War in Heaven

Chapter 984: Simple work -1

The wind rolled up the dust on the street, creating a small whirlpool on the sidewalk, three red and white painted off-road vehicles driving through the street, the text of the "Silver Shield Security Company" on the body, and the silver shield logo next to it. Obvious.

Today's chaotic city is also "peace" as always, under the control of the Silver Shield Security Company, it is as quiet and peaceful as peacetime.

However, in the turbulent undercurrent hidden under the harmonious appearance of the city, Lin soon saw it a few months ago.

At this point, he was sitting in the sweltering car that kept bumping, and along with a few robbers, headed for the bank of the city of Alvara.

On the inconspicuous van's outer casing, the words "true clean laundry room" were painted, and the dust-covered car shell looked like it was weather-beaten.

In the closed body, the smell of cigarettes spreads. Lin Chi’s three people were crowded by the door. Due to lack of space, Jane could only sit on Lin’s leg, and his back was close to Lin’s chest, like a child hugged by his father.

“The environment here is very poor.” The teenager whispered: “Why should I be like this...”

"Tough it." Lin Chi squatted on the child's waist: "It's almost here."

——Let Zhen directly liberate the power, it is indeed possible to avoid the pre-steps of robbing the bank, and by the way, you can skip the division and get all the money. But as a result, the game process will become uninteresting.

To rob a bank in this highly realistic world is also an experience that cannot be enjoyed in the real world. If it is directly crushed with super powers, it is too boring.

Moreover, Lin Chi is also somewhat interested in the fighting power of the "wolf" and his brutal robbers.

Lin was struggling to lift his right hand in a small space, and opened a bundle of black hair that was left in his mouth. He looked up and saw several savage gangsters staring at himself with interest. .

"What's wrong?" Lin Chi asked.

"I always wanted to ask, is this girl your wife? Man, your hobby is a bit special..." The gangster sitting on the metal bench opposite Lin Chi couldn't help but ask, and there was a bang in the stuffy car. Laughter.


Zhen has not had time to answer, has been interrupted by Lin Chi: "You made a mistake, he is my bodyguard."


As soon as this was said, the silence in the carriage was suddenly shrouded in silence, two seconds later -

"Hello, hahahaha!"

A burst of laughter broke out from the "clean laundry room" truck, and several gangsters in the car laughed forward and slammed the metal bulkheads around them:

"Man, do you think we are mentally retarded..." A gangster snorted and his shoulders trembled, as if he couldn’t stand it anymore: "You don't pretend that you kid, we know that you like that... ”

"I can kill them right away." Mason's voice rang from the headphones.

"No need, they can't smile for a long time." Lin Chi turned and looked at the sog soldier sitting next to the back door.

"Close your dog's mouth, want to be discovered by the security guard of Silver Shield?"

The bald man sitting in the middle of the car body is obviously more serious than his frivolous men. The little wolf has no smile on his face, just looking at the watch with some irritability: "We are coming, don't Then **** smirk, pay attention!"

It is worthy of being a heroic npc. The wolf looks quite reliable. Although it is full of swear words, it is expected that a robber who plans to rob the bank becomes a "civilized person". The difficulty seems to be higher than robbing the bank.

"Come on!" The driver's voice floated across the cockpit from the cockpit.

A sudden brake, the van stopped, and the bodies of several gangsters in the car slammed and almost licked their teeth.

"Open the door." The wolf whispered.

Mason, sitting next to the door, opened the back door of the van, and in the eyes of everyone was a dark and wet alley. As a gangster who came to rob, they naturally could not enter the parking lot directly like ordinary customers, but began to prepare for war in the alley 100 meters away from the bank.

The two gangsters removed the warning signs and baffles from the van in the “sewage construction”, blocking the entrances on both sides of the alley, blocking the pedestrians who might be in the way. The jackal dragged a dark blue travel bag from under the seat and threw it in. On the ground, the gangsters began to take out various tools for robbery from the inside and began preparations for combat.

