-powerful teenager" is completely invincible existence, and no enemy can survive under his hand!

As long as Jane’s personality does not change, with the child’s ability, it is possible to walk across the city. More enemies are just giving heads. Now, just find a place to wait for the rewards to end.

However, the challenge of the game and the fun of the battle seem to have completely disappeared...

"It's really boring." Lin Chi sighed.

It seems that War Heaven does not open the recruitment of leader-level entourage. It is indeed a very wise choice. Entering the game with the leader-level entourage will seriously damage the game experience, whether it is an enemy without resilience or completely. Without a sense of accomplishment, the experience is not good.

When it comes to the leader-level entourage, when he arrives in this game, he seems to have not seen the observer's contract. As long as the contents of the contract are completed, this time he should be able to recruit leader-level entourage. but……


Just when Lin Chizheng considered whether or not to complete the contract, there was a series of explosions on the street. The earth under the feet also began to tremble violently, as if a small earthquake occurred.

"They are going to shell the city? It's not so good..."

Realizing that the army of the City of Chaos began to shell the area, Lin Chi nodded to Jane and the two quickly stepped away from the area being bombarded.

When they left the place unharmed, there were a few unlucky ones who wanted to "hunt" here, the figure disappeared into the explosion of fire, and then a red death reminder popped up:

The player "waver" has died.

The player "Lemon Tea Drink" has died.

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