War in Heaven

Chapter 941: Vengeance angel

The two men who fought on the run-down streets were all in the same place. The hands holding the arms also stopped.

As the bone saw proposed a proposal that sounded very attractive, Lin Chi did not continue to pursue, but stood on the devastated street and looked at the bone saw with facial muscles.

In the face of such a strange enemy, he naturally does not fully trust each other. Moreover, if you continue to drag on, the situation may not be unfavorable to yourself.


Lin Chi squinted and focused his eyes on somewhere behind the bone saw, then slowly stepped back and said: "So, how about we not?"

The eyes of the bone saw were bent. At the same time as the nod, the red muscles exposed by the chin twitched a little. Although it was not very eye-catching, it was noticed by Lin Chi.

The blood **** summoned the gale of the roaring wind, and swept through the streets. The scarlet clouds in the air began to distort, and the clothes on the two fluttered in the wind, and the hunting continued.

The bone saw looks like a poisonous snake, staring at Lin Chi’s body.

Under the gaze of the other side, Lin slowly and slowly swept back, and was on the right foot, but suddenly stepped on the glass bottle.


A crisp sound, Lin Chi's body was swallowed by the purple smoke that erupted, and the visibility suddenly returned to zero. The smoke bomb that was thrown out before the bone saw finally came in handy at this moment.

The current situation is exactly what the bone saw is expected!


The humanoid monster in the cloak smirked and rushed forward to the cloud.

- Even the champions of the Invitational Tournament will need some reaction time in the face of unexpected situations.

In this level of combat, short-term blindness is equal to winning the game!

After rushing out 20 meters in 0:5, the bone saw slammed into the smoke, and the long curved knife clenched in the right hand shook abruptly. The three arcs of danger were swept out instantly.

Then, the light of the scimitar suddenly disappeared. The body of the bone saw was also suddenly stiff and stopped directly in place.

"Oh... ah ah ah!"

The bones that are out of control are screaming, but the voice is not because of pain, but because of complete remorse.

He bowed his head and saw the slender blade running through his chest, pulling out his body directly from the wild power that broke out from behind!

"The cursed person... are you trying to compete with Yazlar?"

A female voice without any emotions, ringing behind the bone saw, a female angel wearing a dark armor, raised the double-edged cross in her hand, and the body that was nailed by the blade, hanging like a barbecue on the blade.

"You have lost your way." Lin Chi strode out of the smoke, and a smile appeared on the pale face.

It is because of the change in the street behind the bone saw, Lin Chi will deliberately step on the trap left by the bone saw and attract the bone saw to attack himself. In fact, if it is not because the bone saw is too excited in the attack, ignore the back In this case, the player should be able to detect the gust of wind coming from the rear, not all made by "Blood God".

Azlar, who had been annihilated, had gathered his remaining strength and came to avenge the bone saw. Until then, the bone saw finally realized that he had chosen the wrong target:

Even if it is a "running dog" of the king of God, Azlar is also the **** of Sodom, and with the power of the cursed, it cannot compete with it!

The bone saw screamed to break away from the restraint of Yazlar, and the blade of the scimitar blasted a silver arc back, leaving a slender knife mark on the ground. Azlar's figure suddenly disappeared, appeared from the bone saw, and cut his neck.

The bone saw, the head and the body, fell on the ground at the same time, and the eyes were still smashed. Then, Yazlar cut in half with a cross-shaped double knife, and was twisting like a worm. Finally stopped the action.

"Stupid cursed."

Azlar snorted and recovered his plundered spirit from the bone saw body. The eyes that flashed blue light were not blind, staring at Lin Chi’s face, and there was a little distrust in his voice:

"Not leaving here? Being cursed."

"I came to pick up the wasteland." Lin Chi pointed to the body of the "bone saw".

Yazlar clearly knows that Lin Chi was actually helping himself to attract the attention of the bone saw, but when she saw Lin’s face, she still thought of something, turned and disappeared at the end of the street, leaving only The next cold words:

"Remember, don't come to the king's territory again, you won't be so lucky next time."

The cold wind swept past the street, and the figure of Yazlar disappeared completely. Seeing that the "spirit" had left, Lin Chi extended his right hand to the body of the bone saw, a yellowish mist, from the other side. The body rose and was sucked into his palm.

Ba Feng special soul (large).


Item level: excellent.

The cursed who is empowered by Ba Feng will carry this spirit and bring the spirit to the altar of the gods, which can be used to exchange props or temporary abilities.

"Sometimes Sodom's gods will give strength to the sacrifices and make them a living horror. The transformed living bodies carry a part of the soul of the gods."

- In other words, Ba Fengte is also a "spirit" in the city of Sodom.

Baphomet is a sheep-headed demon in the Christian record. It is said that this demon has the head of an antelope, the human body, the lower body of the deer, the feet of the goat's hooves, and the tail with a poisonous tail. .

As for the ancient book about the devil of the sheep head, Lin Chi did not know much. However, these "spirits" in the city of Sodom are not completely following the records in the real world. Even if you don't understand the background information, it doesn't really matter.

After being extracted from the soul, the body of the bone saw was dissipated into debris in the air, and the death prompts were also bounced out in time.

Since the previous kill was completed by Yazlar, the bone saw was judged dead in the hands of npc. Lin Chi, who has already met the requirements of the "killer" condition, has not been concerned about the attribution of killing. He just stares at the position where the bone saw body disappears.

A touch of purple light lit up.

"Well, this is almost the same..."

Lin was satisfied with the bend and picked up the epic gear that the bone saw fell. The long scimitar that the player just used appeared in his hand. Unfortunately, the knife's blade raided in Yazlar. The middle was broken, and only half of it survived.

Lin Chi tightened the handle of the cloth wrapped in white cloth, and looked at the large curved knife in his hand. The upper half of the blade did not know where to go. It may be that the backpack returned to the guy with the exit of the "bone saw". It is.

Then, the item description appeared in front of his eyes:

"Shadow of Shadows" (damaged).


Item Level: Epic.

Melee weapons, use no proficiency, require a minimum strength value: 19, requires a minimum agility value: 20.

The skill is temporarily unavailable because the weapon is damaged. The skills and real names carried by the weapon will be displayed after the repair is completed.

"The background story of this weapon is temporarily missing, because you can't judge its real name, and when it is repaired, it can liberate the real power."

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