Looking at the tacit understanding of the division of the guys wearing the sweaters without talking, and the skillful movements, Lin Chi had to admit that these mixed **** are also called talents in the aspect of robbery.

In contrast, the three people on Lin Chi’s side are extraordinarily leisurely, in stark contrast to the gangsters who are preparing. In addition to Mason viewing the weapons on his body, Lin Chi stood in the same place to observe other people, Jane is yawning, looking at their state, and the gangsters seem completely irrelevant.

The wolf took out a black and shiny glock-17 pistol and squatted it in his hand for a few times. Then he stood in front of Lin Chi and whispered, "You are outside, and you have to tell us by the intercom."

Lin nodded, walked to the side of the travel bag, bent over and picked up a Motorola walkie-talkie from the inside, holding the cold and light body, a few lines of text popped up:

Motor200 walkie talkie.

Communication device.

Item level: excellent.

Use this device to communicate with others who carry the device.

“The price is cheap and the signal is good, and the encryption is safe and free of interference.”

"This article is quite rhyming." Lin Chi secretly vomited.

"Well, guys, I am ready to act. I promise that after this ticket is over, you can go to Las Vegas to get away." Seeing the subordinates are ready, the wolf picks up the dark red eyes, full It’s a sly face on the cross, and it’s a cruel smile: “The lion gang has always been the head snake here. They think that they can rest in the treasury they built. It’s time to 'educate' them!”

"Oh!" The gangsters made a low cheer.

Not far from the three-storey cuboid building, it is the main building of the bank in the southern city of Alvara. The specific situation inside, the map on the map has been clearly marked.

It may be due to the recent economic depression that there are not many people coming to the bank to handle business. The robbers sneaked past the sidewalk from the sidewalk and were not noticed by the pedestrians on the street.

"Attention to the camera." Lin Chi whispered to hide behind the flower bed, avoiding the surveillance camera being transferred.

"Don't teach me how to do it..." The wolf said sullenly, the street suddenly rang the roar of the high-powered engine, and the tires rubbed against the ground.

"Is the person coming early?" The wolf said, lifting his wrist and looking at the watch, his face began to dignify.

"I don't think it's that simple..." Lin Chi laughed.

- Now that this game has just started, other players should have just entered. If other people are like themselves, they are born in the hiding place of the robbers. If they just entered the game and participated in the robbery planning, maybe Will be in line with Lin Chi.

If this is the case, who is coming from the street, it is clear at a glance:

"Head, we are now -"

"Quickly withdraw!" The wolf immediately made a wise judgment.

The gangsters who had just slipped out of the alley, once again slid out of the alley, Lin Chi and his two followers also withdrew, and saw two green shadows rushing through the street, followed by harsh Brake sound.

"you guys……"

"We are coming to withdraw money, the hybrid of the bitch!"

A rush of gunshots destroyed the tranquility of this neighborhood. I haven't seen what happened there. Just listening to the fast-paced series of loud noises, I know that the other party is definitely a heavy machine gun.

Unlike the jackal with a subtle plan, another guy who robbed the robbery chose a simple and violent frontal attack. Lin Chi explored his head and looked to the west side of the street. He saw two military green horses with m2hb heavy machine guns on the top of the car. They were parked in front of the bank and dumped some waste for robbery in the city of Alvara. Heavy firepower.


The walls on the front of the bank were smashed, the cement fragments scattered around, and the glass was smashed. The bullet-proof glass is nominally installed here, but the protection of the glass is extremely limited when faced with heavy machine guns of .50 caliber.

"Hand over the money, hahahahaha!"

With both hands clenching the grip of the heavy machine gun, a gray-coated man from the top of the Hummer’s roof was screaming and screaming, and the voice was swallowed by the roar of heavy machine guns.

Although the security guards in the bank are also fighting back, their firepower is small compared to the outside gangsters, and even the bulletproof steel plates on the car can't be broken.

