War in Heaven

Chapter 982: Criminal conference


A dull knocking sound awakened Lin Chi’s consciousness.

He slowly opened his eyes, and in the line of sight was the wooden door that was constantly shaking, the white tiled walls, and the metal box hanging on the wall.

"this is……"

Lin Chi reached out and opened the box, pulled out a piece of toilet paper, and a man’s impatient snoring sounded outside the door:

"Are you dead in the toilet? Come out!"

"Don't move..." This time came a low-pitched male voice.

"Why, you still want to do it?" The man who was knocking on the door seemed very angry. He slammed on the wooden door and shocked a few pieces of sawdust from the door frame: "Get out! Wait!"

- "Born" from the toilet when entering the game, it is a new experience.

The feeling of speechless rises slowly from the heart, and Lin, who is sitting on the toilet, raises his hand to open his status bar and check his current attribute value:

Role name: countercurrent.

Control points: 0.

Prestige value: 0.

Kills: 0

Strength: 17.

Agile: 17.

Endurance: 16.

Lucky: 15.

As the personal skills tree has increased a lot of points, compared with the time of the All-Star Game, Lin Chi's initial attribute value has increased.

Whether it is a Lien Chan winning streak or a repeated defeat, as long as it is not forced to retreat in the middle, players who play a game can get rewards for skill points. Because of this, the value of the players' players is basically improving, and the starting point for the opening is higher than before.

However, the question now is... What is the starting situation?

Lin Chi slowly stood up, subconsciously trying to stretch his pants, but found that his pants did not take off, that is, he was wearing a pair of pants sitting on the toilet.

He stood in front of the mirror hanging on the wall and looked at the looks in the mirror:

Unlike the boxer's identity when he arrived in the city of chaos last time, his dress was quite formal.

The greedy gray suit and the dark red tie, the hair is like a lot of hair gel, neatly combed to the back, creating a "big back" effect.


Lin Chi licked his teeth and put a pose in front of the mirror. The knocking sound outside the door rang again. The man who was slamming the door seemed to have been mad:

"Give me some quick, idiot!"

Listening to the angry voice of the other party, Lin Chi did not say anything, stepped back in the small toilet, quietly lifted his right leg, and pointed the curved knee to the door panel where the toilet was shaking.


At 17 o'clock, the big value of the strength of the bonus was directly smashed into the broken wooden door of the toilet. The guy who was in the door of the door made a sigh, and the whole person was stuck on the opposite wall.

The smell of cigarettes mixed with alcohol stimulated Lin Chi’s nasal cavity, the center of the smoky living room, three wooden knives on the wooden table, and a yellowed old map. Several guys wearing sweaters saw Lin Chi appear. At the time, I didn’t say anything from the arms.

But the pistols in their hands are obviously not comparable to the firepower of Lin Chi.

"do not move……"

Alex Mason from the US special forces macv-sog, raised m16a4 to aim at the head of a nearest enemy, covering the two round holes of the metal mask of the face, sharp sight from all the enemies in the house The body passed.

"That, please don't move..." Mason sounded a weak "girlish voice" around him.

The child in the blue and white sea soul shirt standing next to Mason also stepped forward. Facing a group of "macho men" in the house, Jane's body looks completely unmatched. But when I saw the child, Lin Chi finally breathed a sigh of relief:

"Stabilized." He smiled.

Although I still don't know what the start is, Lin Chi is still decisive and adapts immediately.

"Everyone, don't worry, my stomach has something wrong..."

"You tm..." there was a buzzing sound under the door panel.

- This product has not died yet?

Lin Chi picked up his eyebrows and saw that the door panel had been pushed open. A bald-headed man appeared in front of his eyes and raised his right hand to wipe the nosebleed out.

The guy wore a pair of rustic black sweatpants, and the muscles of his upper body were exposed. Except for a set of interceptor bullet-proof vests, the upper body didn't even have a dress, and the shape was unusually wild.

Two seconds later, the person's side popped up a small line: "Wolf" Mondello, heroic npc, can not be recruited.

"Sorry." Lin said on the mouth, but he couldn't hear any sorry in his tone: "Are you okay?"

"Bitch-ass-mother-fucker ......" code wolves that bald men, comparable to the rate of speech rappers curse out a series of swearing: "Do not come up with too much movement, Silver Shield security still out of it!"

"You didn't say that when you just slammed the door." Lin Chi's eyes bent and reached out from the black handbag hanging around his waist, pulling out the Colt "dark vulture" pistol.

It seems that he is involved in the plan of some lawless elements. Since it is still unclear, he can only continue to wait and see.

"I said, let's continue the meeting?" Lin Chi said, standing at the table: "I haven't finished it yet?"


The wolf bowed his head and spit out a spit of blood. He saw several people in the room holding guns. He thought about it and then said:

"Put the gun down! It was just an accident..."

- Unlike the rough shape, this man seems to know the current affairs?

Looking at the wolf's move, Lin Chi didn't say much. He gave a look to Mason and Jane next to him. Mason also put away the m16 and moved the knuckles wrapped in tactical gloves.

Even without a gun, the sog soldier is also the most dangerous warrior. Once the battle breaks out, several gangsters in the house may be killed by Mason in an instant. Of course, in addition to this soldier, there is a more horrible "God", standing next to Lin Chi:

I mingled with Lin Chi and made a faint voice: "I will protect you..."

"Then I will be relieved." Lin nodded.

The gangsters who were present seemed to focus on Mason, ignoring the humble little child. However, even if the "wolf" and his men really have any conspiracy, it is impossible to compete with the trump card from the Soviet superpowers!

With the help of two entourages, Lin Chi was also full of enthusiasm at this time, looked down at the plan of a m9 saber nailed to the wooden table, tentatively asked: "Where are we talking?"

"Ventilation duct." The wolf raised the right hand with blood and pressed the position in the upper right corner of the map: "The anesthetic gas is released from here. The security inside is sure to be all in the middle. My person will turn off the alarm system. You are holding it outside, don't Let the security guard of Silver Shield come over."

"Hey, what is this?" Lin Chi put on a look of sorrow.

"Are you stupid in the toilet?" The wolf slammed on the table: "Of course it is to rob the bank! Are you not professional?"

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