War in Heaven

Chapter 958: The feast of the gods-2

The speed of the green-skinned monster attack is completely worthless under the five-speed bonus provided by the Dark Sword. Lin Chi easily avoids the other side's attack and looks at the face of tears, and asks: "To follow me. Come together?"

Not waiting for Mo Liya to answer, he had already grasped Mo Liya's arm, and violently dragged the vampire to the city ahead. The tide-like deformed people came over and blocked Lin Chi's way.


Lin Chi side turned over, directly hit the shoulders of several deformed people in front of him, a fat man with a pustule bursting open, warm plasma sprinkled on the face of Mo Liya.


The strange blood seems to arouse some kind of impulse that Mo Liya has been suppressing, and her eyes suddenly become red, but this time, she did not choose to follow her own blood-sucking desire, just biting her teeth, followed by Lin Late into the old city of Sodom.

The ancient buildings in the city have long been decaying. The stone walls are painted with extremely abstract images with curved lines. Lin Chi broke through the encirclement of the deformed people, and greeted him with another wave of “looking on the crowd”.

The imaginary **** battle did not happen. These deformed people seem to have no fighting power at all, and even have no willingness to attack. But seeing their ugly shape still makes Lin Chixin feel a little uncomfortable.

- They are just watching and not planning to do anything. but……

Under countless eye gaze, Lin Chi and Mo Liya rushed into the old city of Sodom, and the green-skinned monsters did not know where they were going, leaving only a large number of deformed residents nearby.


Even if the battle seems to be extraordinarily easy, Lin Chi can't take it lightly. He knows that now that this battle is set to a boss battle, there must be high-intensity battles everywhere.

"How do you get out?" He turned to look at the face of Mo Liya with blood.

The saint, who is still in a state of paralysis, finally came back to God and said in a panic: "Transmission... can’t be used..."

"What happened?" Lin Chi raised his hand and cut off a few hands.

"May Feld seems to have discovered... He deprived me of my strength..." Mo Liya stared down at her pale hand: "We can't leave now..."

"I know." Lin nodded.

The chance of opportunisticity disappears, and this boss battle is definitely unavoidable. Lin Chi also entered the "combat state" and killed the city.

- Four red beams of light, pointing straight into the sky from the old city of Sodom. Obviously, that should be the indication of the boss battle is correct.

The vast majority of boss battles in "War of War" are not high-intensity fighting, but high-intensity fighting. For this reason, the game is also very intimate to provide a "road sign", to escape from this deformed city, as long as you reach the position of the light column, you should be able to find a way, or ... face the real enemy.

"The intruder is hunting!"

The deformed people on the side of the road shouted. What is strange is that there is no panic in their voices, but they are very excited. Lin Chi’s slaughter of their compatriots seems to make them even happier:

"This is - the law of nature!"

A man with two heads shouted with excitement, three hands kept dancing, and others next to him began to cheer:

"Killing is a natural choice! Invaders!"

"What are they doing?" Lin Chi whispered.

"I... didn't touch them very much." Mo Liya was vague.

- What is she hiding?

Although I really want to find out the truth, it is best to finish the boss battle first. Lin Chi’s cheering street, with the super high speed provided by “touching”, quickly reached the light column on the east side of the city. Where it is.

Then he saw a deserted open space.

The light beam did not rise from the ground to the sky, but from the sky, and fell around the red ring on the ground. The land was almost burned and destroyed, leaving only the unfathomable giant pit, extending to the I don't know how deep.

“Is this a fixed anchor?”

Lin Chi’s voice did not fall, a voice rang from the light column, but it was not said to him:

"Mo Liya, do you want to deviate from your faith?"

The voice was rude and high-pitched, and it was impossible to tell the origin of the creature, nor the gender and age. Upon hearing the other person’s question, Mo Liya bowed her fingers and said slowly, “I’m sorry...”

"There is nothing to apologize for." Lin Chi interrupted the words of the saint and raised the invisible blade to point to the pillar: "Anyway, you only want to use her, right?"

"Stupid monsters don't understand our doctrine at all." The voice scolded: "It is only a prisoner of the ancient gods. The existence is a violation of ‘the heavens.’

Lin Chi noticed that this guy often seemed to have no subject when he spoke. However, there is no time to pay attention to this detail, and the meaning of the other's words is the key point:

"What kind of ghost is Heaven? Are you watching too much, young man."

- Whether it is the "natural law" that the deformed person shouted, or the "natural way" that the unknown creature said, it seems that it has nothing to do with the gods. The old Sodom city does not look like a rumor. The city of blasphemy is more like a very harmonious city. Except for the appearance of the residents in the city, it seems that there is no blasphemy.

So why is this city destroyed by the sky? What does the "evil belief" in the boss war introduction mean?

"The messenger, the old Sodom believes in nature itself, and this is why it was destroyed..." Mo Liya said weakly, sitting on the wasteland with powerlessness.

"Nature itself... can you say..."

Recalling what I saw in the old Sodom city, Lin Chi suddenly thought of something. Then the voice confirmed his guess:

“We are part of nature, so we must follow the laws of nature. All your desires are naturally given, so why suppress instinct?”

"Oh, the original law of nature is the meaning of being able to scatter wildly." Lin Chi smiled: "I probably understand why the city was destroyed."

"Meffest's hybrid, sent useless garbage here." The rough voice is getting higher and higher, as if to promote his own trade:

"The natural world is full of sin and cruelty, unprovoked killings, malicious hunting. You will also end up like this."

"You will die in this place, no one has mercy, because ‘weak meat and strong food’ is a natural choice. When the old Sodom city returns to the world, those hypocritical gods and demons will surrender to instinct!”

"So what do you believe in this kind of thing?" Lin said with a sigh of relief.

At this point, he knew that he could not communicate with this fanatical blasphemy. So... the next step is probably the time of the battle.

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