War in Heaven

Chapter 967: New changes in terror

Congratulations on winning the deathmatch!

You have reached the winning condition - murderer, the winner of this game!

You get a chance to take a special role that has already been hired, and you can now immediately withdraw from this game to receive the reward. Or continue to stay in the game until the end of the time limit. Whenever you quit the game, you can receive a winner's reward.

The unique golden text at the end of the game appears in front of the last player in this game. Lin Chi put down only the dark sword he could see, watching the enemy's body disappear into pieces.

The most dangerous player enemies in this game, the "bone saw", died last night. The remaining two players are simply not Lin’s opponents.


The corpse opened the rotten mouth, and the rancid smell floated out of the mouth. Lin was sitting on the devastated street, and took a breath and opened the game menu to exit.

Since it has already won, and has completed the recruitment of the contract, there is no need to stay in the city.

After a long period of intense battle, his brain has begun to be overwhelmed, and it is not a good idea to play again.

Although I haven't said goodbye to Mo Liya, I only recruited such a heroic NPC in this game. Even if I quit the game, I will definitely see you again in the private housing area.

"Or leave it first..."

The godless eyes stared at several "craters" on the street. Lin Chi clicked the button to withdraw from this game and left the ancient battlefield named "The Abyss of the Abyss."

After exiting the game, the settlement screen appears by convention:

"You killed 35 players in this game. Completed two BOSS battles. The overall performance exceeded 100% of players."

Overall rating: SSS.

“You have ten skill points that you can use in your personal skill tree.”

“The following epic gear has been added to your warehouse: Crimson Book, Shadow Blade, God's Warrior Badge, Soul Cage.”

"Get inherited skills: duel field, ancient language talent (level 1), the power of the shadow magic."

The following skills have disappeared: the look of the ancient gods.

"You are the winner of the Abyss Death War Death Race. You will now randomly select one of your special and heroic NPCs to join your camp."

The golden card began to spin, but Lin Chilian didn't bother to look at it. After all, the result of this card draw has already been doomed:

Congratulations on getting the heroic NPC - "Moliya, the feminine of Mephistopes"! The NPC is suitable for ancient, modern, and some special maps. Cannot be used in modern, future maps.

“Moliya is the image spokesperson of the Mephistopheles. Most of the time, I stayed in the secret room inside the Memphis Chapel. I have a very high position in the Memphis sect. It looks like a weak appearance. Next, it seems to hide the dirty secret."

The leader-level followers or special props obtained through the observer contract will not appear in the settlement after the game. Lin Chi checked his props bar and saw the coat of arms given by the ancient god, or appeared in it. In your own backpack.

Already tired, he did not choose to stay in the private housing area for a long time, but immediately quit the game, and consciousness returned to the body in the game bin.


The young man with his body leaning against the recliner stretched out his hand and untied several straps that he fixed for himself, opening the security lock inside the game compartment.

The blue light in the cabin was covered by the sunlight in the living room. Lin’s eyes were not very suitable for a while, and stood up and slammed out of the game compartment.

I am playing this game in the morning, and it is only three o'clock in the afternoon. It seems that it is not enough time to sleep, but for Lin Chi, it is not difficult to sleep at any time.

Touching the dry stomach, he decided to eat before the break. When the housekeeping robot was cooking, Lin Chi picked up the mobile phone and opened the official forum of War Heaven to see the contents.

Generally speaking, the official information or bulletin posts will be posted for a period of time in the forum. Although it is only half a day after the last time the forum was viewed, Pulse Entertainment may say something new.

Looking at the screen projections that appeared on the top of the phone screen on the sofa, Lin Chi immediately noticed that the forum’s top position did show a new announcement, and the title was marked by the red characters, which was particularly eye-catching:

"The war paradise is about to join the new game mechanics, as well as a lot of new content! 》


Lin Chi, who has many years of game experience, saw a bad feeling in his heart when he saw the title. He opened the title and began to read the following text. The expression on his face began to become more and more dignified:

Dear players,

"War of the War" has been officially in operation for some time. Our enthusiastic support has made us excited. Our pulse entertainment will continue to improve the game and provide you with a better gaming experience!

At the same time as the game was officially launched, we also received comments and suggestions from many players. We have summarized and summarized these proposals, and will focus on improving the areas that players are not satisfied with.

"This is not so good..." Lin Chi whispered.

——According to Lin Chi’s experience, if a game starts to change according to the player’s proposal, it generally means that the game is not far from the crash.

Among the audiences of a game, the biggest proportion is actually not the players who give opinions to the official, but the "silent majority" of the game, which does not provide any advice to the official. Even if the survey page was sent to their mailbox, many people were too lazy to take a look.

As long as a game is not a national condemnation, it is a state of hum. It also shows that while a few players are dissatisfied with the game, there are more players who are satisfied with the current status quo. Only those players who are very satisfied will not try to contact the official to provide any advice.

If the game is changed according to the opinions provided by a few players, it may make the "silent majority" dissatisfied. Once you offend this part of the majority of players, the game will undoubtedly suffer a devastating blow!

Because of this change and the "cool" game, Lin Chi has seen more than one. Even if War Heaven is not an ordinary game, it may roll over in this respect...

Thinking of this, Lin Chi frowned slightly and continued to read the changes below.

When flipping the page and seeing the line below, his facial muscles suddenly twitched:

"After our careful consideration, War Heaven will join the new paid extraction kit mechanism - the magic box."

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