"need help--"

The guardian of a silver shield hiding behind the wall had not finished, and the body had been smashed with the wall used as a bunker. The right arm that broke into three quarters flew backwards, and the head was directly bombarded by bullets. Become a mixture of red and white.

"The layman, how can there be such a robbery?" Seeing the violent picture on the street, the wolf kept yelling: "They don't understand the true meaning of robbery. Which robber is this? It's just a murderous madman." !"

“Do you have a lot of research on robbery?” Jane raised some curious questions and raised her hand.

"Small girl, when I withdraw money directly from the bank, you should have not been born yet." The wolf touched his smooth forehead: "There are so many things in this respect! The silver shield is immediately Will arrive, they will not get a penny at all, they can only die under the gun!"

"Do you want to withdraw?" Lin Chi said: "Is it still necessary to fish in trouble?"

——Now there are other robbers who will be the first to go on their own. If you continue to stay here, you will not only be unable to get the money, but will be regarded as a gangster by the Silver Shield, and then there is a high possibility of being attacked.

If it is to be safe, the reinforcements of the silver shield have not arrived yet, and it is the king to drive the road. However, the monk Mondello, who is a veteran robber, does not seem to be retreating.

"Let them attract the attention of the silver shield, we raided from the back door, took the money and left, and moved fast." The wolf quickly issued an order.

"Can you open the lock of the vault?" Lin Chi looked at the bald man.

In general, the bank's locked vault needs a short period of time to unlock. In the case of a bullet outside the rain, it seems to be too reluctant to open the vault door.

"Take the unlocking thing to us, you try to delay the enemy and the silver shield!" The wolf said that he waved his hand to the other, indicating that others would follow their own steps: "If the lion's helper comes, immediately notify We, otherwise everyone can't run!"

"Received." Lin nodded.

The bullets rain on the street continued, and the wolf led several robbers under his hand, sneaking from the neighborhood on the other side of the bank, preparing to robbery from the back door. The three people on Lin Chi’s side are parked in the alleys.

"Master, what do I need to do next?" Jane glared at her head with green eyes and Lin Chi.

"You can easily hinder the warring parties on the street. It is best not to let them see it." Lin Chi touched the little head of the "girl."


Jane nodded very seriously, walked out of the alley lightly and stood in the shadow of the street.

At this time, the people on the street except the robbers and the guards of the silver shield had already run out. The two sides fighting for the battle were not working hard to pay attention to an inconspicuous "little girl." A fuzzy siren sounded from the far end of the street, and the reinforcements sent by the Silver Shield Security Company must have arrived soon.

"Pay attention to the back!"

The widowers who are firing at the bank have not yet reached the point of completely killing their eyes. While attacking the bank, the three soldiers jumped out of the Hummer, relied on their vehicles as shelters, and flew their guns at the Silver Shield Security Company. The direction in which the vehicle is located.

One of the soldiers carried a retro-shaped rpg7v2 rocket launcher, and the rocket in the top of the green shell was unusually conspicuous. To fight against the security company's vehicles, this equipment is naturally a perfect fit.

"What is she going to do? Need our support, commander?" Mason stared at Jane, who was standing still on the street.

As the injury has just healed, Mason recently took care of the building in the private housing area, and had not had time to communicate with Lin Chi's other followers. For the madness of Jane, the sog soldier is still not very clear.

"You will know later." Lin Chi smiled and did not mean to help.

When the two talked, I saw three "Sports Cars" of the Silver Shield Security Company coming out of the street. The lights on the top of the car body were constantly flashing. The robbers holding the rpg also aimed at the big killer in the hand. In front of a car, the battle between the two sides is on the verge -


The two police cars in the back suddenly burst tires, and the car body lost its balance and hit the two trees on the sidewalk. At the same time, the robbers’ rockets were also launched. The tail gas from the rpg blew up the Hummer’s tires and fried three. The gangsters flew backwards and burst blood all over the body.

"What? What?" Mason confused and touched his head: "So smart?"

"I said it, you just wait to watch the show." Lin Chi said with a smile.

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